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staircase。  Wayland drew back cautiously; went down to the inner
courtyard; spent about a quarter of an hour; which seemed at
least quadruple its usual duration; in walking from place to
place; and then returned to the tower; in hopes to find that the
lurker had disappeared。  He ascended as high as the suspicious
spotthere was no shadow on the wall; he ascended a few yards
fartherthe door was still ajar; and he was doubtful whether to
advance or retreat; when it was suddenly thrown wide open; and
Michael Lambourne bolted out upon the astonished Wayland。  〃Who
the devil art thou?  and what seekest thou in this part of the
Castle?  march into that chamber; and be hanged to thee!〃

〃I am no dog; to go at every man's whistle;〃 said the artist;
affecting a confidence which was belied by a timid shake in his

〃Sayest thou me so?Come hither; Lawrence Staples。〃

A huge; ill…made and ill…looked fellow; upwards of six feet high;
appeared at the door; and Lambourne proceeded:  〃If thou be'st so
fond of this tower; my friend; thou shalt see its foundations;
good twelve feet below the bed of the lake; and tenanted by
certain jolly toads; snakes; and so forth; which thou wilt find
mighty good company。  Therefore; once more I ask you in fair
play; who thou art; and what thou seekest here?〃

〃If the dungeon…grate once clashes behind me;〃 thought Wayland;
〃I am a gone man。〃 He therefore answered submissively; 〃He was
the poor juggler whom his honour had met yesterday in Weatherly

〃And what juggling trick art thou playing in this tower?  Thy
gang;〃 said Lambourne; 〃lie over against Clinton's buildings。〃

〃I came here to see my sister;〃 said the juggler; 〃who is in
Master Tressilian's chamber; just above。〃

〃Aha!〃  said Lambourne; smiling; 〃here be truths!  Upon my
honour; for a stranger; this same Master Tressilian makes himself
at home among us; and furnishes out his cell handsomely; with all
sorts of commodities。  This will be a precious tale of the
sainted Master Tressilian; and will be welcome to some folks; as
a purse of broad pieces to me。Hark ye; fellow;〃 he continued;
addressing Wayland; 〃thou shalt not give Puss a hint to steal
away we must catch her in her form。  So; back with that pitiful
sheep…biting visage of thine; or I will fling thee from the
window of the tower; and try if your juggling skill can save your

〃Your worship will not be so hardhearted; I trust;〃 said Wayland;
〃poor folk must live。  I trust your honour will allow me to speak
with my sister?〃

〃Sister on Adam's side; I warrant;〃 said Lambourne; 〃or; if
otherwise; the more knave thou。  But sister or no sister。  thou
diest on point of fox; if thou comest a…prying to this tower once
more。  And now I think of ituds daggers and death!I will see
thee out of the Castle; for this is a more main concern than thy

〃But; please your worship;〃 said Wayland; 〃I am to enact Arion in
the pageant upon the lake this very evening。〃

〃I will act it myself by Saint Christopher!〃  said Lambourne。
〃Orion; callest thou him?I will act Orion; his belt and his
seven stars to boot。  Come along; for a rascal knave as thou art
follow me!  Or stayLawrence; do thou bring him along。〃

Lawrence seized by the collar of the cloak the unresisting
juggler; while Lambourne; with hasty steps; led the way to that
same sallyport; or secret postern; by which Tressilian had
returned to the Castle; and which opened in the western wall at
no great distance from Mervyn's Tower。

While traversing with a rapid foot the space betwixt the tower
and the sallyport; Wayland in vain racked his brain for some
device which might avail the poor lady; for whom; notwithstanding
his own imminent danger; he felt deep interest。  But when he was
thrust out of the Castle; and informed by Lambourne; with a
tremendous oath; that instant death would be the consequence of
his again approaching it; he cast up his hands and eyes to
heaven; as if to call God to witness he had stood to the
uttermost in defence of the oppressed; then turned his back on
the proud towers of Kenilworth; and went his way to seek a
humbler and safer place of refuge。

Lawrence and Lambourne gazed a little while after Wayland; and
then turned to go back to their tower; when the former thus
addressed his companion:  〃Never credit me; Master Lambourne; if
I can guess why thou hast driven this poor caitiff from the
Castle; just when he was to bear a part in the show that was
beginning; and all this about a wench;〃

