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mind; she could at length; in answer to the Queen's repeated
inquiries in what she sought protection; only falter out; 〃Alas!
I know not。〃

〃This is folly; maiden;〃 said Elizabeth impatiently; for there
was something in the extreme confusion of the suppliant which
irritated her curiosity; as well as interested her feelings。
〃The sick man must tell his malady to the physician; nor are WE
accustomed to ask questions so oft without receiving an answer。〃

〃I requestI implore;〃 stammered forth the unfortunate Countess
〃I beseech your gracious protectionagainstagainst one
Varney。〃  She choked well…nigh as she uttered the fatal word;
which was instantly caught up by the Queen。

〃What; VarneySir Richard Varneythe servant of Lord Leicester!
what; damsel; are you to him; or he to you?〃

〃IIwas his prisonerand he practised on my lifeand I broke
forth toto〃

〃To throw thyself on my protection; doubtless;〃 said Elizabeth。
〃Thou shalt have itthat is; if thou art worthy; for we will
sift this matter to the uttermost。  Thou art;〃 she said; bending
on the Countess an eye which seemed designed to pierce her very
inmost soul〃thou art Amy; daughter of Sir Hugh Robsart of
Lidcote Hall?〃

〃Forgive meforgive me; most gracious Princess!〃  said Amy;
dropping once more on her knee; from which she had arisen。

〃For what should I forgive thee; silly wench?〃  said Elizabeth;
〃for being the daughter of thine own father?  Thou art brain…
sick; surely。  Well I see I must wring the story from thee by
inches。 Thou didst deceive thine old and honoured fatherthy
look confesses itcheated Master Tressilianthy blush avouches
itand married this same Varney。〃

Amy sprung on her feet; and interrupted the Queen eagerly with;
〃No; madam; no!  as there is a God above us; I am not the sordid
wretch you would make me!  I am not the wife of that contemptible
slaveof that most deliberate villain!  I am not the wife of
Varney!  I would rather be the bride of Destruction!〃

The Queen; overwhelmed in her turn by Amy's vehemence; stood
silent for an instant; and then replied; 〃Why; God ha' mercy;
woman!  I see thou canst talk fast enough when the theme likes
thee。  Nay; tell me; woman;〃 she continued; for to the impulse of
curiosity was now added that of an undefined jealousy that some
deception had been practised on her〃tell me; womanfor; by
God's day; I WILL knowwhose wife; or whose paramour; art thou!
Speak out; and be speedy。  Thou wert better daily with a lioness
than with Elizabeth。〃

Urged to this extremity; dragged as it were by irresistible force
to the verge of the precipice which she saw; but could not avoid
permitted not a moment's respite by the eager words and
menacing gestures of the offended Queen; Amy at length uttered in
despair; 〃The Earl of Leicester knows it all。〃

〃The Earl of Leicester!〃  said Elizabeth; in utter astonishment。
〃The Earl of Leicester!〃  she repeated with kindling anger。
〃Woman; thou art set on to thisthou dost belie himhe takes no
keep of such things as thou art。  Thou art suborned to slander
the noblest lord and the truest…hearted gentleman in England!
But were he the right hand of our trust; or something yet dearer
to us; thou shalt have thy hearing; and that in his presence。
Come with mecome with me instantly!〃

As Amy shrunk back with terror; which the incensed Queen
interpreted as that of conscious guilt; Elizabeth rapidly
advanced; seized on her arm; and hastened with swift and long
steps out of the grotto; and along the principal alley of the
Pleasance; dragging with her the terrified Countess; whom she
still held by the arm; and whose utmost exertions could but just
keep pace with those of the indignant Queen。

Leicester was at this moment the centre of a splendid group of
lords and ladies; assembled together under an arcade; or portico;
which closed the alley。  The company had drawn together in that
place; to attend the commands of her Majesty when the hunting…
party should go forward; and their astonishment may be imagined
when; instead of seeing Elizabeth advance towards them with her
usual measured dignity of motion; they beheld her walking so
rapidly that she was in the midst of them ere they were aware;
and then observed; with fear and surprise; that her features were
flushed betwixt anger and agitation; that her hair was loosened
by her haste of motion; and that her eyes sparkled as they were
wont when the spirit of Henry VIII。  mounted highest in his
daughter。  Nor were they less astonished at the appearance of the
pale; attenuated; half…dead; yet still lovely female; whom the
Queen upheld by main strength with one hand; while with the other
she waved aside the ladies and nobles who pressed towards her;
under the idea that she was taken suddenly ill。  〃Where is my
Lord of Leicester?〃  she said; in a tone that thrilled with
astonishment all the courtiers who stood around。  〃Stand forth;
my Lord of Leicester!〃

