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the secret places of the heart-第5章

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n by my tangled heredity to do a score of entirely incompatible things。 Mankind; all life; is that。〃 〃But our concern is the particular score of incompatible things you are urged to do。 We examine and weighwe weigh〃 The doctor was still saying these words when a violent and ultimately disastrous struggle began between Sir Richmond and the little Charmeuse car。 The doctor stopped in mid…sentence。 It was near Taplow station that the mutual exasperation of man and machine was brought to a crisis by the clumsy emergence of a laundry cart from a side road。 Sir Richmond was obliged to pull up smartly and stopped his engine。 It refused an immediate obedience to the electric starter。 Then it picked up; raced noisily; disengaged great volumes of bluish smoke; and displayed an unaccountable indisposition to run on any gear but the lowest。 Sir Richmond thought aloud; unpleasing thoughts。 He addressed the little car as a person; he referred to ancient disputes and temperamental incompatibilities。 His anger betrayed him a coarse; ill…bred man。 The little car quickened under his reproaches。 There were some moments of hope; dashed by the necessity of going dead slow behind an interloping van。 Sir Richmond did not notice the outstretched arm of the driver of the van; and stalled his engine for a second time。 The electric starter refused its office altogether。 For some moments Sir Richmond sat like a man of stone。 〃I must wind it up 〃 he said at last in a profound and awful voice。 〃I must wind it up。〃 〃I get out; don't I?〃 asked the doctor; unanswered; and did so。 Sir Richmond; after a grim search and the displacement and replacement of the luggage; produced a handle from the locker at the back of the car and prepared to wind。 There was a little difficulty。 〃Come UP!〃 he said; and the small engine roared out like a stage lion。 The two gentlemen resumed their seats。 The car started and then by an unfortunate inadvertency Sir Richmond pulled the gear lever over from the first speed to the reverse。 There was a metallic clangour beneath the two gentlemen; and the car slowed down and stopped although the engine was still throbbing wildly; and the dainty veil of blue smoke still streamed forward from the back of the car before a gentle breeze。 The doctor got out almost precipitately; followed by a gaunt madman; mouthing vileness; who had only a minute or so before been a decent British citizen。 He made some blind lunges at the tremulous but obdurate car; but rather as if he looked for offences and accusations than for displacements to adjust。 Quivering and refusing; the little car was extraordinarily like some recalcitrant little old aristocratic lady in the hands of revolutionaries; and this made the behaviour of Sir Richmond seem even more outrageous than it would otherwise have done。 He stopped the engine; he went down on his hands and knees in the road to peer up at the gear…box; then without restoring the spark; he tried to wind up the engine again。 He spun the little handle with an insane violence; faster and faster foras it seemed to the doctorthe better part of a minute。 Beads of perspiration appeared upon his brow and ran together; he bared his teeth in a snarl; his hat slipped over one eye。 He groaned with rage。 Then; using the starting handle as a club; he assailed the car。 He smote the brazen Mercury from its foothold and sent it and a part of the radiator cap with it flying across the road。 He beat at the wings of the bonnet; until they bent in under his blows。 Finally; he hurled the starting…handle at the wind…screen and smashed it。 The starting…handle rattled over the bonnet and fell to the ground。 。 。 。 The paroxysm was over。 Ten seconds later this cataclysmal lunatic had reverted to sanitya rather sheepish sanity。 He thrust his hands into his trouser pockets and turned his back on the car。 He remarked in a voice of melancholy detachment: 〃It was a mistake to bring that coupe。〃 Dr。 Martineau had assumed an attitude of trained observation on the side path。 His hands rested on his hips and his hat was a little on one side。 He was inclined to agree with Sir Richmond。 〃I don't know;〃 he considered。 〃You wanted some such blow…off as this。〃 〃Did I? 〃 〃The energy you have! That car must be somebody's whipping boy。〃 〃The devil it is!〃 said Sir Richmond; turning round sharply and staring at it as if he expected it to display some surprising and yet familiar features。 Then he looked questioningly and suspiciously at his companion。 〃These outbreaks do nothing to amend the originating grievance;〃 said the doctor。 〃No。 And at times they are even costly。 