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sacred Scriptures… 〃There was under his feet as it were a paved work

of a sapphire stone〃 (Exod。 xxiv。 10); and again; 〃Behold I will lay

thy stones with fair colors; and lay thy foundations with

sapphires。〃 (Isaiah liv。 11。)

  These glazed or porcelain tiles were introduced into Spain at an

early date by the Moslems。 Some are to be seen among the Moorish ruins

which have been there upwards of eight centuries。 Manufactures of them

still exist in the peninsula; and they are much used in the best

Spanish houses; especially in the southern provinces; for paving and

lining the summer apartments。

  The Spaniards introduced them into the Netherlands when they had

possession of that country。 The people of Holland adopted them with

avidity; as wonderfully suited to their passion for household

cleanliness; and thus these Oriental inventions; the azulejos of the

Spanish; the az…zulaj of the Arabs; have come to be commonly known

as Dutch tiles。

                   Important Negotiations。

                  The Author Succeeds to the

                     Throne of Boabdil。

  THE DAY was nearly spent before we could tear ourselves from this

region of poetry and romance to descend to the city and return to

the forlorn realities of a Spanish posada。 In a visit of ceremony to

the Governor of the Alhambra; to whom we had brought letters; we dwelt

with enthusiasm on the scenes we had witnessed; and could not but

express surprise that he should reside in the city when he had such

a paradise at his command。 He pleaded the inconvenience of a residence

in the palace from its situation on the crest of a hill; distant

from the seat of business and the resorts of social intercourse。 It

did very well for monarchs; who often had need of castle walls to

defend them from their own subjects。 〃But senores;〃 added he; smiling;

〃if you think a residence there so desirable; my apartments in the

Alhambra are at your service。〃

  It is a common and almost indispensable point of politeness in a

Spaniard; to tell you his house is yours。… 〃Esta casa es siempre a

la disposicion de Vm。〃 〃This house is always at the command of your

Grace。〃 In fact; any thing of his which you admire; is immediately

offered to you。 It is equally a mark of good breeding in you not to

accept it; so we merely bowed our acknowledgments of the courtesy of

the Governor in offering us a royal palace。 We were mistaken; however。

The Governor was in earnest。 〃You will find a rambling set of empty;

unfurnished rooms;〃 said he; 〃but Tia Antonia; who has charge of the

palace; may be able to put them in some kind of order; and to take

care of you while you are there。 If you can make any arrangement

with her for your accommodation; and are content with scanty fare in a

royal abode; the palace of King Chico is at your service。〃

  We took the Governor at his word; and hastened up the steep Calle de

los Gomeres; and through the Great Gate of Justice; to negotiate

with Dame Antonia; doubting at times if this were not a dream; and

fearing at times that the sage Duena of the fortress might be slow

to capitulate。 We knew we had one friend at least in the garrison; who

would be in our favor; the bright…eyed little Dolores; whose good

graces we had propitiated on our first visit; and who hailed our

return to the palace with her brightest looks。

  All; however; went smoothly。 The good Tia Antonia had a little

furniture to put in the rooms; but it was of the commonest kind。 We

assured her we could bivouac on the floor。 She could supply our table;

but only in her own simple way… we wanted nothing better。 Her niece;

Dolores; would wait upon us and at the word we threw up our hats and

the bargain was complete。

  The very next day we took up our abode in the palace; and never

did sovereigns share a divided throne with more perfect harmony。

Several days passed by like a dream; when my worthy associate; being

summoned to Madrid on diplomatic duties; was compelled to abdicate;