If; in the midst of the most serene day of summer; when all is
light and laughing around; a thunderbolt were to fall from the
clear blue vault of heaven; and rend the earth at the very feet
of some careless traveller; he could not gaze upon the
smouldering chasm; which so unexpectedly yawned before him; with
half the astonishment and fear which Leicester felt at the sight
that so suddenly presented itself。  He had that instant been
receiving; with a political affectation of disavowing and
misunderstanding their meaning; the half…uttered; half…intimated
congratulations of the courtiers upon the favour of the Queen;
carried apparently to its highest pitch during the interview of
that morning; from which most of them seemed to augur that he
might soon arise from their equal in rank to become their master。
And now; while the subdued yet proud smile with which he
disclaimed those inferences was yet curling his cheek; the Queen
shot into the circle; her passions excited to the uttermost; and
supporting with one hand; and apparently without an effort; the
pale and sinking form of his almost expiring wife; and pointing
with the finger of the other to her half…dead features; demanded
in a voice that sounded to the ears of the astounded statesman
like the last dread trumpet…call that is to summon body and
spirit to the judgment…seat; 〃Knowest thou this woman?〃

As; at the blast of that last trumpet; the guilty shall call upon
the mountains to cover them; Leicester's inward thoughts invoked
the stately arch which he had built in his pride to burst its
strong conjunction; and overwhelm them in its ruins。  But the
cemented stones; architrave and battlement; stood fast; and it
was the proud master himself who; as if some actual pressure had
bent him to the earth; kneeled down before Elizabeth; and
prostrated his brow to the marble flag…stones on which she stood。

〃Leicester;〃 said Elizabeth; in a voice which trembled with
passion; 〃could I think thou hast practised on meon me thy
Sovereignon me thy confiding; thy too partial mistress; the
base and ungrateful deception which thy present confusion
surmisesby all that is holy; false lord; that head of thine
were in as great peril as ever was thy father's!〃

Leicester had not conscious innocence; but he had pride to
support him。  He raised slowly his brow and features; which were
black and swoln with contending emotions; and only replied; 〃My
head cannot fall but by the sentence of my peers。  To them I will
plead; and not to a princess who thus requites my faithful

〃What!  my lords;〃 said Elizabeth; looking around; 〃we are
defied; I thinkdefied in the Castle we have ourselves bestowed
on this proud man!My Lord Shrewsbury; you are Marshal of
England; attach him of high treason。〃

〃Whom does your Grace mean?〃  said Shrewsbury; much surprised;
for he had that instant joined the astonished circle。

〃Whom should I mean; but that traitor Dudley; Earl of Leicester!
Cousin of Hunsdon; order out your band of gentlemen pensioners;
and take him into instant custody。  I say; villain; make haste!〃

Hunsdon; a rough old noble; who; from his relationship to the
Boleyns; was accustomed to use more freedom with the Queen than
almost any other dared to do; replied bluntly; 〃And it is like
your Grace might order me to the Tower to…morrow for making too
much haste。  I do beseech you to be patient。〃

〃PatientGod's life!〃  exclaimed the Queen〃name not the word
to me; thou knowest not of what he is guilty!〃

Amy; who had by this time in some degree recovered herself; and
who saw her husband; as she conceived; in the utmost danger from
the rage of an offended Sovereign; instantly (and alas!  how
many women have done the same) forgot her own wrongs and her own
danger in her apprehensions for him; and throwing herself before
the Queen; embraced her knees; while she exclaimed; 〃He is
guiltless; madamhe is guiltless; no one can lay aught to the
charge of the noble Leicester!〃

〃Why; minion;〃 answered the Queen; 〃didst not thou thyself say
that the Earl of Leicester was privy to thy whole history?〃

〃Did I say so?〃  repeated the unhappy Amy; laying aside every
consideration of consistency and of self…interest。  〃Oh; if I
did; I foully belied
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