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you try to get some custom of the lady; and then you may learn
more of her condition than I or any other can tell you。〃

〃Truevery true;〃 answered Wayland; for he it was; 〃an excellent
device; but methinks something dangerousfor; say Foster should

〃Very possible indeed;〃 replied the host。

〃Or say;〃 continued Way'and; 〃the lady should render me cold
thanks for my exertions?〃

〃As is not unlikely;〃 replied Giles Gosling。  〃I marvel Master
Tressilian will take such heed of her that cares not for him。〃

〃In either case I were foully sped;〃 said Wayland; 〃and therefore
I do not; on the whole; much relish your device。〃

〃Nay; but take me with you; good master serving…man;〃 replied
mine host。  〃This is your master's business; and not mine:; you
best know the risk to be encountered; or how far you are willing
to brave it。  But that which you will not yourself hazard; you
cannot expect others to risk。〃

〃Hold; hold;〃 said Wayland; 〃tell me but one thinggoes yonder
old man up to Cumnor?〃

〃Surely; I think so?〃  said the landlord; 〃their servant said he
was to take their baggage thither。  But the ale…tap has been as
potent for him as the sack…spigot has been for Michael。〃

〃It is enough;〃 said Wayland; assuming an air of resolution。  〃I
will thwart that old villain's projects; my affright at his
baleful aspect begins to abate; and my hatred to arise。  Help me
on with my pack; good mine host。And look to thyself; old
Albumazar; there is a malignant influence in thy horoscope; and
it gleams from the constellation Ursa Major。〃

So saying; he assumed his burden; and; guided by the landlord
through the postern gate of the Black Bear; took the most private
way from thence up to Cumnor Place。


  CLOWN。 You have of these pedlars; that have more in'em than
         you'd think; sister。WINTER'S TALE; ACT IV。; SCENE 3。

In his anxiety to obey the Earl's repeated charges of secrecy; as
well as from his own unsocial and miserly habits; Anthony Foster
was more desirous; by his mode of housekeeping; to escape
observation than to resist intrusive curiosity。  Thus; instead of
a numerous household; to secure his charge; and defend his house;
he studied as much as possible to elude notice by diminishing his
attendants; so that; unless when there were followers of the
Earl; or of Varney; in the mansion; one old male domestic; and
two aged crones; who assisted in keeping the Countess's
apartments in order; were the only servants of the family。

It was one of these old women who opened the door when Wayland
knocked; and answered his petition; to be admitted to exhibit his
wares to the ladies of the family; with a volley of vituperation;
couched in what is there called the JOWRING dialect。  The pedlar
found the means of checking this vociferation by slipping a
silver groat into her hand; and intimating the present of some
stuff for a coif; if the lady would buy of his wares。

〃God ield thee; for mine is aw in littocks。  Slocket with thy
pack into gharn; monher walks in gharn。〃  Into the garden she
ushered the pedlar accordingly; and pointing to an old; ruinous
garden house; said; 〃Yonder be's her; monyonder be's her。  Zhe
will buy changes an zhe loikes stuffs。〃

〃She has left me to come off as I may;〃 thought Wayland; as he
heard the hag shut the garden…door behind him。  〃But they shall
not beat me; and they dare not murder me; for so little trespass;
and by this fair twilight。  Hang it; I will ona brave general
never thought of his retreat till he was defeated。  I see two
females in the old garden…house yonderbut how to address them?
StayWill Shakespeare; be my friend in need。  I will give them a
taste of Autolycus。〃  He then sung; with a good voice; and
becoming audacity; the popular playhouse ditty;

  〃Lawn as white as driven snow;
  Cyprus black as e'er was crow;
  Gloves as sweet as damask roses;
  Masks for faces and for noses。〃

〃What hath fortune sent us here for an unwonted sight; Janet?〃
said the lady。

〃One of those merchants of vanity; called pedlars;〃 answered
Janet; demurely; 〃who utters his light wares in lighter measures。
I marvel old Dorcas let him pass。〃

〃It is a lucky chance; girl;〃 said the Countess; 〃we lead a heavy
life here; and this may while off a weary hour。〃

〃Ay; my gracious lady;〃 said Janet; 〃but my father?〃

〃He is not my father; Janet; nor I hope my master;〃 answered the
lady。  〃I say; call the man hitherI want some things。〃

