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crimson。〃Now; have done with these busy fingers; Janet;〃 she
said to her handmaiden; who was still officiously employed in
bringing her hair and her dress into order〃have done; I say。  I
must see your father ere my lord arrives; and also Master Richard
Varney; whom my lord has highly in his esteembut I could tell
that of him would lose him favour。〃

〃Oh; do not do so; good my lady!〃  replied Janet; 〃leave him to
God; who punishes the wicked in His own time; but do not you
cross Varney's path; for so thoroughly hath he my lord's ear;
that few have thriven who have thwarted his courses。〃

〃And from whom had you this; my most righteous Janet?〃  said the
Countess; 〃or why should I keep terms with so mean a gentleman as
Varney; being as I am; wife to his master and patron?〃

〃Nay; madam;〃 replied Janet Foster; 〃your ladyship knows better
than I; but I have heard my father say he would rather cross a
hungry wolf than thwart Richard Varney in his projects。  And he
has often charged me to have a care of holding commerce with

〃Thy father said well; girl; for thee;〃 replied the lady; 〃and I
dare swear meant well。  It is a pity; though; his face and manner
do little match his true purposefor I think his purpose may be

〃Doubt it not; my lady;〃 answered Janet〃doubt not that my
father purposes well; though he is a plain man; and his blunt
looks may belie his heart。〃

〃I will not doubt it; girl; were it only for thy sake; and yet he
has one of those faces which men tremble when they look on。  I
think even thy mother; Janetnay; have done with that poking…
ironcould hardly look upon him without quaking。〃

〃If it were so; madam;〃 answered Janet Foster; 〃my mother had
those who could keep her in honourable countenance。  Why; even
you; my lady; both trembled and blushed when Varney brought the
letter from my lord。〃

〃You are bold; damsel;〃 said the Countess; rising from the
cushions on which she sat half reclined in the arms of her
attendant。  〃Know that there are causes of trembling which have
nothing to do with fear。But; Janet;〃 she added; immediately
relapsing into the good…natured and familiar tone which was
natural to her; 〃believe me; I will do what credit I can to your
father; and the rather that you; sweetheart; are his child。
Alas!  alas!〃  she added; a sudden sadness passing over her fine
features; and her eyes filling with tears; 〃I ought the rather to
hold sympathy with thy kind heart; that my own poor father is
uncertain of my fate; and they say lies sick and sorrowful for my
worthless sake!  But I will soon cheer himthe news of my
happiness and advancement will make him young again。  And that I
may cheer him the sooner〃she wiped her eyes as she spoke〃I
must be cheerful myself。  My lord must not find me insensible to
his kindness; or sorrowful; when he snatches a visit to his
recluse; after so long an absence。  Be merry; Janet; the night
wears on; and my lord must soon arrive。  Call thy father hither;
and call Varney also。  I cherish resentment against neither; and
though I may have some room to be displeased with both; it shall
be their own fault if ever a complaint against them reaches the
Earl through my means。  Call them hither; Janet。〃

Janet Foster obeyed her mistress; and in a few minutes after;
Varney entered the withdrawing…room with the graceful ease and
unclouded front of an accomplished courtier; skilled; under the
veil of external politeness; to disguise his own feelings and to
penetrate those of others。  Anthony Foster plodded into the
apartment after him; his natural gloomy vulgarity of aspect
seeming to become yet more remarkable; from his clumsy attempt to
conceal the mixture of anxiety and dislike with which he looked
on her; over whom he had hitherto exercised so severe a control;
now so splendidly attired; and decked with so many pledges of the
interest which she possessed in her husband's affections。  The
blundering reverence which he made; rather AT than TO the
Countess; had confession in it。  It was like the reverence which
the criminal makes to the judge; when he at once owns his guilt
and implores mercywhich is at the same time an impudent and
embarrassed attempt at defence or extenuation; a confession of a
fault; and an entreaty for lenity。

Varney; who; in right of his gentle blood; had pressed into the
room before Anthony Foster; knew better what to say than he; and
said it with more assurance and a better grace。

