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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第136章

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and kissed the little governess's forehead; wished her goodnight; and
ran away。

She had learned that; to be rough and merry; was the best way of
doing Miss Bracy good in the end; and so she often gave herself the
present pain of knowing that she was being supposed careless and
hard…hearted; but the violent affection for her proved that the
feeling did not last。

Ethel was glad to sit by the fire at bed…time; and think over the
day; outwardly so gay; inwardly so fretting and perplexing。

It was the first time that she had seen much of her little niece。
She was no great baby…handler; nor had she any of the phrases adapted
to the infant mind; but that pretty little serene blue…eyed girl had
been her chief thought all day; and she was abashed by recollecting
how little she had dwelt on her own duties as her sponsor; in the
agitations excited by the doubts about her coadjutor。

She took out her Prayer…book; and read the Service for Baptism;
recollecting the thoughts that had accompanied her youngest sister's
orphaned christening; 〃The vain pomp and glory of the world; and all
covetous desires of the same。〃  They seemed far enough off then; and
nowpoor little Leonora!

Ethel knew that she judged her sister hardly; yet she could not help
picturing to herself the futurea young lady; trained for
fashionable life; serious teaching not omitted; but right made the
means of rising in the world; taught to strive secretly; but not
openly; for admirationa scheming for her marriagea career like
Flora's own。  Ethel could scarcely feel that it would not be a
mockery to declare; on her behalf; that she renounced the world。
But; alas! where was not the world?  Ethel blushed at having censured
others; when; so lately; she had herself been oblivious of the higher
duty。  She thought of the prayer; including every Christian in holy
and loving intercession〃I pray not that Thou wouldest take them out
of the world; but that Thou wouldest keep them from the evil。〃

〃Keep her from the evilthat shall be my prayer for my poor little
Leonora。  His grace can save her; were the surrounding evil far worse
than ever it is likely to be。  The intermixture with good is the
trial; and is it not so everywhereever since the world and the
Church have seemed fused together?  But she will soon be the child of
a Father who guards His own; and; at least; I can pray for her; and
her dear mother。  May I only live better; that so I may pray better;
and act better; if ever I should have to act。〃

There was a happy family gathering on the New Year's Day; and Flora;
who had kindly felt her way with Meta; finding her not yet ready to
enjoy a public festivity for the village; added a supplement to the
Christmas beef; that a second dinner might be eaten at home; in
honour of Miss Leonora Rivers。

Lady Leonora was highly satisfied with her visit; which impressed her
far more in favour of the Abbotstoke neighbourhood than in the days
of poor old Mr。 Rivers。  Flora knew every one; and gave little select
dinner…parties; which; by her good management; even George; at the
bottom of the table; could not make heavy。  Dr。 Spencer enjoyed them
greatly; and was an unfailing resource for conversation; and as to
the Hoxtons; Flora felt herself amply repaying the kindness she had
received in her young lady days; when she walked down to the dining…
room with the portly headmaster; or saw his good lady sit serenely
admiring the handsome rooms。  〃A very superior person; extremely
pleasing and agreeable;〃 was the universal verdict on Mrs。 Rivers。
Lady Leonora struck up a great friendship with her; and was delighted
that she meant to take Meta to London。  The only fault that could be
found with her was that she had so many brothers; and Flora;
recollecting that her ladyship mistrusted those brothers; avoided
encouraging their presence at the Grange; and took every precaution
against any opening for the suspicion that she threw them in the way
of her little sister…in…law。

Nor had Flora forgotten the Ladies' Committee; or Cocksmoor。  As to
the muses; they gave no trouble at all。  Exemplary civilities about
the chair passed between the Member's lady and Mrs。 Ledwich; ending
in Flora's insisting that priority in office should prevail; feeling
that she could well afford to yield the post of honour; since
anywhere she was the leader。  She did not know how much more
conformable the ladies had been ever since they had known Dr。
Spencer's opinion; and yet he only believed that they were grateful
for good advice; and went about among them; easy; good…natured; and
utterly unconscious that for him sparkled Mrs。 Ledwich's bugles; and
for him waved every spinster's ribbon; from Miss Rich down to Miss

