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hard cash-第36章

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hot blood than walk the plank in cold。〃

The officers cheered faintly; the captain's dogged resolution stirred up theirs。

The pirate had gained another quarter of a mile and more。 The ship's crew were hard at their beef and grog; and agreed among themselves it was a comfortable ship。 They guessed what was coming; and woe to the ship in that hour if the captain had not won their respect。 Strange to say; there were two gentlemen in the _Agra_ to whom the pirate's approach was not altogether unwelcome。 Colonel Kenealy and Mr。 Fullalove were rival sportsmen and rival theorists。 Kenealy stood out for a smooth bore and a four…ounce ball; Fullalove for a rifle of his own construction。 Many a doughty argument they had; and many a bragging match; neither could convert the other。 At last Fullalove hinted that by going ashore at the Cape; and getting each behind a tree at one hundred yards; and popping at one another; one or other would be convinced

〃Well; but;〃 said Kenealy; 〃if he is dead; he will be no wiser。 Besides; to a fellow like me; who has had the luxury of popping at his enemies; popping at a friend is poor insipid work。〃

〃That is true;〃 said the other regretfully。 〃But I reckon we shall never settle it by argument。〃

Theorists are amazing; and it was plain; by the alacrity with which these good creatures loaded the rival instruments; that to them the pirate came not so much as a pirate as a solution。 Indeed; Kenealy; in the act of charging his piece; was heard to mutter; 〃Now; this is lucky。〃 However; these theorists were no sooner loaded than something occurred to make them more serious。 They were sent for in haste to Dodd's cabin; they found him giving Sharpe a new order。

〃Shorten sail to the taupsles and jib; get the colours ready on the halyards; and then send the men aft。〃

Sharpe ran out full of zeal; and tumbled over Ramgolam; who was stooping remarkably near the keyhole。 Dodd hastily bolted the cabin…door; and looked with trembling lip and piteous earnestness in Kenealy's face and Fullalove's。 They were mute with surprise at a gaze so eloquent and yet mysterious。

He manned himself; and opened his mind to them with deep emotion; yet not without a certain simple dignity。

〃Colonel;〃 said he; 〃you are an old friend; _you;_ sir; are a new one; but I esteem you highly; and what my young gentlemen chaff you about; you calling all men brothers; and making that poor negro love you instead of fear you; that shows me you have a great heart。 My dear friends; I have been unlucky enough to bring my children's fortune on board this ship: here it is under my shirt。 Fourteen thousand pounds! This weighs me down。 Oh; if they should lose it after all! Do pray give me a hand apiece and pledge your sacred words to take it home safe to my wife at Barkington; if you; or either of you; should see this bright sun set to…day; and I should not。〃

〃Why; Dodd; old fellow;〃 said Kenealy cheerfully; 〃this is not the way to go into action。〃

〃Colonel;〃 replied Dodd; 〃to save this ship and cargo; I must be wherever the bullets are; and I will too。〃

Fullalove; more sagacious than the worthy colonel; said earnestly 〃Captain Dodd; may I never see Broadway again; and never see Heaven at the end of my time; if I fail you。 There's my hand。〃

〃And mine;〃 said Kenealy warmly。

They all three joined hands; and Dodd seemed to cling to them。 〃God bless you both! God bless you! Oh; what a weight your true hands have pulled off my heart。 Good…bye; for a few minutes。 The time is short。 I'll just offer a prayer to the Almighty for wisdom; and then I'll come up and say a word to the men and fight the ship; according to my lights。〃

Sail was no sooner shortened and the crew ranged; than the captain came briskly on deck; saluted; jumped on a carronade; and stood erect。 He was not the man to show the crew his forebodings。

(Pipe。) 〃Silence fore and aft。〃

〃My men; the schooner coming up on our weather quarter is a Portuguese pirate。 His character is known; he scuttles all the ships he boards; dishonours the women; and murders the crew。 We cracked on to get out of the narrows; and now we have shortened sail to fight this blackguard; and teach him to molest a British ship。 I promise; in the Company's name; twenty pounds prize…money to every man before the mast if we beat him off or out…manoeuvre him; thirty if we sink him; and forty if we tow him astern into a friendly port。 Eight guns are clear below; three on the weather side; five on the lee; for; if he knows his business; he will come up on the lee quarter: if he doesn't that is no fault of yours nor mine。 The muskets are all loaded; the cutlasses ground like razors〃


