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the virgin of the sun-第8章

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her; outclimbed his fellows upon the slope of the hill; for they were
weary and gathering to re…form; and catching her round the middle;
strove to drag her away。 I fell on him and we fought。 He had fine
armour and a shield while I had none; but I held the long sword while
he only wielded a battle…axe。 I knew that if he could get in a blow
with that battle…axe; I was sped; since the bull's hide of my jerkin
would never stand against it。 Therefore it was my business to keep out
of his reach。 This; being young and active; for the most part I made
shift to do; especially as he could not move very quickly in his mail。
The end of it was that I cut him on the arm through a joint in his
harness; whereon he rushed at me; swearing French oaths。

I leapt on one side and as he passed; smote with all my strength。 The
blow fell between neck and shoulder; from behind as it were; and such
was the temper of that sword named Wave…Flame that it shore through
his mail deep into the flesh beneath; to the backbone as I believe。 At
least he went down in a heapI remember the rattle of his armour as
he fell; and there lay still。 Then we fled on down the steep path; I
holding the bloody sword with one hand and Lady Blanche with the
other; while she thanked me with her eyes。

At length we were in the town again; running up my own street。 On
either side of us the houses burned; and behind us came another body
of the French。 The reek got into our eyes and we stumbled over dead or
fainting people。

Looking to the left I caught sight of the elm tree of which I have
spoken; that grew in front of our door; and saw that the house behind
it was burning。 Yes; and I saw more; for at the attic window; which
was open; the flames making an arch round her; sat my mother。
Moreover; she was singing for I heard her voice and the wild words she
sang; though this was a strange thing for a woman to do in the hour of
such a death。 Further; she saw and knew me; for she waved her hands to
me; then pointed towards the sea; why; I did not guess at the time。 I
stopped; purposing to try to rescue her though the front of the house
was flaming; and the attempt must have ended in my death。 But at that
moment the roof fell in; causing the fire to spout upwards and
outwards。 This was the last that I saw of my mother; though afterwards
we found her body and gave it burial with those of many other victims。

There was no time to stay; for the conquering French were pouring up
the street behind us; shooting as they came and murdering any laggards
whom they could catch。 On we went up the steep slope of the Minnes
Rock。 I would have fled on into the open country; but the lady Blanche
had no strength left。 Twice she sank to the ground; stricken with
terror and weariness; and each time prayed me not to leave her; nor
indeed did I wish to do so。 The end of it was that William Bull and I
between us half carried her with much toil to the cave of which I had
spoken to my mother。 The task was heavy and slow; since always we must
scramble over sheer ground。 What is more; a party of the French;
seeing our plight; followed us。 Perhaps some of them guessed who the
lady was; for there were many spies in Hastings who might have told
them; and desired to capture and hold her to ransom。

At the least they came on after us and a few others; women all of
them; who had joined our company; being unable to travel further; or
trusting to William Bull and myself to protect them。

We reached the cave; and thrusting the women along it; William and I
stood in the mouth and waited。 He had no bow and all my arrows were
gone save three; but of these I; who was noted for my archery;
determined to make the best use I could。 So I drew them out; and
having strung the bow; sat down to get my breath。 On came the French;
shouting and jabbering at us to the effect that they would cut our
throats and carry off /la belle dame/ to be their sport。

〃She shall be mine!〃 yelled a big fellow with a flattened nose and a
wide mouth who was ahead of the others; and not more than fifty yards

I rose; and praying my patron; good St。 Hubert after whom I was named
because I first saw light upon his day; the 23rd of November; to give
me skill; I drew the great bow to my ear; aimed; and loosed。 Nor did
St。 Hubert; a lover of fine shooting; fail me in my need; for that
arrow rushed out and found its home in the big mouth of the Frenchman;
through which it passed; pinning his foul tongue to his neck bone。

Down he went; and cheered by the sight I refitted and loosed at the
next。 Him; too; the arrow caught; so that he fell almost on the other。

