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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第14章

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collected; papa at leisure and ready for talk or for play; mamma
smiling over her work…basket; the sisters full of chatter; the
brothers full of fun; all the tidings of the day discussed; and
nothing unwelcome but bedtime。  How different now!  The doctor was
with Margaret; and though Richard tried to say something cheerful as
his brothers entered; there was no response; and they sat down on the
opposite sides of the fire; forlorn and silent; till Richard; who was
printing some letters on card…board to supply the gaps in Aubrey's
ivory Alphabet; called Harry to help him; but Ethel; as she sat at
work; could only look at Norman; and wish she could devise anything
likely to gratify him。

After a time Flora came down; and laying some sheets of closely
written note…paper before her sister; said; 〃Here is dear mamma's
unfinished letter to Aunt Flora。  Papa says we elder ones are to read
it。  It is a description of us all; and very much indeed we ought to
learn from it。  I shall keep a copy of it。〃

Flora took up her work; and began to consult with Richard; while
Ethel moved to Norman's side; and kneeling so as to lean against his
shoulder; as he sat on a low cushion; they read their mother's last
letter by the fire…light; with indescribable feelings; as they went
through the subjects that had lately occupied them; related by her
who would never be among them again。  After much of this kind; for
her letters to Mrs。 Arnott were almost journals; came;

〃You say it is long since you had a portrait gallery of the chicken
daisies; and if I do not write in these leisure days; you will hardly
get it after I am in the midst of business again。  The new Daisy is
like Margaret at the same agemay she continue like her!  Pretty
creature; she can hardly be more charming than at present。  Aubrey;
the moon…faced; is far from reconciled to his disposition from
babyhood; he is a sober; solemn gentleman; backward in talking; and
with such a will of his own; as will want much watching; very
different from Blanche; who is Flora over again; perhaps prettier and
more fairy…like; unless this is only one's admiration for the buds of
the present season。  None of them has ever been so winning as this
little maid; who even attracts Dr。 Hoxton himself; and obtains sugar…
plums and kisses。  'Rather she than I;' says Harry; but notice is
notice to the white Mayflower; and there is my anxietyI am afraid
it is not wholesome to be too engaging ever to get a rebuff。  I hope
having a younger sister; and outgrowing baby charms may be salutary。
Flora soon left off thinking about her beauty; and the fit of vanity
does less harm at five than fifteen。  My poor Tom has not such a
happy life as Blanche; he is often in trouble at lessons; and bullied
by Harry at play; in spite of his champion; Mary; and yet I cannot
interfere; for it is good for him to have all this preparatory
teasing before he goes into school。  He has good abilities; but not
much perseverance or energy; and I must take the teaching of him into
my own hands till his school…days begin; in hopes of instilling them。
The girlishness and timidity will be knocked out of him by the boys;
I suppose; Harry is too kind and generous to do more than tease him
moderately; and Norman will see that it does not go too far。  It is a
common saying that Tom and Mary made a mistake; that he is the girl;
and she the boy; for she is a rough; merry creature; the noisiest in
the house; always skirmishing with Harry in defence of Tom; and yet
devoted to him; and wanting to do everything he does。  Those two;
Harry and Mary; are exactly alike; except for Harry's curly mane of
lion…coloured wig。  The yellow…haired laddie; is papa's name for
Harry; which he does not mind from him; though furious if the girls
attempt to call him so。  Harry is the thorough boy of the family; all
spirit; recklessness; and mischief; but so true; and kind; and noble…
hearted; that one loves him the better after every freely confessed
scrape。  I cannot tell you how grateful I am to my boy for his
perfect confidence; the thing that chiefly lessens my anxiety for him
in his half…school; half…home life; which does not seem to me to work
quite well with him。  There are two sons of Mrs。 Anderson's at the
school; who are more his friends than I like; and he is too easily
led by the desire not to be outdone; and to show that he fears
nothing。  Lately; our sailor…guest has inspired him with a vehement
wish to go to sea; I wish it was not necessary that the decision
should be made so early in life; for this fault is just what would
make us most fear to send him into the world very young; though in
some ways it might not do amiss for him。

