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what is property-第89章

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; equality of conditions is the final law of society。  It is true that this philosopher admits a kind of property; but as he leaves us to imagine what property would become in presence of equality; we may boldly class him with the opponents of the right of increase。

I must here declare freelyin order that I may not be suspected of secret connivance; which is foreign to my naturethat M。 Leroux has my full sympathy。  Not that I am a believer in his quasi…Pythagorean philosophy (upon this subject I should have more than one observation to submit to him; provided a veteran covered with stripes would not despise the remarks of a conscript); not that I feel bound to this author by any special consideration for his opposition to property。  In my opinion; M。 Leroux could; and even ought to; state his position more explicitly and logically。  But I like; I admire; in M。 Leroux; the antagonist of our philosophical demigods; the demolisher of usurped reputations; the pitiless critic of every thing that is respected because of its antiquity。  Such is the reason for my high esteem of M。 Leroux; such would be the principle of the only literary association which; in this century of coteries; I should care to form。  We need men who; like M。 Leroux; call in question social principles;not to diffuse doubt concerning them; but to make them doubly sure; men who excite the mind by bold negations; and make the conscience tremble by doctrines of annihilation。  Where is the man who does not shudder on hearing M。 Leroux exclaim; 〃There is neither a paradise nor a hell; the wicked will not be punished; nor the good rewarded。  Mortals! cease to hope and fear; you revolve in a circle of appearances; humanity is an immortal tree; whose branches; withering one after another; feed with their debris the root which is always young!〃  Where is the man who; on hearing this desolate confession of faith; does not demand with terror; 〃Is it then true that I am only an aggregate of elements organized by an unknown force; an idea realized for a few moments; a form which passes and disappears?  Is it true that my mind is only a harmony; and my soul a vortex?  What is the ego? what is God?  what is the sanction of society?〃

In former times; M。 Leroux would have been regarded as a great culprit; worthy only (like Vanini) of death and universal execration。  To…day; M。 Leroux is fulfilling a mission of salvation; for which; whatever he may say; he will be rewarded。  Like those gloomy invalids who are always talking of their approaching death; and who faint when the doctor's opinion confirms their pretence; our materialistic society is agitated and loses countenance while listening to this startling decree of the philosopher; 〃Thou shalt die!〃  Honor then to M。 Leroux; who has revealed to us the cowardice of the Epicureans; to M。 Leroux; who renders new philosophical solutions necessary!  Honor to the anti…eclectic; to the apostle of equality!

In his work on 〃Humanity;〃 M。 Leroux commences by positing the necessity of property:  〃You wish to abolish property; but do you not see that thereby you would annihilate man and even the name of man? 。 。 。  You wish to abolish property; but could you live without a body?  I will not tell you that it is necessary to support this body; 。 。 。 I will tell you that this body is itself a species of property。〃

In order clearly to understand the doctrine of M。 Leroux; it must be borne in mind that there are three necessary and primitive forms of society;communism; property; and that which to…day we properly call association。  M。 Leroux rejects in the first place communism; and combats it with all his might。  Man is a personal and free being; and therefore needs a sphere of independence and individual activity。  M。 Leroux emphasizes this in adding:  〃You wish neither family; nor country; nor property; therefore no more fathers; no more sons; no more brothers。  Here you are; related to no being in time; and therefore without a name; here you are; alone in the midst of a billion of men who to…day inhabit the earth。  How do you expect me to distinguish you in space in the midst of this multitude?〃

If man is indistinguishable; he is nothing。  Now; he can be distinguished; individualized; only through a devotion of certain things to his use;such as his body; his faculties; and the tools which he uses。  〃Hence;〃 says M。 Leroux; 〃the necessity of appropriation;〃 in short; property。

But property on what condition?  Here M。 Leroux; after having condemned communism; denounces in its turn the right of domain。  His whole doctrine can be summed up in this single proposition; _Man may be made by property a slave or a despot by turns_。

That posited; if we ask M。 Leroux to tell us under what system of property man will be neither a slave nor a despot; but free; just; and a citizen; M。 Leroux replies in the third volume of his work on 〃Humanity:〃

〃There are three ways of destroying man's communion with his fellows and with the universe: 。 。 。  1。 By separating man in time; 2。 by separating him in space; 3。 by dividing the land; or; in general terms; the instruments of production; by attaching men to things; by subordinating man to property; by making man a proprietor。〃

This language; it must be confessed; savors a little too strongly of the metaphysical heights which the author frequents; and of the school of M。 Cousin。  Nevertheless; it can be seen; clearly enough it seems to me; that M。 Leroux opposes the exclusive appropriation of the instruments of production; only he calls this non…appropriation of the instruments of production a NEW METHOD of establishing property; while I; in accordance with all precedent; call it a destruction of property。  In fact; without the appropriation of instruments; property is nothing。

〃Hitherto。  we have confined ourselves to pointing out and combating the despotic features of property; by considering property alone。  We have failed to see that the despotism of property is a correlative of the division of the human race; 。 。 。 that property; instead of being organized in such a way as to facilitate the unlimited communion of man with his fellows and with the universe; has been; on the contrary; turned against this communion。〃

Let us translate this into commercial phraseology。  In order to destroy despotism and the inequality of conditions; men must cease from competition and must associate their interests。  Let employer and employed (now enemies and rivals) become associates。

Now; ask any manufacturer; merchant; or capitalist; whether he would consider himself a proprietor if he were to share his revenue and profits with this mass of wage…laborers whom it is proposed to make his associates。

〃Family; property; and country are finite things; which ought to be organized with a view to the infinite。  For man is a finite being; who aspires to the infinite。  To him; absolute finiteness is evil。  The infinite is his aim; the indefinite his right。〃

Few of my readers would understand these hierophantic words; were I to leave them unexplained。  M。 Leroux means; by this magnificent formula; that humanity is a single immense society; which; in its collective unity; represents the infinite; that every nation; every tribe; every commune; and every citizen are; in different degrees; fragments or finite members of the infinite society; the evil in which results solely from individualism and privilege;in other words; from the subordination of the infinite to the finite; finally; that; to attain humanity's end and aim; each part has a right to an indefinitely progressive development。

〃All the evils which afflict the human race arise from caste。  The family is a blessing; the family caste (the nobility) is an evil。  Country is a blessing; the country caste (supreme; domineering; conquering) is an evil; property (individual possession) is a blessing; the property caste (the domain of property of Pothier; Toullier; Troplong; &c。) is an evil。〃

Thus; according to M。 Leroux; there is property and property; the one good; the other bad。  Now; as it is proper to call different things by different names; if we keep the name 〃property〃 for the former; we must call the latter robbery; rapine; brigandage。  If; on the contrary; we reserve the name 〃property〃 for the latter; we must designate the former by the term POSSESSION; or some other equivalent; otherwise we should be troubled with an unpleasant synonymy。

What a blessing it would be if philosophers; daring for once to say all that they think; would speak the language of ordinary mortals!  Nations and rulers would derive much greater profit from their lectures; and; applying the same names to the same ideas; would come; perhaps; to understand each other。  I boldly declare that; in regard to property; I hold no other opinion than that of M。 Leroux; but; if I should adopt the style of the philosopher; and repeat after him; 〃Property is a blessing; but the property castethe _statu quo_ of propertyis an evil;〃 I should be extolled as a genius by all the bachelors who write for the reviews。'1'  If; on the contrary; I prefer the classic language of Rome and the civil code; and say accordingly; 〃Possession is a blessing; but property is robbery;〃 immediat
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