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Varney。  I see it all。  She would not quit the estate and title
of the wittol who had wedded her。  Ay; and if in my madness I had
started into rebellion; or if the angry Queen had taken my head;
as she this morning threatened; the wealthy dower which law would
have assigned to the Countess Dowager of Leicester had been no
bad windfall to the beggarly Tressilian。  Well might she goad me
on to danger; which could not end otherwise than profitably to
her;Speak not for her; Varney!  I will have her blood!〃

〃My lord;〃 replied Varney; 〃the wildness of your distress breaks
forth in the wildness of your language;〃

〃I say; speak not for her!〃  replied Leicester; 〃she has
dishonoured meshe would have murdered meall ties are burst
between us。  She shall die the death of a traitress and
adulteress; well merited both by the laws of God and man!  And
what is this casket;〃 he said; 〃which was even now thrust into my
hand by a boy; with the desire I would convey it to Tressilian;
as he could not give it to the Countess?  By Heaven! the words
surprised me as he spoke them; though other matters chased them
from my brain; but now they return with double force。 It is her
casket of jewels!Force it open; Varneyforce the hinges open
with thy poniard!〃

〃She refused the aid of my dagger once;〃 thought Varney; as he
unsheathed the weapon; 〃to cut the string which bound a letter;
but now it shall work a mightier ministry in her fortunes。〃

With this reflection; by using the three…cornered stiletto…blade
as a wedge; he forced open the slender silver hinges of the
casket。  The Earl no sooner saw them give way than he snatched
the casket from Sir Richard's hand; wrenched off the cover; and
tearing out the splendid contents; flung them on the floor in a
transport of rage; while he eagerly searched for some letter or
billet which should make the fancied guilt of his innocent
Countess yet more apparent。  Then stamping furiously on the gems;
he exclaimed; 〃Thus I annihilate the miserable toys for which
thou hast sold thyself; body and soulconsigned thyself to an
early and timeless death; and me to misery and remorse for ever!
Tell me not of forgiveness; Varneyshe is doomed!〃

So saying; he left the room; and rushed into an adjacent closet;
the door of which he locked and bolted。

Varney looked after him; while something of a more human feeling
seemed to contend with his habitual sneer。  〃I am sorry for his
weakness;〃 he said; 〃but love has made him a child。  He throws
down and treads on these costly toys…with the same vehemence
would he dash to pieces this frailest toy of all; of which he
used to rave so fondly。  But that taste also will be forgotten
when its object is no more。  Well; he has no eye to value things
as they deserve; and that nature has given to Varney。  When
Leicester shall be a sovereign; he will think as little of the
gales of passion through which he gained that royal port; as ever
did sailor in harbour of the perils of a voyage。  But these tell…
tale articles must not remain herethey are rather too rich
vails for the drudges who dress the chamber。〃

While Varney was employed in gathering together and putting them
into a secret drawer of a cabinet that chanced to be open; he saw
the door of Leicester's closet open; the tapestry pushed aside;
and the Earl's face thrust out; but with eyes so dead; and lips
and cheeks so bloodless and pale; that he started at the sudden
change。  No sooner did his eyes encounter the Earl's; than the
latter withdrew his head and shut the door of the closet。  This
manoeuvre Leicester repeated twice; without speaking a word; so
that Varney began to doubt whether his brain was not actually
affected by his mental agony。  The third time; however; he
beckoned; and Varney obeyed the signal。  When he entered; he soon
found his patron's perturbation was not caused by insanity; but
by the fullness of purpose which he entertained contending with
various contrary passions。  They passed a full hour in close
consultation; after which the Earl of Leicester; with an
incredible exertion; dressed himself; and went to attend his
royal guest。


  You have displaced the mirth; broke the good meeting
  With most admired disorder。           MACBETH。

