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the argonautica-第20章

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rdain when dying。  And why should ye go to the city of Orchomenus; whoever this Orchomenus is; for the sake of Athamas' wealth; leaving your mother alone to bear her grief?〃

(ll。 268…274)  Such were her words; and Aeetes came forth last of all and Eidyia herself came; the queen of Aeetes; on hearing the voice of Chalciope; and straightway all the court was filled with a throng。  Some of the thralls were busied with a mighty bull; others with the axe were cleaving dry billets; and others heating with fire water for the baths; nor was there one who relaxed his toil; serving the king。

(ll。 275…298)  Meantime Eros passed unseen through the grey mist; causing confusion; as when against grazing heifers rises the gadfly; which oxherds call the breese。  And quickly beneath the lintel in the porch he strung his bow and took from the quiver an arrow unshot before; messenger of pain。  And with swift feet unmarked he passed the threshold and keenly glanced around; and gliding close by Aeson's son he laid the arrow…notch on the cord in the centre; and drawing wide apart with both hands he shot at Medea; and speechless amazement seized her soul。  But the god himself flashed back again from the high…roofed hall; laughing loud; and the bolt burnt deep down in the maiden's heart like a flame; and ever she kept darting bright glances straight up at Aeson's son; and within her breast her heart panted fast through anguish; all remembrance left her; and her soul melted with the sweet pain。  And as a poor woman heaps dry twigs round a blazing branda daughter of toil; whose task is the spinning of wool; that she may kindle a blaze at night beneath her roof; when she has waked very earlyand the flame waxing wondrous great from the small brand consumes all the twigs together; so; coiling round her heart; burnt secretly Love the destroyer; and the hue of her soft cheeks went and came; now pale; now red; in her soul's distraction。

(ll。 299…303)  Now when the thralls had laid a banquet ready before them; and they had refreshed themselves with warm baths; gladly did they please their souls with meat and drink。  And thereafter Aeetes questioned the sons of his daughter; addressing them with these words:

(ll。 304…316)  〃Sons of my daughter and of Phrixus; whom beyond all strangers I honoured in my halls; how have ye come returning back to Aea?  Did some calamity cut short your escape in the midst?  Ye did not listen when I set before you the boundless length of the way。  For I marked it once; whirled along in the chariot of my father Helios; when he was bringing my sister Circe to the western land and we came to the shore of the Tyrrhenian mainland; where even now she abides; exceeding far from Colchis。 But what pleasure is there in words?  Do ye tell me plainly what has been your fortune; and who these men are; your companions; and where from your hollow ship ye came ashore。〃

(ll。 317…319)  Such were his questions; and Argus; before all his brethren; being fearful for the mission of Aeson's son; gently replied; for he was the elder…born:

(ll。 320…366)  〃Aeetes; that ship forthwith stormy blasts tore asunder; and ourselves; crouching on the beams; a wave drove on to the beach of the isle of Enyalius (3) in the murky night; and some god preserved us。  For even the birds of Ares that haunted the desert isle beforetime; not even them did we find。  But these men had driven them off; having landed from their ship on the day before; and the will of Zeus taking pity on us; or some fate; detained them there; since they straightway gave us both food and clothing in abundance; when they heard the illustrious name of Phrixus and thine own; for to thy city are they faring。  And if thou dost wish to know their errand; I will not hide it from time。  A certain king; vehemently longing to drive this man far from his fatherland and possessions; because in might he outshone all the sons of Aeolus; sends him to voyage hither on a bootless venture; and asserts that the stock of Aeolus will not escape the heart…grieving wrath and rage of implacable Zeus; nor the unbearable curse and vengeance due for Phrixus; until the fleece comes back to Hellas。  And their ship was fashioned by Pallas Athena; not such a one as are the ships among the Colchians; on the vilest of which we chanced。  For the fierce waves and wind broke her utterly to pieces; but the other holds firm with her bolts; even though all the blasts should buffet her。  And with equal swiftness she speedeth before the wind and when the crew ply the oar with unresting hands。  And he hath gathered in her the mightiest heroes of all Achaea; and hath come to thy city from wandering far through cities and gulfs of the dread ocean; in the hope that thou wilt grant him the fleece。  But as thou dost please; so shall it be; for he cometh not to use force; but is eager to pay thee a recompense for the gift。  He has heard from me of thy bitter foes the Sauromatae; and he will subdue them to thy sway。  And if thou desirest to know their names and lineage I will tell thee all。  This man on whose account the rest were gathered from Hellas; they call Jason; son of Aeson; whom Cretheus begat。  And if in truth he is of the stock of Cretheus himself; thus he would be our kinsman on the father's side。  For Cretheus and Athamas were both sons of Aeolus; and Phrixus was the son of Athamas; son of Aeolus。  And here; if thou hast heard at all of the seed of Helios; thou dost behold Augeias; and this is Telamon sprung from famous Aeacus; and Zeus himself begat Aeacus。  And so all the rest; all the comrades that follow him; are the sons or grandsons of the immortals。〃

