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who saw that his friend's unusual finery had taken a strong hold
of his imagination; 〃thy goodly size and gay dress will cover my

〃And so thou shalt; Edmund;〃 said Blount。  〃In faith I am glad
thou thinkest my garb well…fancied; for all Mr。 Wittypate here;
for when one does a foolish thing; it is right to do it

So saying; Blount cocked his beaver; threw out his leg; and
marched manfully forward; as if at the head of his brigade of
pikemen; ever and anon looking with complaisance on his crimson
stockings; and the huge yellow roses which blossomed on his
shoes。  Tressilian followed; wrapt in his own sad thoughts; and
scarce minding Raleigh; whose quick fancy; amused by the awkward
vanity of his respectable friend; vented itself in jests; which
he whispered into Tressilian's ear。

In this manner they crossed the long bridge; or tilt…yard; and
took their station; with other gentlemen of quality; before the
outer gate of the Gallery; or Entrance…tower。  The whole amounted
to about forty persons; all selected as of the first rank under
that of knighthood; and were disposed in double rows on either
side of the gate; like a guard of honour; within the close hedge
of pikes and partisans which was formed by Leicester's retainers;
wearing his liveries。  The gentlemen carried no arms save their
swords and daggers。  These gallants were as gaily dressed as
imagination could devise; and as the garb of the time permitted a
great display of expensive magnificence; nought was to be seen
but velvet and cloth of gold and silver; ribbons; leathers; gems;
and golden chains。  In spite of his more serious subjects of
distress; Tressilian could not help feeling that he; with his
riding…suit; however handsome it might be; made rather an
unworthy figure among these 〃fierce vanities;〃 and the rather
because he saw that his deshabille was the subject of wonder
among his own friends; and of scorn among the partisans of

We could not suppress this fact; though it may seem something at
variance with the gravity of Tressilian's character; but the
truth is; that a regard for personal appearance is a species of
self…love; from which the wisest are not exempt; and to which the
mind clings so instinctively that not only the soldier advancing
to almost inevitable death; but even the doomed criminal who goes
to certain execution; shows an anxiety to array his person to the
best advantage。  But this is a digression。

It was the twilight of a summer night (9th July; 1575); the sun
having for some time set; and all were in anxious expectation of
the Queen's immediate approach。  The multitude had remained
assembled for many hours; and their numbers were still rather on
the increase。  A profuse distribution of refreshments; together
with roasted oxen; and barrels of ale set a…broach in different
places of the road; had kept the populace in perfect love and
loyalty towards the Queen and her favourite; which might have
somewhat abated had fasting been added to watching。  They passed
away the time; therefore; with the usual popular amusements of
whooping; hallooing; shrieking; and playing rude tricks upon each
other; forming the chorus of discordant sounds usual on such
occasions。  These prevailed all through the crowded roads and
fields; and especially beyond the gate of the Chase; where the
greater number of the common sort were stationed; when; all of a
sudden; a single rocket was seen to shoot into the atmosphere;
and; at the instant; far heard over flood and field; the great
bell of the Castle tolled。

Immediately there was a pause of dead silence; succeeded by a
deep hum of expectation; the united voice of many thousands; none
of whom spoke above their breathor; to use a singular
expression; the whisper of an immense multitude。

〃They come now; for certain;〃 said Raleigh。  〃Tressilian; that
sound is grand。  We hear it from this distance as mariners; after
a long voyage; hear; upon their night…watch; the tide rush upon
some distant and unknown shore。〃

〃Mass!〃  answered Blount; 〃I hear it rather as I used to hear
mine own kine lowing from the close of Wittenswestlowe。〃

〃He will assuredly graze presently;〃 said Raleigh to Tressilian;
〃his thought is all of fat oxen and fertile meadows。  He grows
little better than one of his own beeves; and only becomes grand
when he is provoked to pushing and goring。〃

〃We shall have him at that presently;〃 said Tressilian; 〃if you
spare not your wit。〃

〃Tush; I care not;〃 answered Raleigh; 〃but thou too; Tressilian;
hast turned a kind of owl; that flies only by nighthast
exchanged thy songs for screechings; and good company for an ivy…