I set the third and last arrow on the string and waited a space。
Behind these two was a squat; broad man; a knight I suppose; for he
wore armour; and had a shield with a cock painted on it。 This man;
frightened by the fate of his companions; yet not minded to give up
the venture for those in rear of him urged him on; bent himself almost
double; and holding the shield over his helm which was closed; so as
to protect his head and body; came on at a good pace。

I waited till he was within five…and…twenty yards or so; hoping that
the roughness of the ground would cause him to stumble and the shield
to shift so that I could get a chance at him behind it。 But I did not;
so at last; again praying to St。 Hubert; I drew the big bow till the
string touched my ear; and let drive。 The shaft; pointed with tempered
steel; struck the shield full in the centre; and by Heaven; pierced
it; aye; and the mail behind; aye; and the flesh it covered; so that
he; too; got his death。

〃A great shot; Master;〃 said William; 〃that no other bow in Hastings
could have sped。〃

〃Not so ill;〃 I answered; 〃but it is my last。 Now we must fight as we
can with sword and axe until we be sped。〃

William nodded; and the women in the cave began to wail while I
unstrung my bow and set it in its case; from habit I think; seeing
that I never hoped to look upon it again。

Just then from the French ships in the harbour there came a great
blaring of trumpets giving some alarm; and the Frenchmen of a sudden;
ceasing from their attack; turned and ran towards the shore。 I stepped
out of the cave with William and looked。 There on the sea; drawing
near from the east before a good wind; I saw ships; and saw; too; that
from their masts flew the pennons of England; for the golden leopards
gleamed in the sun。

〃It is our fleet; William;〃 I said; 〃come to talk with these French。〃

〃Then I would that it had come sooner;〃 answered William。 〃Still;
better now than not at all。〃

Thus were we saved; through Hamo de Offyngton; the Abbot of Battle
Abbey; or so I was told afterwards; who collected a force by land and
sea and drove off the French after they had ravaged the Isle of Wight;
attacked Winchelsea; and burned the greater part of Hastings。 So it
came about that in the end these pirates took little benefit by their
wickedness; since they lost sundry ships with all on board; and others
left in such haste that their people remained on shore where they were
slain by the mob that gathered as soon as it was seen that they were
deserted; helped by a company of the Abbot's men who had marched from
Battle。 But with all this I had nothing to do who now that the fight
was over; felt weak as a child and could think of little save that I
had seen my mother burning。

Presently; however; that happened which woke me from my grief and
caused my blood which had grown sluggish to run again。 For when she
knew that she was safe the lady Blanche came out of the cave and
addressed me as I stood there leaning against the rock with the red
sword Wave…Flame in my hand; as I had drawn it to make ready for the
last fight to the death。 All sorts of sweet names she called mea
hero; her deliverer; and I know not what besides。

In the end; as I made no answer; being dazed; also hurt by an axe blow
on the breast which I had not felt before; dealt by that Frenchman
whom I slew near the Castle; she did more。 Throwing her arms about me
she kissed me thrice; on either cheek and on the lips; doubtless
because she was overwrought; and in her thankfulness forgot her
maidenly reserve; though as William Bull said afterwards; this
forgetfulness did not cause her to kiss him who had also helped her up
the hill。

Those kisses were like wine to me; for it is strange how; if we love
her; by the decree of Nature the touch of a beautiful woman's lips;
felt for the first time; affects us in our youth。 Whatever else we
forget; that we always remember; however false those lips afterwards
be proved。 For then the wax is soft and the die sinks deep; so deep
that no after…heats can melt its stamp and no fretting wear it out
while we live beneath the sun。

Now my young blood being awakened; I was minded to return those
kisses; and began to do so with a Jew's interest; when I heard a rough
voice swearing many strange oaths; and heard also the other women who
had sheltered with us in the cave begin to titter; for the moment
forgetting all their private woes; as those of their sex will do when
there is kissing in the wind。

〃God's blood!〃 said the rough voice
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