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chronicle of the conquest of granada-第100章

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 city。 The body was interred with great pomp and solemnity in the church of St。 Hypolito。

Many years afterward his granddaughter; Dona Catalina of Aguilar and Cordova; marchioness of Priego; caused his tomb to be altered。 On examining the body the head of a lance was found among the bones; received without doubt among the wounds of his last mortal combat。  The name of this accomplished and Christian cavalier has ever remained a popular theme of the chronicler and poet; and is endeared to the public memory by many of the historical ballads and songs of his country。  For a long time the people of Cordova were indignant at the brave count de Urena; who they thought had abandoned Don Alonso in his extremity; but the Castilian monarch acquitted him of all charge of the kind and continued him in honor and office。  It was proved that neither he nor his people could succor Don Alonso; or even know his peril; from the darkness of the night。  There is a mournful little Spanish ballad or romance which breathes the public grief on this occasion; and the populace on the return of the count de Urena to Cordova assailed him with one of its plaintive and reproachful verses:

                          Count Urena! Count Urena!                           Tell us; where is Don Alonso!

                          (Dezid conde Urena!                           Don Alonso; donde queda?)

*Bleda; 1。 5; c。 26。

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