〃But what manner of animal art thou thyself; Raleigh;〃 said
Tressilian; 〃that thou holdest us all so lightly?〃

〃WhoI?〃  replied Raleigh。  〃An eagle am I; that never will
think of dull earth while there is a heaven to soar in; and a sun
to gaze upon。〃

〃Well bragged; by Saint Barnaby!〃  said Blount; 〃but; good Master
Eagle; beware the cage; and beware the fowler。  Many birds have
flown as high that I have seen stuffed with straw and hung up to
scare kites。But hark; what a dead silence hath fallen on them
at once!〃

〃The procession pauses;〃 said Raleigh; 〃at the gate of the Chase;
where a sibyl; one of the FATIDICAE; meets the Queen; to tell her
fortune。  I saw the verses; there is little savour in them; and
her Grace has been already crammed full with such poetical
compliments。  She whispered to me; during the Recorder's speech
yonder; at Ford…mill; as she entered the liberties of Warwick;

〃The Queen whispered to HIM!〃  said Blount; in a kind of
soliloquy; 〃Good God; to what will this world come!〃

His further meditations were interrupted by a shout of applause
from the multitude; so tremendously vociferous that the country
echoed for miles round。  The guards; thickly stationed upon the
road by which the Queen was to advance; caught up the
acclamation; which ran like wildfire to the Castle; and announced
to all within that Queen Elizabeth had entered the Royal Chase of
Kenilworth。  The whole music of the Castle sounded at once; and a
round of artillery; with a salvo of small arms; was discharged
from the battlements; but the noise of drums and trumpets; and
even of the cannon themselves; was but faintly heard amidst the
roaring and reiterated welcomes of the multitude。

As the noise began to abate; a broad glare of light was seen to
appear from the gate of the Park; and broadening and brightening
as it came nearer; advanced along the open and fair avenue that
led towards the Gallery…tower; and which; as we have already
noticed; was lined on either hand by the retainers of the Earl of
Leicester。  The word was passed along the line; 〃The Queen!  The
Queen!  Silence; and stand fast!〃  Onward came the cavalcade;
illuminated by two hundred thick waxen torches; in the hands of
as many horsemen; which cast a light like that of broad day all
around the procession; but especially on the principal group; of
which the Queen herself; arrayed in the most splendid manner; and
blazing with jewels; formed the central figure。  She was mounted
on a milk…white horse; which she reined with peculiar grace and
dignity; and in the whole of her stately and noble carriage you
saw the daughter of an hundred kings。

The ladies of the court; who rode beside her Majesty; had taken
especial care that their own external appearance should not be
more glorious than their rank and the occasion altogether
demanded; so that no inferior luminary might appear to approach
the orbit of royalty。  But their personal charms; and the
magnificence by which; under every prudential restraint; they
were necessarily distinguished; exhibited them as the very flower
of a realm so far famed for splendour and beauty。  The
magnificence of the courtiers; free from such restraints as
prudence imposed on the ladies; was yet more unbounded。

Leicester; who glittered like a golden image with jewels and
cloth of gold; rode on her Majesty's right hand; as well in
quality of her host as of her master of the horse。  The black
steed which he mounted had not a single white hair on his body;
and was one of the most renowned chargers in Europe; having been
purchased by the Earl at large expense for this royal occasion。
As the noble animal chafed at the slow pace of the procession;
and; arching his stately neck; champed on the silver bits which
restrained him; the foam flew from his mouth; and speckled his
well…formed limbs as if with spots of snow。  The rider well
became the high place which he held; and the proud steed which he
bestrode; for no man in England; or perhaps in Europe; was more
perfect than Dudley in horsemanship; and all other exercises
belonging to his quality。  He was bareheaded as were all the
courtiers in the train; and the red torchlight shone upon his
long; curled tresses of dark hair; and on his noble features; to
the beauty of which even the severest criticism could only object
the lordly fault; as it may be termed; of a forehead somewhat too
high。  On that proud evening those features wore all the gr
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