leaving me sole monarch of this shadowy realm。 For myself; being in

a manner a haphazard loiterer about the world and prone to linger in

its pleasant places; here have I been suffering day by day to steal

away unheeded; spellbound; for aught I know; in this old enchanted

pile。 Having always a companionable feeling for my reader; and being

prone to live with him on confidential terms; I shall make it a

point to communicate to him my reveries and researches during this

state of delicious thraldom。 If they have the power of imparting to

his imagination any of the witching charms of the place; he will not

repine at lingering with me for a season in the legendary halls of the


  At first it is proper to give him some idea of my domestic

arrangements; they are rather of a simple kind for the occupant of a

regal palace; but I trust they will be less liable to disastrous

reverses than those of my royal predecessors。

  My quarters are at one end of the Governor's apartment; a suite of

empty chambers; in front of the palace; looking out upon the great

esplanade called la plaza de los algibes (the place of the

cisterns); the apartment is modern; but the end opposite to my

sleeping…room communicates with a cluster of little chambers; partly

Moorish; partly Spanish; allotted to the chatelaine Dona Antonia and

her family。 In consideration of keeping the palace in order; the

good dame is allowed all the perquisites received from visitors; and

all the produce of the gardens; excepting that she is expected to

pay an occasional tribute of fruits and flowers to the Governor。 Her

family consists of a nephew and niece; the children of two different

brothers。 The nephew; Manuel Molina; is a young man of sterling

worth and Spanish gravity。 He had served in the army; both in Spain

and the West Indies; but is now studying medicine in the hope of one

day or other becoming physician to the fortress; a post worth at least

one hundred and forty dollars a year。 The niece is the plump little

black…eyed Dolores already mentioned; and who; it is said; will one

day inherit all her aunt's possessions; consisting of certain petty

tenements in the fortress; in a somewhat ruinous condition it is true;

but which; I am privately assured by Mateo Ximenes; yield a revenue of

nearly one hundred and fifty dollars; so that she is quite an

heiress in the eyes of the ragged son of the Alhambra。 I am also

informed by the same observant and authentic personage; that a quiet

courtship is going on between the discreet Manuel and his

bright…eyed cousin; and that nothing is wanting to enable them to join

their hands and expectations but his doctor's diploma; and a

dispensation from the Pope on account of their consanguinity。

  The good dame Antonia fulfils faithfully her contract in regard to

my board and lodging; and as I am easily pleased; I find my fare

excellent; while the merry…hearted little Dolores keeps my apartment

in order; and officiates as handmaid at meal…times。 I have also at

my command a tall; stuttering; yellow…haired lad; named Pepe; who

works in the gardens; and would fain have acted as valet; but; in

this; he was forestalled by Mateo Ximenes; 〃the son of the

Alhambra。〃 This alert and officious wight has managed; somehow or

other; to stick by me ever since I first encountered him at the

outer gate of the fortress; and to weave himself into all my plans;

until he has fairly appointed and installed himself my valet;

cicerone; guide; guard; and historio…graphic squire; and I have been

obliged to improve the state of his wardrobe; that he may not disgrace

his various functions; so that he has cast his old brown mantle; as

a snake does his skin; and now appears about the fortress with a smart

Andalusian hat and jacket; to his infinite satisfaction; and the great

astonishment of his comrades。 The chief fault of honest Mateo is an

over…anxiety to be useful。 Conscious of having foisted himself into my

employ; and that my simple and quiet habits render his situation a

sinecure; he is at his wit's ends to devise modes of making himself

important to my welfare。 I am; in a manner; the victim of his

officiousness; I cannot put my foot over the threshold of the

palace; to stroll about the fortress; but he is at my elbow; to

explain every thing I see; and if I venture to ramble among the

surrounding hills; he insists upon attending me as a guard; though I

vehemently suspect he would be more apt to trust to the length of

his legs than the strength of his arms; in case of attack。 After

all; however; the poor fellow is at times an amusing companion; he

is simple…minded; and of infinite good humor; with the loquacity and

gossip of a village barber; and knows all the small…talk of the

place and its environs; but what he chiefly values himself on; is

his stock of local information; having the most marvellous stories

to relate of every tower; and vault; and gateway of the fortress; in

all of 
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