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the titan-第108章

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could conscientiously sanction the bill。  Finally; one day; as he was seated in his Chicago business officea fateful chamber located in the troublesome building which was subsequently to wreck his fortune and which was the raison d'etre of a present period of care and depressionenter the smug; comfortable presence of Judge Nahum Dickensheets; at present senior counsel of the North Chicago Street Railway。  He was a very mountain of a man physicallysmooth…faced; agreeably clothed; hard and yet ingratiating of eye; a thinker; a reasoner。 Swanson knew much of him by reputation and otherwise; although personally they were no more than speaking acquaintances。

〃How are you; Governor? I'm glad to see you again。  I heard you were back in Chicago。  I see by the morning papers that you have that Southack public…service bill up before you。  I thought I would come over and have a few words with you about it if you have no objection。  I've been trying to get down to Springfield for the last three weeks to have a little chat with you before you reached a conclusion one way or the other。  Do you mind if I inquire whether you have decided to veto it?〃

The ex…judge; faintly perfumed; clean and agreeable; carried in his hand a large…sized black hand…satchel which he put down beside him on the floor。

〃Yes; Judge;〃 replied Swanson; 〃I've practically decided to veto it。  I can see no practical reason for supporting it。  As I look at it now; it's specious and special; not particularly called for or necessary at this time。〃

The governor talked with a slight Swedish accent; intellectual; individual。

A long; placid; philosophic discussion of all the pros and cons of the situation followed。  The governor was tired; distrait; but ready to listen in a tolerant way to more argument along a line with which he was already fully familiar。  He knew; of course; that Dickensheets was counsel for the North Chicago Street Railway Company。

〃I'm very glad to have heard what you have to say; Judge;〃 finally commented the governor。  I don't want you to think I haven't given this matter serious thoughtI have。  I know most of the things that have been done down at Springfield。  Mr。 Cowperwood is an able man; I don't charge any more against him than I do against twenty other agencies that are operating down there at this very moment。  I know what his difficulties are。  I can hardly be accused of sympathizing with his enemies; for they certainly do not sympathize with me。  I am not even listening to the newspapers。 This is a matter of faith in democracya difference in ideals between myself and many other men。  I haven't vetoed the bill yet。 I don't say that something may not arise to make me sign it。  My present intention; unless I hear something much more favorable in its behalf than I have already heard; is to veto it。

〃Governor;〃 said Dickensheets; rising; 〃let me thank you for your courtesy。  I would be the last person in the world to wish to influence you outside the line of your private convictions and your personal sense of fair play。  At the same time I have tried to make plain to you how essential it is; how only fair and right; that this local street…railway…franchise business should be removed out of the realm of sentiment; emotion; public passion; envy; buncombe; and all the other influences that are at work to frustrate and make difficult the work of Mr。 Cowperwood。  All envy; I tell you。  His enemies are willing to sacrifice every principle of justice and fair play to see him eliminated。  That sums it up。

〃That may all be true;〃 replied Swanson。  〃Just the same; there is another principle involved here which you do not seem to see or do not care to considerthe right of the people under the state constitution to a consideration; a revaluation; of their contracts at the time and in the manner agreed upon under the original franchise。  What you propose is sumptuary legislation; it makes null and void an agreement between the people and the street…railway companies at a time when the people have a right to expect a full and free consideration of this matter aside from state legislative influence and control。  To persuade the state legislature; by influence or by any other means; to step in at this time and interfere is unfair。  The propositions involved in those bills should be referred to the people at the next election for approval or not; just as they see fit。  That is the way this matter should be arranged。  It will not do to come into the legislature and influence or buy votes; and then expect me to write my signature under the whole matter as satisfactory。

Swanson was not heated or antipathetic。  He was cool; firm; well…intentioned。

Dickensheets passed his hand over a wide; high temple。  He seemed to be meditating somethingsome hitherto untried statement or course of action。

Well; Governor;〃 he repeated; 〃I want to thank you; anyhow。  You have been exceedingly kind。  By the way; I see you have a large; roomy safe here。〃 He had picked up the bag he was carrying。  〃I wonder if I might leave this here for a day or two in your care? It contains some papers that I do not wish to carry into the country with me。  Would you mind locking it up in your safe and letting me have it when I send for it?〃

〃With pleasure;〃 replied the governor。

He took it; placed it in lower storage space; and closed and locked the door。  The two men parted with a genial hand…shake。  The governor returned to his meditations; the judge hurried to catch a car。

About eleven o'clock the next morning Swanson was still working in his office; worrying greatly over some method whereby he could raise one hundred thousand dollars to defray interest charges; repairs; and other payments; on a structure that was by no means meeting expenses and was hence a drain。  At this juncture his office door opened; and his very youthful office…boy presented him the card of F。 A。 Cowperwood。  The governor had never seen him before。  Cowperwood entered brisk; fresh; forceful。  He was as crisp as a new dollar billas clean; sharp; firmly limned。

〃Governor Swanson; I believe?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

The two were scrutinizing each other defensively。

〃I am Mr。 Cowperwood。  I come to have a very few words with you。  I will take very little of your time。  I do not wish to go over any of the arguments that have been gone over before。  I am satisfied that you know all about them。〃

〃Yes; I had a talk with Judge Dickensheets yesterday。〃

〃Just so; Governor。  Knowing all that you do; permit me to put one more matter before you。  I know that you are; comparatively; a poor manthat every dollar you have is at present practically tied in this building。  I know of two places where you have applied for a loan of one hundred thousand dollars and have been refused because you haven't sufficient security to offer outside of this building; which is mortgaged up to its limit as it stands。  The men; as you must know; who are fighting you are fighting me。  I am a scoundrel because I am selfish and ambitiousa materialist。 You are not a scoundrel; but a dangerous person because you are an idealist。  Whether you veto this bill or not; you will never again be elected Governor of Illinois if the people who are fighting me succeed; as they will succeed; in fighting you。〃

Swanson's dark eyes burned illuminatively。  He nodded his head in assent。

〃Governor; I have come here this morning to bribe you; if I can。  I do not agree with your ideals; in the last analysis I do not believe that they will work。  I am sure I do not believe in most of the things that you believe in。  Life is different at bottom perhaps from what either you or I may think。  Just the same; as compared with other men; I sympathize with you。  I will loan you that one hundred thousand dollars and two or three or four hundred thousand dollars more besides if you wish。  You need never pay me a dollaror you can if you wish。  Suit yourself。  In that black bag which Judge Dickensheets brought here yesterday; and which is in your safe; is three hundred thousand dollars in cash。  He did not have the courage to mention it。  Sign the bill and let me beat the men who are trying to beat me。  I will support you in the future with any amount of money or influence that I can bring to bear in any political contest you may choose to enter; state or national。〃

Cowperwood's eyes glowed like a large; genial collie's。  There was a suggestion of sympathetic appeal in them; rich and deep; and; even more than that; a philosophic perception of ineffable things。 Swanson arose。  〃You really don't mean to say that you are trying to bribe me openly; do you?〃 he inquired。  In spite of a conventional impulse to burst forth in moralistic denunciation; solemnly phrased; he was compelled for the moment to see the other man's viewpoint。 They were working in different directions; going different ways; to what ultimate end?

〃Mr。 Cowperwood;〃 continued the governor; his face a physiognomy out of Goya; his eye alight with a kind of understanding sympathy; 〃I suppose I ought to resent this; but I can't。  I see your point of view。  I'm sorry; but I can't help you nor myself。  My political belief; my ideals; compel me to veto this bill; when I forsake these I am done politi
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