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which came in place of it。

The Queen turned her eyes from the one to the other。  〃I doubt;〃
she said; 〃this same poetical Master Tressilian; who is too
learned; I warrant me; to remember whose presence he was to
appear in; may be one of those of whom Geoffrey Chaucer says
wittily; the wisest clerks are not the wisest men。  I remember
that Varney is a smooth…tongued varlet。  I doubt this fair
runaway hath had reasons for breaking her faith。〃

To this Raleigh durst make no answer; aware how little he should
benefit Tressilian by contradicting the Queen's sentiments; and
not at all certain; on the whole; whether the best thing that
could befall him would not be that she should put an end at once
by her authority to this affair; upon which it seemed to him
Tressilian's thoughts were fixed with unavailing and distressing
pertinacity。  As these reflections passed through his active
brain; the lower door of the hall opened; and Leicester;
accompanied by several of his kinsmen; and of the nobles who had
embraced his faction; re…entered the Castle Hall。

The favourite Earl was now apparelled all in white; his shoes
being of white velvet; his under…stocks (or stockings) of knit
silk; his upper stocks of white velvet; lined with cloth of
silver; which was shown at the slashed part of the middle thigh;
his doublet of cloth of silver; the close jerkin of white velvet;
embroidered with silver and seed…pearl; his girdle and the
scabbard of his sword of white velvet with golden buckles; his
poniard and sword hilted and mounted with gold; and over all a
rich; loose robe of white satin; with a border of golden
embroidery a foot in breadth。  The collar of the Garter; and the
azure garter itself around his knee; completed the appointments
of the Earl of Leicester; which were so well matched by his fair
stature; graceful gesture; fine proportion of body; and handsome
countenance; that at that moment he was admitted by all who saw
him as the goodliest person whom they had ever looked upon。
Sussex and the other nobles were also richly attired; but in
point of splendour and gracefulness of mien Leicester far
exceeded them all。

Elizabeth received him with great complacency。  〃We have one
piece of royal justice;〃 she said; 〃to attend to。  It is a piece
of justice; too; which interests us as a woman; as well as in the
character of mother and guardian of the English people。〃

An involuntary shudder came over Leicester as he bowed low;
expressive of his readiness to receive her royal commands; and a
similar cold fit came over Varney; whose eyes (seldom during that
evening removed from his patron) instantly perceived from the
change in his looks; slight as that was; of what the Queen was
speaking。  But Leicester had wrought his resolution up to the
point which; in his crooked policy; he judged necessary; and when
Elizabeth added; 〃it is of the matter of Varney and Tressilian we
speakis the lady here; my lord?〃  his answer was ready
〃Gracious madam; she is not。〃

Elizabeth bent her brews and compressed her lips。  〃Our orders
were strict and positive; my lord;〃 was her answer

〃And should have been obeyed; good my liege;〃 replied Leicester;
〃had they been expressed in the form of the lightest wish。  But
Varney; step forwardthis gentleman will inform your Grace of
the cause why the lady〃 (he could not force his rebellious tongue
to utter the wordsHIS WIFE) 〃cannot attend on your royal

Varney advanced; and pleaded with readiness; what indeed he
firmly believed; the absolute incapacity of the party (for
neither did he dare; in Leicester's presence; term her his wife)
to wait on her Grace。

〃Here;〃 said he; 〃are attestations from a most learned physician;
whose skill and honour are well known to my good Lord of
Leicester; and from an honest and devout Protestant; a man of
credit and substance; one Anthony Foster; the gentleman in whose
house she is at present bestowed; that she now labours under an
illness which altogether unfits her for such a journey as betwixt
this Castle and the neighbourhood of Oxford。〃

〃This alters the matter;〃 said the Queen; taking the certificates
in her hand; and glancing at their contents。〃Let Tressilian
come forward。Master Tressilian; we have much sympathy for your
situation; the rather that you seem to have set your heart deeply
on this Amy Robsart; or Varney。  Our power; thanks to God; and
the willing obedience of a loving people; is worth much; but
there are some things which it cannot compass。  We cannot; for
example; command the affections of a giddy young girl; or make
her love sense and learning better than a courtier's fine
doublet; and we cannot control sickness; with which it seems this
lady is afflicted; who may not; by reason of such infirmity;
attend our court here; as we had required her to do。  Here are
the testimonials of the physician who hath her under his charge;
and the gentleman in whose house she resides; so setting forth。〃