〃Nay;〃 replied Janet; 〃your ladyship has but to say so in the
next packet; and if England can furnish them they will be sent。
There will come mischief on'tpray; dearest lady; let me bid the
man begone!〃

〃I will have thee bid him come hither;〃 said the Countess;〃or
stay; thou terrified fool; I will bid him myself; and spare thee
a chiding。〃

〃Ah!  well…a…day; dearest lady; if that were the worst;〃 said
Janet sadly; while the lady called to the pedlar; 〃Good fellow;
step forwardundo thy pack; if thou hast good wares; chance has
sent thee hither for my convenience and thy profit。〃

〃What may your ladyship please to lack?〃  said Wayland;
unstrapping his pack; and displaying its contents with as much
dexterity as if he had been bred to the trade。  Indeed he had
occasionally pursued it in the course of his roving life; and now
commended his wares with all the volubility of a trader; and
showed some skill in the main art of placing prices upon them。

〃What do I please to lack?〃  said the lady; 〃why; considering I
have not for six long months bought one yard of lawn or cambric;
or one trinket; the most inconsiderable; for my own use; and at
my own choice; the better question is; What hast thou got to
sell?  Lay aside for me that cambric partlet and pair of sleeves
and those roundells of gold fringe; drawn out with cyprusand
that short cloak of cherry…coloured fine cloth; garnished with
gold buttons and loops;is it not of an absolute fancy; Janet?〃

〃Nay; my lady;〃 replied Janet; 〃if you consult my poor judgment;
it is; methinks; over…gaudy for a graceful habit。〃

〃Now; out upon thy judgment; if it be no brighter; wench;〃 said
the Countess。  〃Thou shalt wear it thyself for penance' sake; and
I promise thee the gold buttons; being somewhat massive; will
comfort thy father; and reconcile him to the cherry…coloured
body。  See that he snap them not away; Janet; and send them to
bear company with the imprisoned angels which he keeps captive in
his strong…box。〃

〃May I pray your ladyship to spare my poor father?〃  said Janet。

〃Nay; but why should any one spare him that is so sparing of his
own nature?〃  replied the lady。〃Well; but to our gear。  That
head garniture for myself; and that silver bodkin mounted with
pearl; and take off two gowns of that russet cloth for Dorcas and
Alison; Janet; to keep the old wretches warm against winter
comes。And stayhast thou no perfumes and sweet bags; or any
handsome casting bottles of the newest mode?〃

〃Were I a pedlar in earnest; I were a made merchant;〃 thought
Wayland; as he busied himself to answer the demands which she
thronged one on another; with the eagerness of a young lady who
has been long secluded from such a pleasing occupation。  〃But how
to bring her to a moment's serious reflection?〃  Then as he
exhibited his choicest collection of essences and perfumes; he at
once arrested her attention by observing that these articles had
almost risen to double value since the magnificent preparations
made by the Earl of Leicester to entertain the Queen and court at
his princely Castle of Kenilworth。

〃Ha!〃  said the Countess hastily; 〃that rumour; then; is true;

〃Surely; madam;〃 answered Wayland; 〃and I marvel it hath not
reached your noble ladyship's ears。  The Queen of England feasts
with the noble Earl for a week during the Summer's Progress; and
there are many who will tell you England will have a king; and
England's ElizabethGod save her!a husband; ere the Progress
be over。〃

〃They lie like villains!〃  said the Countess; bursting forth

〃For God's sake; madam; consider;〃 said Janet; trembling with
apprehension; 〃who would cumber themselves about pedlar's

〃Yes; Janet!〃  exclaimed the Countess; 〃right; thou hast
corrected me justly。  Such reports; blighting the reputation of
England's brightest and noblest peer; can only find currency
amongst the mean; the abject; and the infamous!〃

〃May I perish; lady;〃 said Wayland Smith; observing that her
violence directed itself towards him; 〃if I have done anything to
merit this strange passion!  I have said but what many men say。〃

By this time the Countess had recovered her composure; and
endeavoured; alarmed by the anxious hints of Janet; to suppress
all appearance of displeasure。  〃I were loath;〃 she said; 〃good
fellow; that our Queen should change the virgin style so dear to
us her peoplethink not of it。〃  And then; as if desirous to
change the subject; she added; 〃And what is this paste; so
carefully put up in the silver box?〃  as she examined the
contents of a casket in which drugs and perfumes were contained
in separate drawers。

〃It is a remedy; Madam; for a disorder of which I trust y
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