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knows more than Sir Isaac Newton knew; his knowledge has vanished

away。  You put yesterday's newspaper in the fire:  its knowledge has

vanished away。  You buy the old editions of the great encyclopaedias

for a few cents:  their knowledge has vanished away。  Look how the

coach has been superseded by the use of steam。  Look how electricity

has superseded that; and swept a hundred almost new inventions

into oblivion。  One of the greatest living authorities; Sir William

Thompson; said in Scotland; at a meeting at which I was present;

〃The steam…engine is passing away。〃  〃Whether there be knowledge;

it shall vanish away。〃  At every workshop you will see; in the

back yard; a heap of old iron; a few wheels; a few levers; a few

cranks; broken and eaten with rust。  Twenty years ago that was

the pride of the city。  Men flocked in from the country to see the

great invention; not it is superseded; its day is done。  And all

the boasted science and philosophy of this day will soon be old。

In my time; in the university of Edinburgh; the greatest figure

in the faculty was Sir James Simpson; the discoverer of choloform。

Recently his successor and nephew; Professor Simpson; was asked by

the librarian of the University to go to the library and pick out

the books on his subject (midwifery) that were no longer needed。

His reply to the librarian was this:

〃Take every text…book that is more than ten years old and put it

down in the cellar。〃

Sir James Simpson was a great authority only a few years ago:  men

came from all parts of the earth to consult him; and almost the

whole teaching of that time is consigned by the science of to…day

to oblivion。  And in every branch of science it is the same。  〃Now

we know in part。  We see through a glass darkly。〃  Knowledge does

not last。

Can you tell me anything that is going to last?  Many things Paul

did not condescend to name。  He did not mention money; fortune;

fame; but he picked out the great things of his time; the things

the best men thought had something in them; and brushed them

peremptorily aside。  Paul had no charge against these things in

themselves。  All he said about them was that they would not last。

They were great things; but not supreme things。  There were things

beyond them。  What we are stretches past what we do; beyond what

we possess。  Many things that men denounce as sins are not sins;

but they are temporary。  And that is a favorite argument of the

New Testament。  John says of the world; not that it is wrong; but

simply that it 〃passeth away。〃  There is a great deal in the world

that is delightful and beautiful; there is a great deal in it that

is great and engrossing; but

It will not last。

All that is in the world; the lust of the eye; the lust of the

flesh; and the pride of life; are but for a little while。  Love not

the world therefore。  Nothing that it contains is worth the life

and consecration of an immortal soul。  The immortal soul must give

itself to something that is immortal。  And the only immortal things

are these:  〃Now abideth faith; hope; love; but the greatest of

these is love。〃

Some think the time may come when two of these three things will

also pass awayfaith into sight; hope into fruition。  Paul does

not say so。  We know but little now about the conditions of the

life that is to come。  But what is certain is that Love must last。

God; the Eternal God; is Love。  Covet; therefore; that everlasting

gift; that one thing which it is certain is going to stand; that

one coinage which will be current in the Universe when all the

other coinages of all the nations of the world shall be useless and

unhonored。  You will give yourself to many things; give yourself

first to Love。  Hold things in their proportion。  HOLD THINGS

IN THEIR PROPORTION。  Let at least the first great object of our

lives be to achieve the character defended in these words; the

characterand it is he character of Christwhich is built round


I have said this thing is eternal。  Did you ever notice how continually

John associates love and faith with eternal life?  I was not told

when I was a boy that 〃God so loved the world that He gave His

only…begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should have

everlasting life。〃  What I was told; I remember; was; that God so

loved the world that; if I trusted in Him; I was to have a thing

called peace; or I was to have rest; or I was to have joy; or I was

to have safety。  But I had to find out for myself that whosoever

trusteth in Himthat is; whosoever loveth Him; for trust is only

the avenue to Lovehath

Everlasting life。

The Gospel offers a man a life。  Never offer a man a thimbleful of

Gospel。  Do not offer them merely joy; or merely peace; or merely

rest; or merely safety; tell them how Christ came to give men a more

abundant life than they have; a life abundant in love; and therefore

abundant in salvation for themselves; and large in enterprise for

the alleviation and redemption of the world。  Then only can the

Gospel take hold of the whole of a man; body; soul and spirit; and

give to each part of his nature its exercise and reward。  Many of

the current Gospels are addressed only to a part of man's nature。

They offer peace; not life; faith; not Love; justification; not

regeneration。  And men slip back again from such religion because

it has never really held them。  Their nature was not all in it。  It

offered no deeper and gladder life…current than the life that was

lived before。  Surely it stands to reason that only a fuller love

can compete with the love of the world。

To love abundantly is to live abundantly; and to love forever is

to live forever。  Hence; eternal life is inextricably bound up with

love。  We want to live forever for the same reason that we want to

live to…morrow。  Why do we want to live to…morrow?  Is it because

there is some one who loves you; and whom you want to see to…morrow;

and be with; and love back?  There is no other reason why we should

live on than that we love and are beloved。  It is when a man has

no one to love him that he commits suicide。  So long as he has

friends; those who love him and whom he loves; he will live; because

to live is to love。  Be it but the love of a dog; it will keep him

in life; but let that go; he has no contact with life; no reason

to live。  He dies by his own hand。

Eternal life also is to know God; and God is love。  This is Christ's

own definition。  Ponder it。  〃This is life eternal; that they might

know Thee the only true God; and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent。〃

Love must be eternal。  It is what God is。  On the last analysis;

then; love is life。  Love never faileth; and life never faileth;

so long as there is love。  That is the philosophy of what Paul

is showing us; the reason why in the nature of things love should

be the supreme thingbecause it is going to last; because in the

nature of things it is an Eternal Life。  It is a thing that we are

living now; not that we get when we die; that we shall have a poor

chance of getting when we die unless we are living now。

No worse fate

can befall a man in this world than to live and grow old alone;

unloving and unloved。  To be lost is to live in an unregenerate

condition; loveless and unloved; and to be saved is to love; and

he that dwelleth in love dwelleth already in God。  For God is Love。

Now I have all but finished。  How many of you will join me in

reading this chapter once a week for the next three months?  A man

did that once and it changed his whole life。  Will you do it?  It

is for the greatest thing in the world。  You might begin by reading

it every day; especially the verses which describe the perfect

character。  〃Love suffereth long; and is kind; love envieth not;

love vaunteth not itself。〃  Get these ingredients into your life。

Then everything that you do is eternal。  It is worth doing。  It

is worth giving time to。  No man can become a saint in his sleep;

and to fulfill the condition required demands a certain amount of

prayer and meditation and time; just as improvement in any direction;

bodily or mental; requires preparation and care。  Address yourselves

to that one thing; at any cost have this transcendent character

exchanged for yours。

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments that

stand out; the moments when you have really lived; are the moments

when you have done things in a spirit of love。  As memory scans

the past; above and beyond all the transitory pleasures of life;

there leap forward those supreme hours when you have been enabled

to do unnoticed kindnesses to those round about you; things too

trifling to speak about; but which you feel have entered into your

eternal life。  I have seen almost all he beautiful things God has

made; I have enjoyed almost every pleasure that He has planned for

man; and yet as I look back I see 
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