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or for a national insurance company and founder and Associate Publisher of the first regional woman's magazine in Wisconsin; all while maintaining her professional credentials as a CPA。
Her focus quickly changed to education as she watched her own three children grow。 It was a struggle to get them to read。 They would rather watch TV。
So she was delighted to join forces with the inventor of the first electronic 〃talking book〃 and help expand the electronic book industry to a multi…million dollar international market。 Today; she remains a pioneer in developing new technologies to bring the book back into
children's lives。
As her own children grew; she was keenly involved in their education。 She became a vocal activist in the areas of mathematics; computers; reading and writing education。
〃Our current educational system has not been able to keep pace with the global and technological changes in the world today。 We must teach our young people the skills; both scholastic and financial; that they will need not only to survive; but to flourish; in the world they face。〃
As co…author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the CASHFLOW Quadrant she now focuses her efforts in helping to create educational tools for anyone interested in bettering their own financial education。
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