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villa rubein and other stories-第40章

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〃Therr they found 'en; zo to spake; deadin th' sun; but Ha…apgood

can tell yu;〃 and Hopgood; ever rolling his pipe; muttered something;

and smiled his wooden smile。

He came to see me off from the straw…yard。  〃'Tis like death to the

varrm; zurr;〃 he said; putting all the play of his vast shoulders

into the buckling of my girths。  〃Mister Fordwell!  And not one of

th' old stock to take it when 'e's garn。。。。  Ah! it werr cruel; my

old woman's never been hersel' since。  Tell 'ee what 'tisdon't du

t' think to much。〃

I went out of my way to pass the churchyard。  There were flowers;

quite fresh; chrysanthemums; and asters; above them the white stone;

already stained:



        'The Lord hatb given; and the Lord hatb taken away。〃'

The red cows were there too; the sky full of great white clouds; some

birds whistling a little mournfully; and in the air the scent of

fallen leaves。。。。

May; 1900。






At Monte Carlo; in the spring of the year 189…; I used to notice an

old fellow in a grey suit and sunburnt straw hat with a black ribbon。

Every morning at eleven o'clock; he would come down to the Place;

followed by a brindled German boarhound; walk once or twice round it;

and seat himself on a bench facing the casino。  There he would remain

in the sun; with his straw hat tilted forward; his thin legs apart;

his brown hands crossed between them; and the dog's nose resting on

his knee。  After an hour or more he would get up; and; stooping a

little from the waist; walk slowly round the Place and return up

hill。  Just before three; he would come down again in the same

clothes and go into the casino; leaving the dog outside。

One afternoon; moved by curiosity; I followed him。  He passed through

the hall without looking at the gambling…rooms; and went into the

concert。  It became my habit after that to watch for him。  When he

sat in the Place I could see him from the window of my room。  The

chief puzzle to me was the matter of his nationality。

His lean; short face had a skin so burnt that it looked like leather;

his jaw was long and prominent; his chin pointed; and he had hollows

in his cheeks。  There were wrinkles across his forehead; his eyes

were brown; and little white moustaches were brushed up from the

corners of his lips。  The back of his head bulged out above the lines

of his lean neck and high; sharp shoulders; his grey hair was cropped

quite close。  In the Marseilles buffet; on the journey out; I had met

an Englishman; almost his counterpart in featuresbut somehow very

different!  This old fellow had nothing of the other's alert;

autocratic self…sufficiency。  He was quiet and undemonstrative;

without looking; as it were; insulated against shocks and foreign

substances。  He was certainly no Frenchman。  His eyes; indeed; were

brown; but hazel…brown; and gentlenot the red…brown sensual eye of

the Frenchman。  An American?  But was ever an American so passive?  A

German?  His moustache was certainly brushed up; but in a modest;

almost pathetic way; not in the least Teutonic。  Nothing seemed to

fit him。  I gave him up; and named him 〃the Cosmopolitan。〃

Leaving at the end of April; I forgot him altogether。  In the same

month; however; of the following year I was again at Monte Carlo; and

going one day to the concert found myself seated next this same old

fellow。  The orchestra was playing Meyerbeer's 〃Prophete;〃 and my

neighbour was asleep; snoring softly。  He was dressed in the same

grey suit; with the same straw hat (or one exactly like it) on his

knees; and his hands crossed above it。  Sleep had not disfigured

him …his little white moustache was still brushed up; his lips

closed; a very good and gentle expression hovered on his face。  A

curved mark showed on his right temple; the scar of a cut on the side

of his neck; and his left hand was covered by an old glove; the

little forger of which was empty。  He woke up when the march was over

and brisked up his moustache。

The next thing on the programme was a little thing by Poise from Le

joli Gilles; played by Mons。 Corsanego on the violin。  Happening to

glance at my old neighbour; I saw a tear caught in the hollow of his

cheek; and another just leaving the corner of his eye; there was a

faint smile on his lips。  Then came an interval; and while orchestra

and audience were resting; I asked him if he were fond of music。  He

looked up without distrust; bowed; and answered in a thin; gentle

voice: 〃Certainly。  I know nothing about it; play no instrument;