〃Under your Majesty's favour;〃 said Tressilian hastily; and in
his alarm for the consequence of the imposition practised on the
Queen forgetting in part at least his own promise to Amy; 〃these
certificates speak not the truth。〃

〃How; sir!〃  said the Queen〃impeach my Lord of Leicester's
veracity!  But you shall have a fair hearing。  In our presence
the meanest of our subjects shall be heard against the proudest;
and the least known against the most favoured; therefore you
shall be heard fairly; but beware you speak not without a
warrant!  Take these certificates in your own hand; look at them
carefully; and say manfully if you impugn the truth of them; and
upon what evidence。〃

As the Queen spoke; his promise and all its consequences rushed
on the mind of the unfortunate Tressilian; and while it
controlled his natural inclination to pronounce that a falsehood
which he knew from the evidence of his senses to be untrue; gave
an indecision and irresolution to his appearance and utterance
which made strongly against him in the mind of Elizabeth; as well
as of all who beheld him。  He turned the papers over and over; as
if he had been an idiot; incapable of comprehending their
contents。  The Queen's impatience began to become visible。  〃You
are a scholar; sir;〃 she said; 〃and of some note; as I have
heard; yet you seem wondrous slow in reading text hand。  How say
you; are these certificates true or no?〃

〃Madam;〃 said Tressilian; with obvious embarrassment and
hesitation; anxious to avoid admitting evidence which he might
afterwards have reason to confute; yet equally desirous to keep
his word to Amy; and to give her; as he had promised; space to
plead her own cause in her own way〃MadamMadam; your Grace
calls on me to admit evidence which ought to be proved valid by
those who found their defence upon them。〃

〃Why; Tressilian; thou art critical as well as poetical;〃 said
the Queen; bending on him a brow of displeasure; 〃methinks these
writings; being produced in the presence of the noble Earl to
whom this Castle pertains; and his honour being appealed to as
the guarantee of their authenticity; might be evidence enough for
thee。  But since thou listest to be so formalVarney; or rather
my Lord of Leicester; for the affair becomes yours〃 (these words;
though spoken at random; thrilled through the Earl's marrow and
bones); 〃what evidence have you as touching these certificates?〃

Varney hastened to reply; preventing Leicester〃So please your
Majesty; my young Lord of Oxford; who is here in presence; knows
Master Anthony Foster's hand and his character。〃

The Earl of Oxford; a young unthrift; whom Foster had more than
once accommodated with loans on usurious interest; acknowledged;
on this appeal; that he knew him as a wealthy and independent
franklin; supposed to be worth much money; and verified the
certificate produced to be his handwriting。

〃And who speaks to the Doctor's certificate?〃  said the Queen。
〃Alasco; methinks; is his name。〃

Masters; her Majesty's physician (not the less willingly that he
remembered his repulse from Sayes Court; and thought that his
present testimony might gratify Leicester; and mortify the Earl
of Sussex and his faction); acknowledged he had more than once
consulted with Doctor Alasco; and spoke of him as a man of
extraordinary learning and hidden acquirements; though not
altogether in the regular course of practice。  The Earl of
Huntingdon; Lord Leicester's brother…in…law; and the old Countess
of Rutland; next sang his praises; and both remembered the thin;
beautiful Italian hand in which he was wont to write his
receipts; and which corresponded to the certificate produced as

〃And now; I trust; Master Tressilian; this matter is ended;〃 said
the Queen。  〃We will do something ere the night is older to
reconcile old Sir Hugh Robsart to the match。  You have done your
duty something more than boldly; but we were no woman had we not
compassion for the wounds which true love deals; so we forgive
your audacity; and your uncleansed boots withal; which have well…
nigh overpowered my Lord of Leicester's perfumes。〃

So spoke Elizabeth; whose nicety of scent was one of the
characteristics of her organiz
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