〃Ah; Lawrence;〃 replied Lambourne; 〃thou art thinking of Black
Joan Jugges of Slingdon; and hast sympathy with human frailty。
But; corragio; most noble Duke of the Dungeon and Lord of Limbo;
for thou art as dark in this matter as thine own dominions of
Little…ease。  My most reverend Signior of the Low Countries of
Kenilworth; know that our most notable master; Richard Varney;
would give as much to have a hole in this same Tressilian's coat;
as would make us some fifty midnight carousals; with the full
leave of bidding the steward go snick up; if he came to startle
us too soon from our goblets。〃

〃Nay; an that be the case; thou hast right;〃 said Lawrence
Staples; the upper…warder; or; in common phrase; the first
jailer; of Kenilworth Castle; and of the Liberty and Honour
belonging thereto。  〃But how will you manage when you are absent
at the Queen's entrance; Master Lambourne; for methinks thou must
attend thy master there?〃

〃Why thou; mine honest prince of prisons; must keep ward in my
absence。  Let Tressilian enter if he will; but see thou let no
one come out。  If the damsel herself would make a break; as 'tis
not unlike she may; scare her back with rough words; she is but a
paltry player's wench after all。〃

〃Nay for that matter;〃 said Lawrence; 〃I might shut the iron
wicket upon her that stands without the double door; and so force
per force she will be bound to her answer without more trouble。〃

〃Then Tressilian will not get access to her;〃 said Lambourne;
reflecting a moment。  〃But 'tis no matter; she will be detected
in his chamber; and that is all one。  But confess; thou old
bat's…eyed dungeon…keeper; that you fear to keep awake by
yourself in that Mervyn's Tower of thine?〃

〃Why; as to fear; Master Lambourne;〃 said the fellow; 〃I mind it
not the turning of a key; but strange things have been heard and
seen in that tower。  You must have heard; for as short time as
you have been in Kenilworth; that it is haunted by the spirit of
Arthur ap Mervyn; a wild chief taken by fierce Lord Mortimer when
he was one of the Lords Marchers of Wales; and murdered; as they
say; in that same tower which bears his name。〃

〃Oh; I have heard the tale five hundred times;〃 said Lambourne;
〃and how the ghost is always most vociferous when they boil leeks
and stirabout; or fry toasted cheese; in the culinary regions。
Santo Diavolo; man; hold thy tongue; I know all about it!〃

〃Ay; but thou dost not; though;〃 said the turnkey; 〃 for as wise
as thou wouldst make thyself。  Ah; it is an awful thing to murder
a prisoner in his ward!you that may have given a man a stab in
a dark street know nothing of it。  To give a mutinous fellow a
knock on the head with the keys; and bid him be quiet; that's
what I call keeping order in the ward; but to draw weapon and
slay him; as was done to this Welsh lord; THAT raises you a ghost
that will render your prison…house untenantable by any decent
captive for some hundred years。  And I have that regard for my
prisoners; poor things; that I have put good squires and men of
worship; that have taken a ride on the highway; or slandered my
Lord of Leicester; or the like; fifty feet under ground; rather
than I would put them into that upper chamber yonder that they
call Mervyn's Bower。  Indeed; by good Saint Peter of the Fetters;
I marvel my noble lord; or Master Varney; could think of lodging
guests there; and if this Master Tressilian could get any one to
keep him company; and in especial a pretty wench; why; truly; I
think he was in the right on't。〃

〃I tell thee;〃 said Lambourne; leading the way into the turnkey's
apartment; 〃thou art an ass。  Go bolt the wicket on the stair;
and trouble not thy noddle about ghosts。  Give me the wine stoup;
man; I am somewhat heated with chafing with yonder rascal。〃

While Lambourne drew a long draught from a pitcher of claret;
which he made use of without any cup; the warder went on;
vindicating his own belief in the supernatural。

〃Thou hast been few hours in this Castle; and hast been for the
whole space so drunk; Lambourne; that thou art deaf; dumb; and
blind。  But we should hear less of your bragging were you to pass
a night with us at full moon; for then the ghost is busiest; and
more especially when a rattling wind sets in from the north…west;
with some sprinkling of rain; and now and then a growl of
thunder。  Body o' me; what crackings and clashings; what
groanings and what howlings; will there be at such times in
Mervyn's Bower; right as it were over our heads; till the matter
of two quarts of distilled waters has not been enough to keep my
lads and me in some heart!〃

〃Pshaw; man!〃  replied Lambourne; 
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