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frederick the great and his family-第38章

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be seated; listen to what I have to say; and upon what earnest important subjects I wish your advice。〃

And in a few words the king first showed them the situation of Europe and of his own states; so as to prepare them for the more important subjects he had to introduce before them。

〃You will now understand;〃 said he; 〃why I was so willing to make this contract with England。 I hoped thereby to gain Russia; who is allied to England; to my side。 But these hopes have been destroyed。 Russia; angry with Britain for having allied herself to Prussia; has broken her contract。 Bestuchef; it is true; wavered for a moment between his love of English guineas and his hatred of me; but hate carried the day。〃

〃But; sire;〃 said Retzow; hastily; 〃if your majesty can succeed in making a reconciliation between France and England; you may become the ally of these two powerful nations。 Then let Austria; Russia; and Saxony come upon us all at once; we can confront them。〃

〃We can do that; I hope; even without the assistance of France;〃 said the king; impetuously。 〃We must renounce all idea of help from France; she is allied to Austria。 What Kaunitz commenced with his wisdom; Maria Theresa carried out with her flattery。 All my enemies have determined to attack me at once。 But I am ready for them; weapons in hand。 I have been hard at work; all is arranged; every preparation for the march of our army is finished。 And now I have called you together to counsel me as to where we can commence our attack advantageously。〃

Frederick stopped speaking; and gazed earnestly at his generals; endeavoring to divine their thoughts。 Marshal Schwerin was looking silently before him; a dark cloud rested upon General Retzow's brow; but the young; handsome face of Winterfeldt was sparkling with delight at the thought of war。

〃Well; marshal;〃 said the king; impatiently; 〃what is your advice?〃

〃My advice; sire;〃 said the old marshal; sighing; 〃I see my king surrounded by threatening and powerful foes; I see him alone in the midst of all these allied enemies。 For England may; perchance; send us money; but she has no soldiers for us; and moreover; we must assist her to defend Hanover。 I cannot counsel this war; for mighty enemies are around us; and Prussia stands alone。〃

〃No;〃 said Frederick; solemnly; 〃Prussia stands not alone!a good cause and a good sword are her allies; and with them she will conquer。 And now; General Retzow; let us have your opinion;〃

〃I agree entirely with Marshal Schwerin;〃 said Retzow。 〃Like him; I think Prussia should not venture into this strife; because she is too weak to withstand such powerful adversaries。〃

〃You speak prudently;〃 said Frederick; scornfully。 〃And now; Winterfeldt; are you also against this war?〃

〃No; sire;〃 cried Winterfeldt; 〃I am for the attack; and never were circumstances more favorable than at present。 Austria has as yet made no preparations for war; her armies are scattered; and her finances are in disorder; and now it will be an easy task to attack her and subdue her surprised army。〃

The king looked at him pleasantly; and turning to the other generals; said quietly。

〃We must not be carried away by the brave daring of this youth; he is the youngest among us; and is; perhaps; misled by enthusiasm。 But we old ones must reflect; and I wished to convince you that I had not failed to do this。 But all has been in vain。〃

〃Now is the time;〃 said Winterfeldt; with sparkling eyes; 〃to convince the crippled; unwieldy Austrian eagle that the young eagle of Prussia has spread her wings; and that her claws are strong enough to grasp all her enemies and hurl them into an abyss。〃

〃And if the young eagle; in spite of his daring; should have to succumb to the superiority of numbers;〃 said Marshal Schwerin; sadly。 〃If the balls of his enemies should break his wings; thereby preventing his flight for the future? Were it not better to avoid this possibility; and not to allow the whole world to say that Prussia; out of love of conquest; began a fearful war; which she could have avoided?〃

〃There is no reason in this war;〃 said General Retzow; 〃for; though Austria; Saxony; and Russia are not our friends; they have not shown as yet by any open act that they are our enemies; and though Austria's alliance with France surprised the world; so also did Prussia's alliance with England。 Our soldiers will hardly know why they are going to battle; and they will be wanting in that inspiration which is necessary to excite an army to heroic deeds。〃