〃So much for the younger bairns; whom you never beheld; dear Flora。
The three whom you left; when people used to waste pity on me for
their being all babies together; now look as if any pair of them were
twins; for Norman is the tallest; almost outgrowing his strength; and
Ethel's sharp face; so like her papa's; makes her look older than
Flora。  Norman and Ethel do indeed take after their papa; more than
any of the others; and are much alike。  There is the same brilliant
cleverness; the same strong feeling; not easy of demonstration;
though impetuous in action; but poor Ethel's old foibles; her harum…
scarum nature; quick temper; uncouth manners; and heedlessness of all
but one absorbing object; have kept her back; and caused her much
discomfort; yet I sometimes think these manifest defects have
occasioned a discipline that is the best thing for the character in
the end。  They are faults that show themselves; and which one can
tell how to deal with; and I have full confidence that she has the
principle within her that will conquer them。〃

〃If〃mournfully sighed Ethel; but her brother pointed on further。

〃My great hope is her entire indifference to praisenot approval;
but praise。  If she has not come up to her own standard; she works
on; not always with good temper; but perseveringly; and entirely;
unheeding of commendation till she has satisfied herself; only
thinking it stupid not to see the faults。  It is this independence of
praise that I want to see in her brother and sister。  They justly
earn it; and are rightly pleased with it; but I cannot feel sure
whether they do not depend on it too much。  Norman lives; like all
school…boys; a life of emulation; and has never met with anything but
success。  I do believe Dr。 Hoxton and Mr。 Wilmot are as proud of him
as we are; and he has never shown any tendency to conceit; but I am
afraid he has the love of being foremost; and pride in his
superiority; caring for what he is; compared with others; rather than
what he is himself。〃

〃I know;〃 said Norman; 〃I have done so; but that's over。  I see what
it is worth。  I'd give all the quam optimes I ever got in my life to
be the help Richard is to papa。〃

〃You would if you were his age。〃

〃Not I; I'm not the sort。  I'm not like her。  But are we to go on
about the elders?〃

〃Oh! yes; don't let us miss a word。  There can't be anything but
praise of them。〃

〃Your sweet goddaughter。  I almost feel as if I had spoken in
disparagement of her; but I meant no such thing; dear girl。  It would
be hard to find a fault in her; since the childish love of admiration
was subdued。  She is so solid and steady; as to be very valuable with
the younger ones; and is fast growing so lovely; that I wish you
could behold her。  I do not see any vanity; but there lies my dread;
not of beautyvanity; but that she will find temptation in the being
everywhere liked and sought after。  As to Margaret; my precious
companion and friend; you have heard enough of her to know her; and;
as to telling you what she is like; I could as soon set about
describing her papa。  When I thought of not being spared to them this
time; it was happiness indeed to think of her at their head; fit to
be his companion; with so much of his own talent as to be more up to
conversation with him; than he could ever have found his stupid old
Maggie。  It was rather a trial of her discretion to have Mr。
Ernescliffe here while I was upstairs; and very well she seems to
have come out of it。  Poor Richard's last disappointment is still our
chief trouble。  He has been working hard with a tutor all through the
vacation; and has not even come home to see his new sister; on his
way to Oxford。  He had made a resolution that he would not come to us
till he had passed; and his father thought it best that it should be
kept。  I hope he will succeed next time; but his nervousness renders
it still more doubtful。  With him it is the very reverse of Norman。
He suffers too much for want of commendation; and I cannot wonder at
it; when I see how much each failure vexes his father; and Richard
little knows how precious is our perfect confidence in him; how much
more valuable than any honours he could earn。  You would be amused to
see how little he is altered from the pretty little fair fellow; that
you used to say was so like my old portrait; even the wavy rings of
light glossy hair sit on his forehead; just as you liked to twist
them; and his small trim figure is a fine contrast to Norm
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