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the financier-第70章

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 and ask them to come out。〃

〃No。  We'll tend to that。  You stay where you are。  You're not going to get into any trouble。  You just stay where you are;〃 insisted Alderson。

He motioned to Butler; who; however; now that he had embarked on his grim task; was thinking that he had made a mistake。  What good would it do him to force his way in and make her come out; unless he intended to kill Cowperwood? If she were made to come down here; that would be enough。  She would then know that he knew all。  He did not care to quarrel with Cowperwood; in any public way; he now decided。  He was afraid to。  He was afraid of himself。

〃Let her go;〃 he said grimly; doggedly referring to Mrs。 Davis; 〃But watch her。  Tell the girl to come down…stairs to me。〃

Mrs。 Davis; realizing on the moment that this was some family tragedy; and hoping in an agonized way that she could slip out of it peacefully; started upstairs at once with Alderson and his assistants who were close at his heels。  Reaching the door of the room occupied by Cowperwood and Aileen; she tapped lightly。 At the time Aileen and Cowperwood were sitting in a big arm…chair。 At the first knock Aileen blanched and leaped to her feet。  Usually not nervous; to…day; for some reason; she anticipated trouble。 Cowperwood's eyes instantly hardened。

〃Don't be nervous;〃 he said; 〃no doubt it's only the servant。 I'll go。〃

He started; but Aileen interfered。  〃Wait;〃 she said。  Somewhat reassured; she went to the closet; and taking down a dressing…gown; slipped it on。  Meanwhile the tap came again。  Then she went to the door and opened it the least bit。

〃Mrs。 Montague;〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Davis; in an obviously nervous; forced voice; 〃there's a gentleman downstairs who wishes to see you。〃

〃A gentleman to see me!〃 exclaimed Aileen; astonished and paling。 〃Are you sure?〃

〃Yes; he says he wants to see you。  There are several other men with him。  I think it's some one who belongs to you; maybe。〃

Aileen realized on the instant; as did Cowperwood; what had in all likelihood happened。  Butler or Mrs。 Cowperwood had trailed them in all probability her father。  He wondered now what he should do to protect her; not himself。  He was in no way deeply concerned for himself; even here。  Where any woman was concerned he was too chivalrous to permit fear。  It was not at all improbable that Butler might want to kill him; but that did not disturb him。  He really did not pay any attention to that thought; and he was not armed。

〃I'll dress and go down;〃 he said; when he saw Aileen's pale face。 〃You stay here。  And don't you worry in any way for I'll get you out of thisnow; don't worry。  This is my affair。  I got you in it and I'll get you out of it。〃  He went for his hat and coat and added; as he did so; 〃You go ahead and dress; but let me go first。〃

Aileen; the moment the door closed; had begun to put on her clothes swiftly and nervously。  Her mind was working like a rapidly moving machine。  She was wondering whether this really could be her father。 Perhaps it was not。  Might there be some other Mrs。 Montaguea real one? Supposing it was her fatherhe had been so nice to her in not telling the family; in keeping her secret thus far。  He loved hershe knew that。  It makes all the difference in the world in a child's attitude on an occasion like this whether she has been loved and petted and spoiled; or the reverse。  Aileen had been loved and petted and spoiled。  She could not think of her father doing anything terrible physically to her or to any one else。  But it was so hard to confront himto look into his eyes。  When she had attained a proper memory of him; her fluttering wits told her what to do。

〃No; Frank;〃 she whispered; excitedly; 〃if it's father; you'd better let me go。  I know how to talk to him。  He won't say anything to me。  You stay here。  I'm not afraidreally; I'm not。  If I want you; I'll call you。〃

He had come over and taken her pretty chin in his hands; and was looking solemnly into her eyes。

〃You mustn't be afraid;〃 he said。  〃I'll go down。  If it's your father; you can go away with him。  I don't think he'll do anything either to you or to me。  If it is he; write me something at the office。  I'll be there。  If I can help you in any way; I will。 We can fix up something。  There's no use trying to explain this。 Say nothing at all。〃

He had on his coat and overcoat; and was standing with his hat in his hand。  Aileen was nearly dressed; struggling with the row of red current…colored buttons which fastened her dress in the back。 Cowperwood helped her。  When she was readyhat; gloves; and all he said:

