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have no reality。〃

We arrived just too late at the house of mourning。 The dead man

had been taken away; but many of those who had come to do him

honor still lingered; and were evidently enjoying the 〃funeral

baked meats。〃 There were clear signs of a carousal。 The friends

who came out to meet us had; most of them; flushed faces; and one

young man in military uniform; coming down the stairs; staggered

and seemed likely to break his neck。

Tolstoi refused to go in; and; as we turned away; expressed

disgust at the whole system; saying; as well he might; that it

was utterly barbarous。 He seemed despondent over it; and I tried

to cheer him by showing how the same custom of drinking strong

liquors at funerals had; only a few generations since; prevailed

in large districts of England and America; but that better ideas

of living had swept it away。

On our way through the street; we passed a shrine at which a mob

of peasants were adoring a sacred picture。 He dwelt on the

fetishism involved in this; and said that Jesus Christ would be

infinitely surprised and pained were he to return to earth and

see what men were worshiping in his name。 He added a story of a

converted pagan who; being asked how many gods he worshiped;

said: 〃One; and I ate him this morning。〃 At this I cited

Browning's lines put into the mouth of the bishop who wished;

from his tomb;

          〃To hear the blessed mutter of the mass;

           And see God made and eaten all day long。〃

I reminded him of his definition of religion given me on one of

our previous walks; and he repeated it; declaring religion to be

the feeling which man has regarding his relation to the universe;

including his fellow…men; and to the power which governs all。

The afternoon was closed with a visit to a Raskolnik; or Old

Believer; and of all our experiences this turned out to be the

most curious。 The Raskolniks; or Old Believers; compose that

wide…spread sect which broke off from the main body of the

Russian Church when the patriarch of Moscow; Nikon; in the

seventeenth century attempted to remove various textual errors

from the Bible and ceremonial books。 These books had been copied

and recopied during centuries until their condition had become

monstrous。 Through a mistake of some careless transcriber; even

the name of Jesus had been travestied and had come to be spelled

with two e's; the crudest absurdities had been copied into the

test; important parts had become unintelligible; and the time had

evidently arrived for a revision。 Nikon saw this; and in good

faith summoned scholars from Constantinople to prepare more

correct editions; but these revised works met the fate which

attends such revisions generally。 The great body of the people

were attached to the old forms; they preferred them; just as in

these days the great body of English…speaking Protestants prefer

the King James Bible to the Revised Version; even though the

latter may convey to the reader more correctly what was dictated

by the Holy Spirit。 The feeling of the monks; especially; against

Nikon's new version became virulent。 They raised so strong an

opposition among the people that an army had to be sent against

them; at the siege of the Solovetsk Monastery the conflict was

long and bloody; and as a result a large body of people and

clergy broke off from the church。 Of course the more these

dissenters thought upon what Nikon had done; the more utterly

evil he seemed; but this was not all。 A large part of Russian

religious duty; so far as the people are concerned; consists in

making the sign of the cross on all occasions。 Before Nikon's

time this had been done rather carelessly; but; hoping to impress

a religious lesson; he ordered it to be made with three extended

fingers; thus reminding the faithful of the Trinity。 At this the

Raskolniks insisted that the sign of the cross ought to be made

with two fingers; and out of this difference arose more

bitterness than from all other causes put together。 From that day

to this the dissenters have insisted on enjoying the privilege of

reading the old version with all its absurdities; of spelling the

word Jesus with two e's; of crossing themselves with two fingers;

and of cursing Nikon。

This particular Raskolnik; or Old Believer; to whom Tolstoi took

me; was a Muscovite merchant of great wealth; living in a superb

villa on the outskirts of the city; with a large park about it;

the apartments; for size and beauty of decoration; fit for a

royal palacethe ceilings covered with beautiful frescos; and

the rooms full of statues and pictures by eminent artists; mainly

Russian and French。 He was a man of some education; possessed a

large library; loved to entertain scientific men and to aid

scientific effort; and managed to keep on good terms with his

more fanatical coreligionists on one side and with the government

on the other; so that in emergencies he was an efficient

peacemaker between them。 We found him a kindly; gentle old man;

with long; white hair and beard; and he showed us with evident

pleasure the principal statues and pictures; several of the

former being by Antokolski; the greatest contemporary Russian

sculptor。 In the sumptuous dining…room; in which perhaps a

hundred persons could sit at table; he drew our attention to some

fine pictures of Italian scenes by Smieradsky; and; after passing

through the other rooms; took us into a cabinet furnished with

the rarest things to be found in the Oriental bazaars。 Finally;

he conducted us into his private chapel; where; on the

iconostas;the screen which; in accordance with the Greek

ritual; stands before the altar;the sacred images of the

Saviour and various saints were represented somewhat differently

from those in the Russo…Greek Church; especially in that they

extended two fingers instead of three。 To this difference I

called his attention; and he at once began explaining it。 Soon he

grew warm; and finally fervid。 Said he: 〃Why do we make the sign

of the cross? We do it to commemorate the crucifixion of our

blessed Lord。 What is commemorated at the crucifixion? The

sacrifice of his two naturesthe divine and the human。 How do we

make the sign? We make it with two fingers; thus〃accompanied by

a gesture。 〃What does this represent? It represents what really

occurred: the sacrifice of the divine and the human nature of our

Lord。 How do the Orthodox make it?〃 Here his voice began to rise。

〃They make it with three fingers〃and now his indignation burst

all bounds; and with a tremendous gesture and almost a scream of

wrath he declared: 〃and every time they make it they crucify

afresh every one of the three persons of the holy and undivided


The old man's voice; so gentle at first; had steadily risen

during this catechism of his; in which he propounded the

questions and recited the answers; until this last utterance came

with an outcry of horror。 The beginning of this catechism was

given much after the manner of a boy reciting mechanically the

pons asinorum; but the end was like the testimony of an ancient

prophet against the sins which doomed Israel。

This last burst was evidently too much for Tolstoi。 He said not a

word in reply; but seemed wrapped in overpowering thought; and

anxious to break away。 We walked out with the old Raskolnik; and

at the door I thanked him for his kindness; but even there; and

all the way down the long walk through the park; Tolstoi remained

silent。 As we came into the road he suddenly turned to me and

said almost fiercely; 〃That man is a hypocrite; he can't believe

that; he is a shrewd; long…headed man; how can he believe such

trash? Impossible!〃 At this I reminded him of Theodore Parker's

distinction between men who believe and men who 〃believe that

they believe;〃 and said that possibly our Raskolnik was one of

the latter。 This changed the subject。 He said that he had read

Parker's biography; and liked it all save one thing; which was

that he gave a pistol to a fugitive slave and advised him to

defend himself。 This Tolstoi condemned on the ground that we are

not to resist evil。 I told him of the advice I had given to

Dobroluboff; a very winning Russian student at Cornell

University; when he was returning to Russia to practise his

profession as an engineer。 That advice was that he should bear in

mind Buckle's
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