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miscellaneous papers(各种各样的文件)-第19章

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not because of its novelty; not because of its many scattered beauties; but 

because of its perfect consistency with itself。            As the animal…painter said 

of his favourite picture of rabbits that there was more nature about those 

rabbits than you usually found in rabbits; so it may be said of Mr。 Fechter's 

Hamlet;     that   there  was    more   consistency     about    that  Hamlet    than   you 

usually found in Hamlets。           Its great and satisfying originality was in its 

possessing the merit of a distinctly conceived and executed idea。 From the 

first   appearance of   the broken   glass   of   fashion   and   mould   of   form;   pale 

and worn with weeping for his father's death; and remotely suspicious of 

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                                  MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS 

its   cause; to his   final   struggle   with   Horatio   for   the   fatal   cup;  there   were 

cohesion and coherence in Mr。 Fechter's view of the character。                   Devrient; 

the    German     actor;   had;   some     years   before    in  London;     fluttered    the 

theatrical    doves    considerably;     by   such   changes     as  being   seated    when 

instructing   the   players;   and   like   mild   departures   from  established   usage; 

but he had worn; in the main; the old nondescript dress; and had held forth; 

in the main; in the old way; hovering between sanity and madness。                      I do 

not remember whether he wore his hair crisply curled short; as if he were 

going to an everlasting dancing…master's party at the Danish court; but I do 

remember that most other Hamlets since the great Kemble had been bound 

to do so。     Mr。 Fechter's Hamlet; a pale; woebegone Norseman with long 

flaxen hair; wearing a strange garb never associated with the part upon the 

English stage (if ever seen there at all) and making a piratical swoop upon 

the whole fleet of little theatrical prescriptions without meaning; or; like 

Dr。   Johnson's   celebrated   friend;   with   only   one   idea   in   them;   and   that   a 

wrong one; never could have achieved its extraordinary success but for its 

animation   by   one   pervading   purpose;   to   which   all   changes   were   made 

intelligently subservient。        The bearing of this purpose on the treatment of 

Ophelia;   on     the  death   of   Polonius;    and   on   the  old  student    fellowship 

between Hamlet and Horatio; was exceedingly striking; and the difference 

between picturesqueness of stage arrangement for mere stage effect; and 

for the elucidation of a meaning; was well displayed in there having been a 

gallery of musicians at the Play; and in one of them passing on his way out; 

with his instrument in his hand; when Hamlet; seeing it; took it from him; 

to point his talk with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern。 

     This leads me to the observation with which I have all along desired to 

conclude:      that   Mr。   Fechter's   romance   and   picturesqueness   are   always 

united   to   a   true   artist's   intelligence;   and   a   true   artist's   training   in   a   true 

artist's   spirit。  He   became   one   of   the   company   of   the   Theatre   Francais 

when he was a very young man; and he has cultivated his natural gifts in 

the best schools。       I cannot wish my friend a better audience than he will 

have in the American people; and I cannot wish them a better actor than 

they will have in my friend。 

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                                      MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS 


 {1}       Cornhill Magazine 

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