could never sing a note; but fond of it!  Who would not be?〃  His

English was correct enough; but with an emphasis not quite American

nor quite foreign。  I ventured to remark that he did not care for

Meyerbeer。  He smiled。

〃Ah!〃 he said; 〃I was asleep?  Too bad of me。  He is a little noisy

I know so little about music。  There is Bach; for instance。  Would

you believe it; he gives me no pleasure?  A great misfortune to be no

musician!〃  He shook his head。

I murmured; 〃Bach is too elevating for you perhaps。〃

〃To me;〃 he answered; 〃any music I like is elevating。  People say

some music has a bad effect on them。  I never found any music that

gave me a bad thoughtnonoquite the opposite; only sometimes; as

you see; I go to sleep。  But what a lovely instrument the violin!〃

A faint flush came on his parched cheeks。  〃The human soul that has

left the body。  A curious thing; distant bugles at night have given

me the same feeling。〃  The orchestra was now coming back; and;

folding his hands; my neighbour turned his eyes towards them。  When

the concert was over we came out together。  Waiting at the entrance

was his dog。

〃You have a beautiful dog!〃

〃Ah! yes。  Freda。  mia cara; da su mano!〃  The dog squatted on her

haunches; and lifted her paw in the vague; bored way of big dogs when

requested to perform civilities。  She was a lovely creaturethe

purest brindle; without a speck of white; and free from the

unbalanced look of most dogs of her breed。

〃Basta! basta!〃  He turned to me apologetically。  〃We have agreed to

speak Italian; in that way I keep up the language; astonishing the

number of things that dog will understand!〃  I was about to take my

leave; when he asked if I would walk a little way with him〃If you

are free; that is。〃  We went up the street with Freda on the far side

of her master。

〃Do you never 'play' here?〃 I asked him。

〃Play?  No。  It must be very interesting; most exciting; but as a

matter of fact; I can't afford it。  If one has very little; one is

too nervous。〃

He had stopped in front of a small hairdresser's shop。  〃I live

here;〃 he said; raising his hat again。  〃Au revoir!unless I can

offer you a glass of tea。  It's all ready。  Come! I've brought you

out of your way; give me the pleasure!〃

I have never met a man so free from all self…consciousness; and yet

so delicate and diffident the combination is a rare one。  We went up

a steep staircase to a room on the second floor。  My companion threw

the shutters open; setting all the flies buzzing。  The top of a

plane…tree was on a level with the window; and all its little brown

balls were dancing; quite close; in the wind。  As he had promised; an

urn was hissing on a table; there was also a small brown teapot; some

sugar; slices of lemon; and glasses。  A bed; washstand; cupboard; tin

trunk; two chairs; and a small rug were all the furniture。  Above the

bed a sword in a leather sheath was suspended from two nails。  The

photograph of a girl stood on the closed stove。  My host went to the

cupboard and produced a bottle; a glass; and a second spoon。  When

the cork was drawn; the scent of rum escaped into the air。  He

sniffed at it and dropped a teaspoonful into both glasses。

〃This is a trick I learned from the Russians after Plevna; they had

my little finger; so I deserved something in exchange。〃  He looked

round; his eyes; his whole face; seemed to twinkle。  〃I assure you it

was worth itmakes all the difference。  Try!〃  He poured off the


〃Had you a sympathy with the Turks?〃

〃The weaker side〃  He paused abruptly; then added: 〃But it was not

that。〃  Over his face innumerable crow's…feet had suddenly appeared;

his eyes twitched; he went on hurriedly; 〃I had to find something to

do just thenit was necessary。〃  He stared into his glass; and it

was some time before I ventured to ask if he had seen much fighting。

〃Yes;〃 he replied gravely; 〃nearly twenty years altogether; I was one

of Garibaldi's Mille in '60。〃

〃Surely you are not Italian?〃

He leaned forward with his hands on his knees。  〃I was in Genoa at

that time learning banking; Garibaldi was a wonderful man!  One could

not help it。〃  He spoke quite simply。  〃You might sa
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