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miles; and commanding several most beautiful views of the Castle
and lake; terminated at the newly constructed bridge; to which it
was an appendage; and which was destined to form the Queen's
approach to the Castle on that memorable occasion。

Here the Countess and Wayland found the gate at the end of this
avenue; which opened on the Warwick road; guarded by a body of
the Queen's mounted yeomen of the guard; armed in corselets
richly carved and gilded; and wearing morions instead of bonnets;
having their carabines resting with the butt…end on their thighs。
These guards; distinguished for strength and stature; who did
duty wherever the Queen went in person; were here stationed under
the direction of a pursuivant; graced with the Bear and Ragged
Staff on his arm; as belonging to the Earl of Leicester; and
peremptorily refused all admittance; excepting to such as were
guests invited to the festival; or persons who were to perform
some part in the mirthful exhibitions which were proposed。

The press was of consequence great around the entrance; and
persons of all kinds presented every sort of plea for admittance;
to which the guards turned an inexorable ear; pleading; in return
to fair words; and even to fair offers; the strictness of their
orders; founded on the Queen's well…known dislike to the rude
pressing of a multitude。  With those whom such reasons did not
serve;they dealt more rudely; repelling them without ceremony by
the pressure of their powerful; barbed horses; and good round
blows from the stock of their carabines。  These last manoeuvres
produced undulations amongst the crowd; which rendered Wayland
much afraid that he might perforce be separated from his charge
in the throng。  Neither did he know what excuse to make in order
to obtain admittance; and he was debating the matter in his head
with great uncertainty; when the Earl's pursuivant; having cast
an eye upon him; exclaimed; to his no small surprise; 〃Yeomen;
make room for the fellow in the orange…tawny cloak。Come
forward; Sir Coxcomb; and make haste。  What; in the fiend's name;
has kept you waiting? Come forward with your bale of woman's

While the pursuivant gave Wayland this pressing yet uncourteous
invitation; which; for a minute or two; he could not imagine was
applied to him; the yeomen speedily made a free passage for him;
while; only cautioning his companion to keep the muffler close
around her face; he entered the gate leading her palfrey; but
with such a drooping crest; and such a look of conscious fear and
anxiety; that the crowd; not greatly pleased at any rate with the
preference bestowed upon them; accompanied their admission with
hooting and a loud laugh of derision。

Admitted thus within the chase; though with no very flattering
notice or distinction; Wayland and his charge rode forward;
musing what difficulties it would be next their lot to encounter;
through the broad avenue; which was sentinelled on either side by
a long line of retainers; armed with swords; and partisans richly
dressed in the Earl of Leicester's liveries; and bearing his
cognizance of the Bear and Ragged Staff; each placed within three
paces of each other; so as to line the whole road from the
entrance into the park to the bridge。  And; indeed; when the lady
obtained the first commanding view of the Castle; with its
stately towers rising from within a long; sweeping line of
outward walls; ornamented with battlements and turrets and
platforms at every point of defence; with many a banner streaming
from its walls; and such a bustle of gay crests and waving plumes
disposed on the terraces and battlements; and all the gay and
gorgeous scene; her heart; unaccustomed to such splendour; sank
as if it died within her; and for a moment she asked herself what
she had offered up to Leicester to deserve to become the partner
of this princely splendour。  But her pride and generous spirit
resisted the whisper which bade her despair。

〃I have given him;〃 she said; 〃all that woman has to give。  Name
and fame; heart and hand; have I given the lord of all this
magnificence at the altar; and England's Queen could give him no
more。  He is my husbandI am his wifewhom God hath joined; man
cannot sunder。  I will be bold in claiming my right; even the
bolder; that I come thus unexpected; and thus forlorn。  I know my
noble Dudley well!  He will be something impatient at my
disobeying him; but Amy will weep; and Dudley will forgive her。〃