The Countess greeted him indeed with an appearance of cordiality;
which seemed a complete amnesty for whatever she might have to
complain of。  She rose from her seat; and advanced two steps
towards him; holding forth her hand as she said; 〃Master Richard
Varney; you brought me this morning such welcome tidings; that I
fear surprise and joy made me neglect my lord and husband's
charge to receive you with distinction。  We offer you our hand;
sir; in reconciliation。〃

〃I am unworthy to touch it;〃 said Varney; dropping on one knee;
〃save as a subject honours that of a prince。〃

He touched with his lips those fair and slender fingers; so
richly loaded with rings and jewels; then rising; with graceful
gallantry; was about to hand her to the chair of state; when she
said; 〃No; good Master Richard Varney; I take not my place there
until my lord himself conducts me。  I am for the present but a
disguised Countess; and will not take dignity on me until
authorized by him whom I derive it from。〃

〃I trust; my lady;〃 said Foster; 〃that in doing the commands of
my lord your husband; in your restraint and so forth; I have not
incurred your displeasure; seeing that I did but my duty towards
your lord and mine; for Heaven; as holy writ saith; hath given
the husband supremacy and dominion over the wifeI think it runs
so; or something like it。〃

〃I receive at this moment so pleasant a surprise; Master Foster;〃
answered the Countess; 〃that I cannot but excuse the rigid
fidelity which secluded me from these apartments; until they had
assumed an appearance so new and so splendid。〃

〃Ay lady;〃 said Foster; 〃it hath cost many a fair crown; and that
more need not be wasted than is absolutely necessary; I leave you
till my lord's arrival with good Master Richard Varney; who; as I
think; hath somewhat to say to you from your most noble lord and
husband。Janet; follow me; to see that all be in order。〃

〃No; Master Foster;〃 said the Countess; 〃we will your daughter
remains here in our apartmentout of ear…shot; however; in case
Varney bath ought to say to me from my lord。〃

Foster made his clumsy reverence; and departed; with an aspect
which seemed to grudge the profuse expense which had been wasted
upon changing his house from a bare and ruinous grange to an
Asiastic palace。  When he was gone; his daughter took her
embroidery frame; and went to establish herself at the bottom of
the apartment; while Richard Varney; with a profoundly humble
courtesy; took the lowest stool he could find; and placing it by
the side of the pile of cushions on which the Countess had now
again seated herself; sat with his eyes for a time fixed on the
ground; and in pro…found silence

〃I thought; Master Varney;〃 said the Countess; when she saw he
was not likely to open the conversation; 〃that you had something
to communicate from my lord and husband; so at least I understood
Master Foster; and therefore I removed my waiting…maid。  If I am
mistaken; I will recall her to my side; for her needle is not so
absolutely perfect in tent and cross…stitch; but that my
superintendence is advisable。〃

〃Lady;〃 said Varney; 〃Foster was partly mistaken in my purpose。
It was not FROM but OF your noble husband; and my approved and
most noble patron; that I am led; and indeed bound; to speak。〃

〃The theme is most welcome; sir;〃 said the Countess; 〃whether it
be of or from my noble husband。  But be brief; for I expect his
hasty approach。〃

〃Briefly then; madam;〃 replied Varney; 〃and boldly; for my
argument requires both haste and courageyou have this day seen

〃I have; sir and what of that?〃  answered the lady somewhat

〃Nothing that concerns me; lady;〃 Varney replied with humility。
〃But; think you; honoured madam; that your lord will hear it with
equal equanimity?〃

〃And wherefore should he not?  To me alone was Tressilian's visit
embarrassing and painful; for he brought news of my good father's

〃Of your father's illness; madam!〃  answered Varney。  〃It must
have been sudden thenvery sudden; for the messenger whom I
dispatched; at my lord's instance; found the good knight on the
hunting field; cheering his beagles with his wonted jovial field…
cry。  I trust Tressilian has but forged this news。  He hath his
reasons; madam; as you well know; for disquieting your present

〃You do him injustice; Master Varney;〃 replied the Countess; with
animation〃you do him much injustice。  He is the freest; the
most open; the most gentle heart that breathes。  My honourable
lord ever excepted; I know not one to whom falsehood is more
odious than to Tressilian。〃

〃I crave your pardon; madam;〃 said Varney; 〃I meant the gentleman
no injusticeI knew not how nearly
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