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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第80章

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o us verbally; you may rely entirely upon her devotion and discretion。〃

The mobs which gathered almost nightly in the faubourgs alarmed the Queen's friends; they entreated her not to sleep in her room on the ground floor of the Tuileries。  She removed to the first floor; to a room which was between the King's apartments and those of the Dauphin。  Being awake always from daybreak; she ordered that neither the shutters nor the window…blinds should be closed; that her long sleepless nights might be the less weary。  About the middle of one of these nights; when the moon was shining into her bedchamber; she gazed at it; and told me that in a month she should not see that moon unless freed from her chains; and beholding the King at liberty。  She then imparted to me all that was concurring to deliver them; but said that the opinions of their intimate advisers were alarmingly at variance; that some vouched for complete success; while others pointed out insurmountable dangers。  She added that she possessed the itinerary of the march of the Princes and the King of Prussia: that on such a day they would be at Verdun; on another day at such a place; that Lille was about to be besieged; but that M。 de J…; whose prudence and intelligence the King; as well as herself; highly valued; alarmed them much respecting the success of that siege; and made them apprehensive that; even were the commandant devoted to them; the civil authority; which by the constitution gave great power to the mayors of towns; would overrule the military commandant。  She was also very uneasy as to what would take place at Paris during the interval; and spoke to me of the King's want of energy; but always in terms expressive of her veneration for his virtues and her attachment to himself。 〃The King;〃 said she; 〃is not a coward; he possesses abundance of passive courage; but he is overwhelmed by an awkward shyness; a mistrust of himself; which proceeds from his education as much as from his disposition。  He is afraid to command; and; above all things; dreads speaking to assembled numbers。  He lived like a child; and always ill at ease under the eyes of Louis XV。; until the age of twenty…one。  This constraint confirmed his timidity。

Circumstanced as we are; a few well…delivered words addressed to the Parisians; who are devoted to him; would multiply the strength of our party a hundredfold: he will not utter them。  What can we expect from those addresses to the people which he has been advised to post up? Nothing but fresh outrages。  As for myself; I could do anything; and would appear on horseback if necessary。  But if I were really to begin to act; that would be furnishing arms to the King's enemies; the cry against the Austrian; and against the sway of a woman; would become general in France; and; moreover; by showing myself; I should render the King a mere nothing。  A queen who is not regent ought; under these circumstances; to remain passive and prepare to die。〃

The garden of the Tuileries was full of maddened men; who insulted all who seemed to side with the Court。  〃The Life of Marie Antoinette〃 was cried under the Queen's windows; infamous plates were annexed to the book; the hawkers showed them to the passersby。  On all sides were heard the jubilant outcries of a people in a state of delirium almost as frightful as the explosion of their rage。  The Queen and her children were unable to breathe the open air any longer。  It was determined that the garden of the Tuileries should be closed: as soon as this step was taken the Assembly decreed that the whole length of the Terrace des Feuillans belonged to it; and fixed the boundary between what was called the national ground and the Coblentz ground by a tricoloured ribbon stretched from one end of the terrace to the other。  All good citizens were ordered; by notices affixed to it; not to go down into the garden; under pain of being treated in the same manner as Foulon and Berthier。 A young man who did not observe this written order went down into the garden; furious outcries; threats of la lanterne; and the crowd of people which collected upon the terrace warned him of his imprudence; and the danger which he ran。  He immediately pulled off his shoes; took out his handkerchief; and wiped the dust from their soles。  The people cried out; 〃Bravo!  the good citizen for ever!〃  He was carried off in triumph。  The shutting up of the Tuileries did not enable the Queen and her children to walk in the garden。  The people on the terrace sent forth dreadful shouts; and she was twice compelled to return to her apartments。

In the early part of August many zealous persons offered the King money; he refused considerable sums; being unwilling to injure the fortunes of individuals。  M。 de la Ferte; intendant of the 'menus plaisirs'; brought me a thousand louis; requesting me to lay them at the feet of the Queen。 He thought she could not have too much money at so perilous a time; and that every good Frenchman should hasten to place all his ready money in her hands。  She refused this sum; and others of much greater amount which were offered to her。

     'M。 Auguie; my brother…in…law; receiver…general of the finances;      offered her; through his wife; a portfolio containing one hundred      thousand crowns in paper money。  On this occasion the Queen said the      most affecting things to my sister; expressive of her happiness at      having contributed to the fortunes of such faithful subjects as      herself and her husband; but declined her offer。MADAME CAMPAN。'

However; a few days afterwards; she told me she would accept M。 de la Ferte's twenty…four thousand francs; because they would make up a sum which the King had to expend。  She therefore directed; me to go and receive those twenty…four thousand francs; to add them to the one hundred thousand francs she had placed in my hands; and to change the whole into assignats to increase their amount。  Her orders were executed; and the assignats were delivered to the King。  The Queen informed me that Madame Elisabeth had found a well…meaning man who had engaged to gain over Petion by the bribe of a large sum of money; and that deputy would; by a preconcerted signal; inform the King of the success of the project。  His Majesty soon had an opportunity of seeing Petion; and on the Queen asking him before me if he was satisfied with him; the King replied; 〃Neither more nor less satisfied than usual; he did not make the concerted signal; and I believe I have been cheated。〃  The Queen then condescended to explain the whole of the enigma to me。  〃Petion;〃 said she; 〃was; while talking to the King; to have kept his finger fixed upon his right eye for at least two seconds。〃〃He did not even put his hand up to his chin;〃 said the King; 〃after all; it is but so much money stolen: the thief will not boast of it; and the affair will remain a secret。  Let us talk of something else。〃  He turned to me and said; 〃Your father was an intimate friend of Mandat; who now commands the National Guard; describe him to me; what ought I to expect from him?〃  I answered that he was one of his Majesty's most faithful subjects; but that with a great deal of loyalty he possessed very little sense; and that he was involved in the constitutional vortex。  〃I understand;〃 said the King; 〃he is a man who would defend my palace and my person; because that is enjoined by the constitution which he has sworn to support; but who would fight against the party in favour of sovereign authority; it is well to know this with certainty。〃

On the next day the Princesse de Lamballe sent for me very early in the morning。  I found her on a sofa facing a window that looked upon the Pont Royal。  She then occupied that apartment of the Pavilion of Flora which was on a level with that of the Queen。  She desired me to sit down by her。  Her Highness had a writing…desk upon her knees。  〃You have had many enemies;〃 said she; 〃attempts have been made to deprive you of the Queen's favour; they have been far from successful。  Do you know that even I myself; not being so well acquainted with you as the Queen; was rendered suspicious of you; and that upon the arrival of the Court at the Tuileries I gave you a companion to be a spy upon you; and that I had another belonging to the police placed at your door!  I was assured that you received five or six of the most virulent deputies of the Tiers Etat; but it was that wardrobe woman whose rooms were above you。

〃In short;〃 said the Princess; 〃persons of integrity have nothing to fear from the evil…disposed when they belong to so upright a prince as the King。  As to the Queen; she knows you; and has loved you ever since she came into France。  You shall judge of the King's opinion of you: it was yesterday evening decided in the family circle that; at a time when the Tuileries is likely to be attacked; it was necessary to have the most faithful account of the opinions and conduct of all the individuals composing the Queen's service。  The King takes the same precaution on his part respecting all who are about him。  He said there was with him a person of great integrity; to whom he would commit this inquiry; and that; with regard to the Queen's household; you must be spoken to; that he had long studied you
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