The point carried by their united influence was Charity Elwood's
being sent for six months' finish at the Diocesan Training School;
while a favourite pupil…teacher from Abbotstoke took her place at
Cocksmoor。  Dr。 Spencer looked at the Training School; and talked
Mrs。 Ledwich into magnanimous forgiveness of Mrs。 Elwood。  Cherry
dreaded the ordeal; but she was willing to do anything that was
thought right; and likely to make her fitter for her office。


'Twas a long doubt; we never heard
  Exactly how the ship went down。ARCHER GURNEY。

The tidings came at last; came when the heart…sickness of hope
deferred had faded into the worse heart…sickness of fear deferred;
and when spirits had been fain to rebel; and declare that they would
be almost glad to part with the hope that but kept alive despair。

The Christmas holidays had come to an end; and the home party were
again alone; when early in the forenoon; there was a tap at the
drawing…room door; and Dr。 Spencer called; 〃Ethel; can you come and
speak to me?〃

Margaret started as if those gentle tones had been a thunderclap。
〃Go! go; Ethel;〃 she said; 〃don't keep me waiting。〃

Dr。 Spencer stood in the hall with a newspaper in his hand。  Ethel
said; 〃Is it?〃 and he made a sorrowful gesture。  〃Both?〃 she asked。

〃Both;〃 he repeated。  〃The ship burnedthe boat lost。〃

〃Ethel; come!〃 hoarsely called Margaret。

〃Take it;〃 said Dr。 Spencer; putting the paper into her hand; 〃I will

She obeyed。  She could not speak; but kneeling down by her sister;
they read the paragraph together; Ethel; with one eye on the words;
the other on Margaret。

No doubt was left。  Captain Gordon had returned; and this was his
official report。  The names of the missing stood below; and the list
began thus:

        Lieutenant A。 H。 Ernescliffe。
        Mr。 Charles Owen; Mate。
        Mr。 Harry May; Midshipman。

The Alcestis had taken fire on the 12th of April of the former year。
There had been much admirable conduct; and the intrepid coolness of
Mr。 Ernescliffe was especially recorded。  The boats had been put off
without loss; but they were scantily provisioned; and the nearest
land was far distant。  For five days the boats kept together; then
followed a night of storms; and; when morning dawned; the second
cutter; under command of Mr。 Ernescliffe; had disappeared。  There
could be no doubt that she had sunk; and the captain could only
record his regrets for the loss the service had experienced in the
three brave young officers and their gallant seamen。  After infinite
toil and suffering; the captain; with the other boats' crews; had
reached Tahiti; whence they had made their way home。

〃Oh; Margaret; Margaret!〃 cried Ethel。

Margaret raised herself; and the colour came into her face。

〃I did not write the letter!〃 she said。

〃What letter?〃 said Ethel; alarmed。

〃Richard prevented me。  The letter that would have parted us。  Now
all is well。〃

〃All is well; I know; if we could but feel it。〃

〃He never had the pain。  It is unbroken!〃 continued Margaret; her
eyes brightening; but her breath; in long…drawn gasps that terrified
Ethel into calling Dr。 Spencer。

Mary was standing before him; with bloodless face and dilated eyes;
but; as Ethel approached; she turned and rushed upstairs。

Dr。 Spencer entered the drawing…room with Ethel; who tried to read
his face as he saw Margaretrestored; as it seemed; to all her
girlish bloom; and her eyes sparkling as they were lifted up; far
beyond the present scene。  Ethel had a moment's sense that his
expression was as if he had seen a death…blow struck; but it was gone
in a moment; as he gently shook Margaret by the hand; and spoke a
word of greeting; as though to recall her。

〃Thank you;〃 she said; with her own grateful smile。

〃Where is your father?〃 he asked of Ethel。

〃Either at the hospital; or at Mr。 Ramsden's;〃 said Ethel; with a
ghastly suspicion that he thought Margaret in a state to require him。

〃Papa!〃 said Margaret。  〃If he were but here!  Butah! I had

She turned aside her head; and hid her face。  Dr。 Spencer signed
Ethel nearer to him。  〃This is a more natural state;〃 he said。
〃Don't be afraid for her。  I will find your father; and bring him
home。〃  Pressing her hand he departed。

Margaret was weeping tranquillyEthel knelt down beside her; without
daring at first to speak; but sending up intense mental prayers to
Him; who alone 
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