These meditations were interrupted by a cry of surprise from her
guide Wayland; who suddenly felt himself grasped firmly round the
body by a pair of long; thin black arms; belonging to some one
who had dropped himself out of an oak tree upon the croup of his
horse; amidst the shouts of laughter which burst from the

〃This must be the devil; or Flibbertigibbet again!〃  said
Wayland; after a vain struggle to disengage himself; and unhorse
the urchin who clung to him; 〃do Kenilworth oaks bear such

〃In sooth do they; Master Wayland;〃 said his unexpected adjunct;
〃and many others; too hard for you to crack; for as old as you
are; without my teaching you。  How would you have passed the
pursuivant at the upper gate yonder; had not I warned him our
principal juggler was to follow us? And here have I waited for
you; having clambered up into the tree from the top of the wain;
and I suppose they are all mad for want of me by this time;〃

〃Nay; then; thou art a limb of the devil in good earnest;〃 said
Wayland。  〃I give thee way; good imp; and will walk by thy
counsel; only; as thou art powerful be merciful。〃

As he spoke; they approached a strong tower; at the south
extremity of the long bridge we have mentioned; which served to
protect the outer gateway of the Castle of Kenilworth。

Under such disastrous circumstances; and in such singular
company; did the unfortunate Countess of Leicester approach; for
the first time; the magnificent abode of her almost princely


SNUG。   Have you the lion's part written?  pray; if it be; give
        it me; for I am slow of study。
QUINCE。 You may do it extempore; for it is nothing but roaring。
                                 MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM。

When the Countess of Leicester arrived at the outer gate of the
Castle of Kenilworth; she found the tower; beneath which its
ample portal arch opened; guarded in a singular manner。  Upon the
battlements were placed gigantic warders; with clubs; battle…
axes; and other implements of ancient warfare; designed to
represent the soldiers of King Arthur; those primitive Britons;
by whom; according to romantic tradition; the Castle had been
first tenanted; though history carried back its antiquity only to
the times of the Heptarchy。

Some of these tremendous figures were real men; dressed up with
vizards and buskins; others were mere pageants composed of
pasteboard and buckram; which; viewed from beneath; and mingled
with those that were real; formed a sufficiently striking
representation of what was intended。  But the gigantic porter who
waited at the gate beneath; and actually discharged the duties of
warder; owed none of his terrors to fictitious means。  We was a
man whose huge stature; thews; sinews; and bulk in proportion;
would have enabled him to enact Colbrand; Ascapart; or any other
giant of romance; without raising himself nearer to heaven even
by the altitude of a chopin。  The legs and knees of this son of
Anak were bare; as were his arms from a span below the shoulder;
but his feet were defended with sandals; fastened with cross
straps of scarlet leather studded with brazen knobs。  A close
jerkin of scarlet velvet looped with gold; with short breeches of
the same; covered his body and a part of his limbs; and he wore
on his shoulders; instead of a cloak; the skin of a black bear。
The head of this formidable person was uncovered; except by his
shaggy; black hair; which descended on either side around
features of that huge; lumpish; and heavy cast which are often
annexed to men of very uncommon size; and which; notwithstanding
some distinguished exceptions; have created a general prejudice
against giants; as being a dull and sullen kind of persons。  This
tremendous warder was appropriately armed with a heavy club
spiked with steel。  In fine; he represented excellently one of
those giants of popular romance; who figure in every fairy tale
or legend of knight…errantry。

The demeanour of this modern Titan; when Wayland Smith bent his
attention to him; had in it something arguing much mental
embarrassment and vexation; for sometimes he sat down for an
instant on a massive stone bench; which seemed placed for his
accommodation beside the gateway; and then ever and anon he
started up; scratching his huge head; and striding to and fro on
his post; like one under a fit of impatience and anxiety。  It was
while the porter was pacing before the gate in this agitated
manner; that Wayland; modestly; yet as a matter of course (not;
however; without some mental misgiving); was about to pass him;
and enter the portal arch。  The porter; however; stopped his
progress; bidding him; in a thundering voice; 〃
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