(ll。 367…371)  Such was the tale of Argus; but the king at his words was filled with rage as he heard; and his heart was lifted high in wrath。  And he spake in heavy displeasure; and was angered most of all with the son of Chalciope; for he deemed that on their account the strangers had come; and in his fury his eyes flashed forth beneath his brows:

(ll。 372…381)  〃Begone from my sight; felons; straightway; ye and your tricks; from the land; ere someone see a fleece and a Phrixus to his sorrow。  Banded together with your friends from Hellas; not for the fleece; but to seize my sceptre and royal power have ye come hither。  Had ye not first tasted of my table; surely would I have cut out your tongues and hewn off both hands and sent you forth with your feet alone; so that ye might be stayed from starting hereafter。  And what lies have ye uttered against the blessed gods!〃

(ll。 382…385)  Thus he spake in his wrath; and mightily from its depths swelled the heart of Aeacus' son; and his soul within longed to speak a deadly word in defiance; but Aeson's son checked him; for he himself first made gentle answer:

(ll。 386…395)  〃Aeetes; bear with this armed band; I pray。  For not in the way thou deemest have we come to thy city and palace; no; nor yet with such desires。  For who would of his own will dare to cross so wide a sea for the goods of a stranger?  But fate and the ruthless command of a presumptuous king urged me。 Grant a favour to thy suppliants; and to all Hellas will I publish a glorious fame of thee; yea; we are ready now to pay thee a swift recompense in war; whether it be the Sauromatae or some other people that thou art eager to subdue to thy sway。〃

(ll。 396…400)  He spake; flattering him with gentle utterance; but the king's soul brooded a twofold purpose within him; whether he should attack and slay them on the spot or should make trial of their might。  And this; as he pondered; seemed the better way; and he addressed Jason in answer:

(ll。 401…421)  〃Stranger; why needest thou go through thy tale to the end?  For if ye are in truth of heavenly race; or have come in no wise inferior to me; to win the goods of strangers; I will give thee the fleece to bear away; if thou dost wish; when I have tried thee。  For against brave men I bear no grudge; such as ye yourselves tell me of him who bears sway in Hellas。  And the trial of your courage and might shall be a contest which I myself can compass with my hands; deadly though it be。  Two bulls with feet of bronze I have that pasture on the plain of Ares; breathing forth flame from their jaws; them do I yoke and drive over the stubborn field of Ares; four plough…gates; and quickly cleaving it with the share up to the headland; I cast into the furrows the seed; not the corn of Demeter; but the teeth of a dread serpent that grow up into the fashion of armed men; them I slay at once; cutting them down beneath my spear as they rise against me on all sides。  In the morning do I yoke the oxen; and at eventide I cease from the harvesting。  And thou; if thou wilt accomplish such deeds as these; on that very day shalt carry off the fleece to the king's palace; ere that time comes I will not give it; expect it not。  For indeed it is unseemly that a brave man should yield to a coward。〃

(ll。 422…426)  Thus he spake; and Jason; fixing his eyes on the ground; sat just as he was; speechless; helpless in his evil plight。  For a long time he turned the matter this way and that; and could in no way take on him the task with courage; for a mighty task it seemed; and at last he made reply with crafty words:

(ll。 427…431)  
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