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the financier-第52章

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and walked shamefacedly out。  He waited until he heard her steps fading into faint nothings down the hall toward her room。  Then he arose。  Once more he clinched his big fists。

〃The scoundrel!〃 he said。  〃The scoundrel! I'll drive him out of Philadelphy; if it takes the last dollar I have in the world。〃

Chapter XXVII

For the first time in his life Cowperwood felt conscious of having been in the presence of that interesting social phenomenonthe outraged sentiment of a parent。  While he had no absolute knowledge as to why Butler had been so enraged; he felt that Aileen was the contributing cause。  He himself was a father。  His boy; Frank; Jr。; was to him not so remarkable。  But little Lillian; with her dainty little slip of a body and bright…aureoled head; had always appealed to him。  She was going to be a charming woman one day; he thought; and he was going to do much to establish her safely。  He used to tell her that she had 〃eyes like buttons;〃 〃feet like a pussy…cat;〃 and hands that were 〃just five cents' worth;〃 they were so little。 The child admired her father and would often stand by his chair in the library or the sitting…room; or his desk in his private office; or by his seat at the table; asking him questions。

This attitude toward his own daughter made him see clearly how Butler might feel toward Aileen。  He wondered how he would feel if it were his own little Lillian; and still he did not believe he would make much fuss over the matter; either with himself or with her; if she were as old as Aileen。  Children and their lives were more or less above the willing of parents; anyhow; and it would be a difficult thing for any parent to control any child; unless the child were naturally docile…minded and willing to be controlled。

It also made him smile; in a grim way; to see how fate was raining difficulties on him。  The Chicago fire; Stener's early absence; Butler; Mollenhauer; and Simpson's indifference to Stener's fate and his。  And now this probable revelation in connection with Aileen。  He could not be sure as yet; but his intuitive instincts told him that it must be something like this。

Now he was distressed as to what Aileen would do; say if suddenly she were confronted by her father。  If he could only get to her! But if he was to meet Butler's call for his loan; and the others which would come yet to…day or on the morrow; there was not a moment to lose。  If he did not pay he must assign at once。  Butler's rage; Aileen; his own danger; were brushed aside for the moment。 His mind concentrated wholly on how to save himself financially。

He hurried to visit George Waterman; David Wiggin; his wife's brother; who was now fairly well to do; Joseph Zimmerman; the wealthy dry…goods dealer who had dealt with him in the past; Judge Kitchen; a private manipulator of considerable wealth; Frederick Van Nostrand; the State treasurer; who was interested in local street…railway stocks; and others。  Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in a position to do anything for him; another was afraid; a third was calculating eagerly to drive a hard bargain; a fourth was too deliberate; anxious to have much time。  All scented the true value of his situation; all wanted time to consider; and he had no time to consider。  Judge Kitchen did agree to lend him thirty thousand dollarsa paltry sum。  Joseph Zimmerman would only risk twenty…five thousand dollars。  He could see where; all told; he might raise seventy…five thousand dollars by hypothecating double the amount in shares; but this was ridiculously insufficient。 He had figured again; to a dollar; and he must have at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars above all his present holdings; or he must close his doors。  To…morrow at two o'clock he would know。  If he didn't he would be written down as 〃failed〃 on a score of ledgers in Philadelphia。

What a pretty pass for one to come to whose hopes had so recently run so high! There was a loan of one hundred thousand dollars from the Girard National Bank which he was particularly anxious to clear off。  This bank was the most important in the city; and if he retained its good will by meeting this loan promptly he might hope for favors in the future whatever happened。  Yet; at the moment; he did not see how he could do it。  He decided; however; after some reflection; that he would deliver the stocks which Judge Kitchen; Zimmerman; and others had agreed to take and get their checks or cash yet this night。  Then he would persuade Stener to let him have a check for the sixty thousand dollars' worth of city loan he had purchased this morning on 'change。  Out of it he could take twenty…five thousand dollars to make up the balance due the bank; and still have thirty…five thousand for himself。

The one unfortunate thing about such an arrangement was that by doing it he was building up a rather complicated situation in regard to these same certificates。  Since their purchase in the morning; he had not deposited them in the sinking…fund; where they belonged (they had been delivered to his office by half past one in the afternoon); but; on the contrary; had immediately hypothecated them to cover another loan。  It was a risky thing to have done; considering that he was in danger of failing and that he was not absolutely sure of being able to take them up in time。

But; he reasoned; he had a working agreement with the city treasurer (illegal of course); which would make such a transaction rather plausible; and almost all right; even if he failed; and that was that none of his accounts were supposed necessarily to be put straight until the end of the month。  If he failed; and the certificates were not in the sinking…fund; he could say; as was the truth; that he was in the habit of taking his time; and had forgotten。  This collecting of a check; therefore; for these as yet undeposited certificates would be technically; if not legally and morally; plausible。  The city would be out only an additional sixty thousand dollarsmaking five hundred and sixty thousand dollars all told; which in view of its probable loss of five hundred thousand did not make so much difference。  But his caution clashed with his need on this occasion; and he decided that he would not call for the check unless Stener finally refused to aid him with three hundred thousand more; in which case he would claim it as his right。  In all likelihood Stener would not think to ask whether the certificates were in the sinking…fund or not。  If he did; he would have to liethat was all。

He drove rapidly back to his office; and; finding Butler's note; as he expected; wrote a check on his father's bank for the one hundred thousand dollars which had been placed to his credit by his loving parent; and sent it around to Butler's office。  There was another note; from Albert Stires; Stener's secretary; advising him not to buy or sell any more city loanthat until further notice such transactions would not be honored。  Cowperwood immediately sensed the source of this warning。  Stener had been in conference with Butler or Mollenhauer; and had been warned and frightened。 Nevertheless; he got in his buggy again and drove directly to the city treasurer's office。

Since Cowperwood's visit Stener had talked still more with Sengstack; Strobik; and others; all sent to see that a proper fear of things financial had been put in his heart。  The result was decidedly one which spelled opposition to Cowperwood。

Strobik was considerably disturbed himself。  He and Wycroft and Harmon had also been using money out of the treasurymuch smaller sums; of course; for they had not Cowperwood's financial imagination and were disturbed as to how they would return what they owed before the storm broke。  If Cowperwood failed; and Stener was short in his accounts; the whole budget might be investigated; and then their loans would be brought to light。  The thing to do was to return what they owed; and then; at least; no charge of malfeasance would lie against them。

〃Go to Mollenhauer;〃 Strobik had advised Stener; shortly after Cowperwood had left the latter's office; 〃and tell him the whole story。  He put you here。  He was strong for your nomination。  Tell him just where you stand and ask him what to do。  He'll probably be able to tell you。  Offer him your holdings to help you out。 You have to。  You can't help yourself。  Don't loan Cowperwood another damned dollar; whatever you do。  He's got you in so deep now you can hardly hope to get out。  Ask Mollenhauer if he won't help you to get Cowperwood to put that money back。  He may be able to influence him。〃

There was more in this conversation to the same effect; and then Stener hurried as fast as his legs could carry him to Mollenhauer's office。  He was so frightened that he could scarcely breathe; and he was quite ready to throw himself on his knees before the big German…American financier and leader。  Oh; if Mr。 Mollenhauer would only help him! If he could just get out of this without going to jail!

〃Oh; Lord! Oh; Lord! Oh; Lord!〃 he repeated; over and over to himself; as he walked。  〃What shall I do?〃

The attitude of Henry A。 Mollenhauer; grim; political boss that he wastrained in a hard schoolwas precisely the attitude of every 
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