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the financier-第49章

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own。  Why; look at meI've helped you; haven't I? Haven't I handled your affairs satisfactorily for you up to now? What in Heaven's name has got into you? What have you to be afraid of?〃

Stener was just about to make another weak rejoinder when the door from the outer office opened; and Albert Stires; Stener's chief clerk; entered。  Stener was too flustered to really pay any attention to Stires for the moment; but Cowperwood took matters in his own hands。

〃What is it; Albert?〃 he asked; familiarly。

〃Mr。 Sengstack from Mr。 Mollenhauer to see Mr。 Stener。〃

At the sound of this dreadful name Stener wilted like a leaf。 Cowperwood saw it。  He realized that his last hope of getting the three hundred thousand dollars was now probably gone。  Still he did not propose to give up as yet。

〃Well; George;〃 he said; after Albert had gone out with instructions that Stener would see Sengstack in a moment。  〃I see how it is。 This man has got you mesmerized。  You can't act for yourself now you're too frightened。  I'll let it rest for the present; I'll come back。  But for Heaven's sake pull yourself together。  Think what it means。  I'm telling you exactly what's going to happen if you don't。  You'll be independently rich if you do。  You'll be a convict if you don't。〃

And deciding he would make one more effort in the street before seeing Butler again; he walked out briskly; jumped into his light spring runabout waiting outsidea handsome little yellow…glazed vehicle; with a yellow leather cushion seat; drawn by a young; high…stepping bay mareand sent her scudding from door to door; throwing down the lines indifferently and bounding up the steps of banks and into office doors。

But all without avail。  All were interested; considerate; but things were very uncertain。  The Girard National Bank refused an hour's grace; and he had to send a large bundle of his most valuable securities to cover his stock shrinkage there。  Word came from his father at two that as president of the Third National he would have to call for his one hundred and fifty thousand dollars due there。 The directors were suspicious of his stocks。  He at once wrote a check against fifty thousand dollars of his deposits in that bank; took twenty…five thousand of his available office funds; called a loan of fifty thousand against Tighe & Co。; and sold sixty thousand Green & Coates; a line he had been tentatively dabbling in; for one…third their valueand; combining the general results; sent them all to the Third National。  His father was immensely relieved from one point of view; but sadly depressed from another。  He hurried out at the noon…hour to see what his own holdings would bring。  He was compromising himself in a way by doing it; but his parental heart; as well as is own financial interests; were involved。 By mortgaging his house and securing loans on his furniture; carriages; lots; and stocks; he managed to raise one hundred thousand in cash; and deposited it in his own bank to Frank's credit; but it was a very light anchor to windward in this swirling storm; at that。 Frank had been counting on getting all of his loans extended three or four days at least。  Reviewing his situation at two o'clock of this Monday afternoon; he said to himself thoughtfully but grimly: 〃Well; Stener has to loan me three hundred thousandthat's all there is to it。  And I'll have to see Butler now; or he'll be calling his loan before three。〃

He hurried out; and was off to Butler's house; driving like mad。

Chapter XXVI

Things had changed greatly since last Cowperwood had talked with Butler。  Although most friendly at the time the proposition was made that he should combine with Mollenhauer and Simpson to sustain the market; alas; now on this Monday morning at nine o'clock; an additional complication had been added to the already tangled situation which had changed Butler's attitude completely。  As he was leaving his home to enter his runabout; at nine o'clock in the morning of this same day in which Cowperwood was seeking Stener's aid; the postman; coming up; had handed Butler four letters; all of which he paused for a moment to glance at。  One was from a sub…contractor by the name of O'Higgins; the second was from Father Michel; his confessor; of St。 Timothy's; thanking him for a contribution to the parish poor fund; a third was from Drexel & Co。 relating to a deposit; and the fourth was an anonymous communication; on cheap stationery from some one who was apparently not very literatea woman most likelywritten in a scrawling hand; which read:

     DEAR SIRThis is to warn you that your daughter      Aileen is running around with a man that she shouldn't;      Frank A。 Cowperwood; the banker。  If you don't believe      it; watch the house at 931 North Tenth Street。  Then you      can see for yourself。

There was neither signature nor mark of any kind to indicate from whence it might have come。  Butler got the impression strongly that it might have been written by some one living in the vicinity of the number indicated。  His intuitions were keen at times。  As a matter of fact; it was written by a girl; a member of St。 Timothy's Church; who did live in the vicinity of the house indicated; and who knew Aileen by sight and was jealous of her airs and her position。 She was a thin; anemic; dissatisfied creature who had the type of brain which can reconcile the gratification of personal spite with a comforting sense of having fulfilled a moral duty。  Her home was some five doors north of the unregistered Cowperwood domicile on the opposite side of the street; and by degrees; in the course of time; she made out; or imagined that she had; the significance of this institution; piecing fact to fancy and fusing all with that keen intuition which is so closely related to fact。  The result was eventually this letter which now spread clear and grim before Butler's eyes。

The Irish are a philosophic as well as a practical race。  Their first and strongest impulse is to make the best of a bad situation to put a better face on evil than it normally wears。  On first reading these lines the intelligence they conveyed sent a peculiar chill over Butler's sturdy frame。  His jaw instinctively closed; and his gray eyes narrowed。  Could this be true? If it were not; would the author of the letter say so practically; 〃If you don't believe it; watch the house at 931 North Tenth Street〃? Wasn't that in itself proof positivethe hard; matter…of…fact realism of it? And this was the man who had come to him the night before seeking aidwhom he had done so much to assist。  There forced itself into his naturally slow…moving but rather accurate mind a sense of the distinction and charm of his daughtera considerably sharper picture than he had ever had before; and at the same time a keener understanding of the personality of Frank Algernon Cowperwood。  How was it he had failed to detect the real subtlety of this man? How was it he had never seen any sign of it; if there had been anything between Cowperwood and Aileen?

Parents are frequently inclined; because of a time…flattered sense of security; to take their children for granted。  Nothing ever has happened; so nothing ever will happen。  They see their children every day; and through the eyes of affection; and despite their natural charm and their own strong parental love; the children are apt to become not only commonplaces; but ineffably secure against evil。  Mary is naturally a good girla little wild; but what harm can befall her? John is a straight…forward; steady…going boyhow could he get into trouble? The astonishment of most parents at the sudden accidental revelation of evil in connection with any of their children is almost invariably pathetic。  〃My John! My Mary! Impossible!〃 But it is possible。  Very possible。 Decidedly likely。  Some; through lack of experience or understanding; or both; grow hard and bitter on the instant。  They feel themselves astonishingly abased in the face of notable tenderness and sacrifice。 Others collapse before the grave manifestation of the insecurity and uncertainty of lifethe mystic chemistry of our being。  Still others; taught roughly by life; or endowed with understanding or intuition; or both; see in this the latest manifestation of that incomprehensible chemistry which we call life and personality; and; knowing that it is quite vain to hope to gainsay it; save by greater subtlety; put the best face they can upon the matter and call a truce until they can think。  We all know that life is unsolvable we who think。  The remainder imagine a vain thing; and are full of sound and fury signifying nothing。

So Edward Butler; being a man of much wit and hard; grim experience; stood there on his doorstep holding in his big; rough hand his thin slip of cheap paper which contained such a terrific indictment of his daughter。  There came to him now a picture of her as she was when she was a very little girlshe was his first baby girland how keenly he had felt about her all these years。  She had been a beautiful childher red…gold hair had been pillowed on his breast many a time; and his hard; rough fingers had stroked her soft cheeks; lo; these thousands of times。  Aileen; his lovely; dashing daughter of twenty…three! He was lo
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