〃Now let me go first。  I want to see。〃

〃No; please; Frank;〃 she begged; courageously。  〃Let me; I know it's father。  Who else could it be?〃 She wondered at the moment whether her father had brought her two brothers but would not now believe it。  He would not do that; she knew。  〃You can come if I call。〃  She went on。  〃Nothing's going to happen; though。  I understand him。  He won't do anything to me。  If you go it will only make him angry。  Let me go。  You stand in the door here。  If I don't call; it's all right。  Will you?〃

She put her two pretty hands on his shoulders; and he weighed the matter very carefully。  〃Very well;〃 he said; 〃only I'll go to the foot of the stairs with you。〃

They went to the door and he opened it。  Outside were Alderson with two other detectives and Mrs。 Davis; standing perhaps five feet away。

〃Well;〃 said Cowperwood; commandingly; looking at Alderson。

〃There's a gentleman down…stairs wishes to see the lady;〃 said Alderson。  〃It's her father; I think;〃 he added quietly。

Cowperwood made way for Aileen; who swept by; furious at the presence of men and this exposure。  Her courage had entirely returned。 She was angry now to think her father would make a public spectacle of her。  Cowperwood started to follow。

〃I'd advise you not to go down there right away;〃 cautioned Alderson; sagely。  〃That's her father。  Butler's her name; isn't it?  He don't want you so much as he wants her。〃

Cowperwood nevertheless walked slowly toward the head of the stairs; listening。

〃What made you come here; father?〃 he heard Aileen ask。

Butler's reply he could not hear; but he was now at ease for he knew how much Butler loved his daughter。

Confronted by her father; Aileen was now attempting to stare defiantly; to look reproachful; but Butler's deep gray eyes beneath their shaggy brows revealed such a weight of weariness and despair as even she; in her anger and defiance; could not openly flaunt。 It was all too sad。

〃I never expected to find you in a place like this; daughter;〃 he said。  〃I should have thought you would have thought better of yourself。〃  His voice choked and he stopped。

〃I know who you're here with;〃 he continued; shaking his head sadly。  〃The dog! I'll get him yet。  I've had men watchin' you all the time。  Oh; the shame of this day! The shame of this day! You'll be comin' home with me now。〃

〃That's just it; father;〃 began Aileen。  〃You've had men watching me。  I should have thought〃 She stopped; because he put up his hand in a strange; agonized; and yet dominating way。

〃None of that! none of that!〃 he said; glowering under his strange; sad; gray brows。  〃I can't stand it! Don't tempt me! We're not out of this place yet。  He's not! You'll come home with me now。〃

Aileen understood。  It was Cowperwood he was referring to。  That frightened her。

〃I'm ready;〃 she replied; nervously。

The old man led the way broken…heartedly。  He felt he would never live to forget the agony of this hour。

Chapter XXXVII

In spite of Butler's rage and his determination to do many things to the financier; if he could; he was so wrought up and shocked by the attitude of Aileen that he could scarcely believe he was the same man he had been twenty…four hours before。  She was so nonchalant; so defiant。  He had expected to see her wilt completely when confronted with her guilt。  Instead; he found; to his despair; after they were once safely out of the house; that he had aroused a fighting quality in the girl which was not incomparable to his own。  She had some of his own and Owen's grit。  She sat beside him in the little runaboutnot his ownin which he was driving her home; her face coloring and blanching by turns; as different waves of thought swept over her; determined to stand her ground now that her father had so plainly trapped her; to declare for Cowperwood and her love and her position in general。  What did she care; she asked herself; what her father thought now? She was in this thing。 She loved Cowperwood; she was permanently disgraced in her father's eyes。  What difference could it all make now? He had fallen so low in his parental feeling as to spy on her and expose her before other menstrangers; detectives; Cowperwood。  What real affection could she have for him after this? He had made a mistake; according to her。  He had done a foolish and a contemptible thing; which was not warranted however bad her actions might have been。  What could he hope to accomplish by rushing in on her in this way and ripping the veil from her very soul before these other menthese crude detectives? Oh; the agony of that walk from the bedroom 
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