But they certainly lift a burthen from the nervous system。 。 。 。 And now I suppose we have to get that little ruin to Maidenhead。〃 〃Little ruin!〃 repeated Sir Richmond。 〃No。 There's lots of life in the little beast yet。〃 He reflected。 〃She'll have to be towed。〃 He felt in his breast pocket。 〃Somewhere I have the R。A。C。 order paper; the Badge that will Get You Home。 We shall have to hail some passing car to take it into Maidenhead。〃 Dr。 Martineau offered and Sir Richmond took and lit a cigarette。 For a little while conversation hung fire。 Then for the first time Dr。 Martineau heard his patient laugh。 〃Amazing savage;〃 said Sir Richmond。 〃Amazing savage!〃 He pointed to his handiwork。 〃The little car looks ruffled。 Well it may。〃 He became grave again。 〃I suppose I ought to apologize。 〃Dr。 Martineau weighed the situation。 〃As between doctor and patient;〃 he said。 〃No。〃 〃Oh!〃 said Sir Richmond; turned to a new point of view。 〃But where the patient ends and the host begins。 。 。 。 I'm really very sorry。〃 He reverted to his original train of thought which had not concerned Dr。 Martineau at all。 〃After all; the little car was only doing what she was made to do。〃 Section 2 The affair of the car effectively unsealed Sir Richmond's mind。 Hitherto Dr。 Martineau had perceived the possibility and danger of a defensive silence or of a still more defensive irony; but now that Sir Richmond had once given himself away; he seemed prepared to give himself away to an unlimited extent。 He embarked upon an apologetic discussion of the choleric temperament。 He began as they stood waiting for the relief car from the Maidenhead garage。 〃You were talking of the ghosts of apes and monkeys that suddenly come out from the darkness of the subconscious 。 。 。 。〃 〃You meanwhen we first met at Harley Street?〃 〃That last apparition of mine seems to have been a gorilla at least。〃 The doctor became precise。 Gorillaesque。 We are not descended from gorillas。〃 〃Queer thing a fit of rage is!〃 〃It's one of nature's cruder expedients。 Crude; but I doubt if it is fundamental。 There doesn't seem to be rage in the vegetable world; and even among the animals? No; it is not universal。〃 He ran his mind over classes and orders。 〃Wasps and bees certainly seem to rage; but if one comes to think; most of the invertebrata show very few signs of it。〃 〃I'm not so sure;〃 said Sir Richmond。 〃I've never seen a snail in a towering passion or an oyster slamming its shell behind it。 But these are sluggish things。 Oysters sulk; which is after all a smouldering sort of rage。 And take any more active invertebrate。 Take a spider。 Not a smashing and swearing sort of rage perhaps; but a disciplined; cold… blooded malignity。 Crabs fight。 A conger eel in a boat will rage dangerously。〃 〃A vertebrate。 Yes。 But even among the vertebrata; who has ever seen a furious rabbit?〃 〃Don't the bucks fight?〃 questioned Sir Richmond。 Dr。 Martineau admitted the point。 〃I've always had these fits of passion。 As far back as I can remember。 I was a kicking; screaming child。 I threw things。 I once threw a fork at my elder brother and it stuck in his forehead; doing no serious damagehappily。 There were whole days of wrathdays; as I remember them。 Perhaps they were only hours。 。 。 。 I've never thought before what a peculiar thing all this raging is in the world。 WHY do we rage? They used to say it was the devil。 If it isn't the devil; then what the devil is it? 〃After all;〃 he went on as the doctor was about to answer his question; 〃as you pointed out; it isn't the lowlier things that rage。 It's the HIGHER things and US。〃 〃The devil nowadays;〃 the doctor reflected after a pause; 〃so far as man is concerned; is understood to be the ancestral ape。 And more particularly the old male ape。〃 But Sir Richmond was away on another line of thought。 〃Life itself; flaring out。 Brooking no contradiction。〃 He came round suddenly to the doctor's qualification。 〃Why male? Don't little girls smash things just as much?〃 〃They don't;〃 said Dr。 Martineau。 〃Not nearly as much。〃 Sir Richmond went off at a tangent again。 〃I suppose you have watched any number of babies?〃' 〃Not nearly as many as a general practitioner would do。 There's a lot of rage about most of them at first; male or female。 〃 〃Queer little eddies of fury。 。 。 。 Recentlyit happens I've been seeing one。 A spit of red wrath; clenching its fists and squalling threats at a damned disobedient universe。〃 The doctor was struck by an idea and glanced quickly and questioningly at his companion's profile。 〃Blind driving force;〃 said Sir Richmond; musing。 〃Isn't that after all what we really are?〃 he asked the doctor。 〃EssentiallyRage。 A rage in dead matter; making 
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