〃We have got women to defend〃


〃A good ship under our feet; the God of justice overhead; British hearts in our bosoms; and British colours flyingrun 'em up!over our heads。〃 (The ship's colours flew up to the fore; and the Union Jack to the mizen peak。) 〃Now; lads; I mean to fight this ship while a plank of her (stamping on the deck) swims beneath my foot; andwhat do you say?〃

The reply was a fierce 〃hurrah!〃 from a hundred throats; so loud; so deep; so full of volume; it made the ship vibrate; and rang in the creeping…on pirate's ears。 Fierce; but cunning; he saw mischief in those shortened sails; and that Union Jack; the terror of his tribe; rising to a British cheer; he lowered his mainsail; and crawled up on the weather quarter。 Arrived within a cable's length; he double…reef'ed his foresail to reduce his rate of sailing nearly to that of the ship; and the next moment a tongue of flame; and then a gush of smoke; issued from his lee bow; and the ball flew screaming like a seagull over the _Agra's_ mizen top。 He then put his helm up; and fired his other bow…chaser; and sent the shot hissing and skipping on the water past the ship。 This prologue made the novices wince。 Bayliss wanted to reply with a carronade; but Dodd forbade him sternly; saying; 〃If we keep him aloof we are done for。〃

The pirate drew nearer; and fired both guns in succession; hulled the _Agra_ amidships; and sent an eighteen…pound ball through her foresail。 Most of the faces were pale on the quarter…deck; it was very trying to be shot at; and hit; and make no return。 The next double discharge sent one shot smash through the stern cabin window; and splintered the bulwark with another; wounding a seaman slightly。

〃LIE DOWN FORWARD!〃 shouted Dodd。 〃Bayliss; give him a shot。〃

The carronade was fired with a tremendous report but no visible effect。 The pirate crept nearer; steering in and out like a snake to avoid the carronades; and firing those two heavy guns alternately into the devoted ship。 He hulled the _Agra_ now nearly every shot。

The two available carronades replied noisily; and jumped as usual; they sent one thirty…two pound shot clean through the schooner's deck and side; but that was literally all they did worth speaking of。

〃Curse them!〃 cried Dodd; 〃load them with grape! they are not to be trusted with ball。 And all my eighteen…pounders dumb! The coward won't come alongside and give them a chance。〃

At the next discharge the pirate chipped the mizen mast; and knocked a sailor into dead pieces on the forecastle。 Dodd put his helm down ere the smoke cleared; and got three carronades to bear; heavily laden with grape。 Several pirates fell; dead or wounded; on the crowded deck; and some holes appeared in the foresail; this one interchange was quite in favour of the ship。

But the lesson made the enemy more cautious; he crept nearer; but steered so adroitly; now right astern; now on the quarter; that the ship could seldom bring more than one carronade to bear; while he raked her fore and aft with grape and ball。

In this alarming situation; Dodd kept as many of the men below as possible; but; for all he could do; four were killed and seven wounded。

Fullalove's worth came too true: it was the swordfish and the whale: it was a fight of hammer and anvil; one hit; the other made a noise。 Cautious and cruel; the pirate hung on the poor hulking creature's quarters and raked her at point…blank distance。 He made her pass a bitter time。 And her captain! To see the splintering hull; the parting shrouds; the shivered gear; and hear the shrieks and groans of his wounded; and he unable to reply in kind! The sweat of agony poured down his face。 Oh; if he could but reach the open sea; and square his yards; and make a long chase of it; perhaps fall in with aid。 Wincing under each heavy blow; he crept doggedly; patiently on towards that one visible hope。

At last; when the ship was choved with shot; and peppered with grape; the channel opened; in five minutes more he could put her dead before the wind。

No! The pirate; on whose side luck had been from the first; got half a broadside to bear at long musket…shot; killed a midshipman by Dodd's side; cut away two of the _Agra_'s mizen shrouds; wounded the gaff; and cut the jib…stay。 Down fell that powerful sail into the water; and dragged across the ship's forefoot; stopping her way to the open sea she panted for。 The mates groaned; the crew cheered stoutly; as British tars do in any great disaster: the pirates yelled with ferocious triumph; like the devils they l
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