〃Inspiration shall not be wanting; and my army as well as yourselves shall know the many causes we have for this war。 The reasons I have given you as yet have not satisfied you? Well; then; I will give you others; and; by Heaven; you will be content with them! You think Austria's unkindly feelings to Prussia have not been shown by any overt act。 I will now prove to you that she is on the point of acting。〃 And Frederick; lifting up some papers from his desk; continued: 〃These papers will prove to you; what you seem determined not to believe; namely; that Saxony; Russia; and; France are prepared to attack Prussia with their combined forces; and to turn the kingdom of Prussia into a margraviate once more。 These papers are authentic proofs of the dangers which hover over us。 I will now inform you how I came by them; so that you may be convinced of their genuineness。 For some time I have suspected that there was; amongst my enemies; an alliance against me; and that they had formed a contract in which they had sworn to do all in their power to destroy Prussia。 I only needed to have my suspicions confirmed; and to have the proofs of this contract in my hands。 There proofs were in the Saxon archives; and in the dispatches of the Austrian embassy。 It was therefore necessary to get the key of these archives; and to have copies of these dispatches。 I succeeded in doing both; Chance; or if you prefer it; a kind Providence; came to my aid。 The Saxon chancellor; Reinitz; a former servant of General Winterfeldt; came from Dresden to Potsdam to look for Winterfeldt and to confide to him that a friend of his; Chancellor Minzel of Dresden; had informed him that the state papers interchanged between the court of Vienna and Dresden were kept in the Dresden archives; of which he had the key。 Winterfeldt brought me this important message。 Reinitz conducted the first negotiations with Menzel; which I then delivered into the hands of my ambassador in Dresden; Count Mattzahn。 Menzel was poor and covetous。 He was therefore easily to be bribed。 For three years Mattzahn has received copies of every dispatch that passed between the three courts。 I am quite as well informed of all negotiations between Austria and France; for the secretary of the Austrian legation of this place; a Count Weingarten; gave me; for promises and gold; copies of all dispatches that came from Vienna and were forwarded to France。 You see the corruption of man has borne me good fruit; and that gold is a magic wand which reveals all secrets。 And now let us cast a hasty glance over these papers which I have obtained by the aid of treachery and bribery。〃

He took one of the papers and spread it before the astonished generals。 〃You see here;〃 he continued; 〃a sample of all other negotiations。 It is a copy of a share contract which the courts of Vienna and Dresden formed in 1745。 They then regarded the decline of Prussia as so sure an occurrence that they had already divided amongst themselves the different parts of my land。 Russia soon affixed her name also to this contract; and here in this document you will see that these three powers have sworn to attack Prussia at the same moment; and that for this conquest; each one of the named courts was to furnish sixty thousand men。〃

While the generals were engaged in reading these papers; the king leaned back in his arm…chair; gazing keenly at Retzow and Schwerin。 He smiled gayly as he saw Schwerin pressing his lips tightly together; and trying in vain to suppress a cry of rage; and Retzow clinching his fists vehemently。

When the papers had been read; and Schwerin was preparing to speak; the king; with his head thrown proudly back; and gazing earnestly at his listeners; interrupted him; saying:

〃Now; sirs; perhaps you see the dangers by which we are surrounded。 Under the circumstances; I owe it to myself; to my honor; and to the security of my land; to attack Austria and Saxony; and so to nip their abominable designs in me bud; before their allies are ready to give them any assistance。 I am prepared; and the only question to be answered before setting our army in motion; is where to commence the attack to our advantage? For the deciding of this question; I have called you together。 I have finished and now; Marshal Schwerin; it is your turn。〃

The old gray warrior arose。 It may be that he was convinced by the powerful proofs and words of the king; or that knowing that his will was law it were vain to oppose him; but he was now as strongly for war as the king or Winterfeldt。

〃If there is to be war;〃 said he; enthusiastically; 〃let us start to…morrow; take Saxony; and; in that land of corn; build magazines for the holding of our provisions; so as to secure a way for our future operati
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