It was afterwards remembered that during the banquets and revels
which occupied the remainder of this eventful day the bearing of
Leicester and of Varney were totally different from their usual
demeanour。  Sir Richard Varney had been held rather a man of
counsel and of action than a votary of pleasure。  Business;
whether civil or military; seemed always to be his proper sphere;
and while in festivals and revels; although he well understood
how to trick them up and present them; his own part was that of a
mere spectator; or if he exercised his wit; it was in a rough;
caustic; and severe manner; rather as if he scoffed at the
exhibition and the guests than shared the common pleasure。

But upon the present day his character seemed changed。  He mixed
among the younger courtiers and ladies; and appeared for the
moment to be actuated by a spirit of light…hearted gaiety; which
rendered him a match for the liveliest。  Those who had looked
upon him as a man given up to graver and more ambitious pursuits;
a bitter sneerer and passer of sarcasms at the expense of those
who; taking life as they find it; were disposed to snatch at
each pastime it presents; now perceived with astonishment that
his wit could carry as smooth an edge as their own; his laugh be
as lively; and his brow as unclouded。  By what art of damnable
hypocrisy he could draw this veil of gaiety over the black
thoughts of one of the worst of human bosoms must remain
unintelligible to all but his compeers; if any such ever existed;
but he was a man of extraordinary powers; and those powers were
unhappily dedicated in all their energy to the very worst of

It was entirely different with Leicester。  However habituated his
mind usually was to play the part of a good courtier; and appear
gay; assiduous; and free from all care but that of enhancing the
pleasure of the moment; while his bosom internally throbbed with
the pangs of unsatisfied ambition; jealousy; or resentment; his
heart had now a yet more dreadful guest; whose workings could not
be overshadowed or suppressed; and you might read in his vacant
eye and troubled brow that his thoughts were far absent from the
scenes in which he was compelling himself to play a part。  He
looked; moved; and spoke as if by a succession of continued
efforts; and it seemed as if his will had in some degree lost the
promptitude of command over the acute mind and goodly form of
which it was the regent。  His actions and gestures; instead of
appearing the consequence of simple volition; seemed; like those
of an automaton; to wait the revolution of some internal
machinery ere they could be performed; and his words fell from
him piecemeal; interrupted; as if he had first to think what he
was to say; then how it was to be said; and as if; after all; it
was only by an effort of continued attention that he completed a
sentence without forgetting both the one and the other。

The singular effects which these distractions of mind produced
upon the behaviour and conversation of the most accomplished
courtier of England; as they were visible to the lowest and
dullest menial who approached his person; could not escape the
notice of the most intelligent Princess of the age。  Nor is there
the least doubt that the alternate negligence and irregularity of
his manner would have called down Elizabeth's severe displeasure
on the Earl of Leicester; had it not occurred to her to account
for it by supposing that the apprehension of that displeasure
which she had expressed towards him with such vivacity that very
morning was dwelling upon the spirits of her favourite; and;
spite of his efforts to the contrary; distracted the usual
graceful tenor of his mien and the charms of his conversation。
When this idea; so flattering to female vanity; had once obtained
possession of her mind; it proved a full and satisfactory apology
for the numerous errors and mistakes of the Earl of Leicester;
and the watchful circle around observed with astonishment; that;
instead of resenting his repeated negligence; and want of even
ordinary attention (although these were points on which she was
usually extremely punctilious); the Queen sought; on the
contrary; to afford him time and means to recollect himself; and
deigned to assist him in doing so; with an indulgence which
seemed altogether inconsistent with her usual character。  It was
clear; however; that this could not last much longer; and that
Elizabeth must finally put another and more severe construction
on Leicester's uncourteous conduct; when the Earl was summoned by
Varney to speak with him in a different apartment。

After having had the message twice delivered to him; he rose; and
was about to withdraw; as it were; by instinct; then stopped; and
turning round; entreated permission of the Queen to absent
himself for a brief space upon matters of pressing importance。

〃Go; my lord;〃 said the Queen。  〃We are awar
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