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the lion and the unicorn-第15章

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demanded with a challenge in his voice。  〃I thought you were his

〃Yes; he is selfish; and yes; I am his friend;〃 the young man
answered; smiling; 〃at least; he seems willing to be mine。  I am
saying nothing against him that I have not said to him。  If
you'll come back with me up the elevator I'll tell him he's a
self…seeker and selfish; and with no thought above his own
interests。  He won't mind。  He'd say I cannot comprehend his
motives。  Why; you've only to look at his record。  When the
Venezuelan message came out he attacked the President and
declared he was trying to make political capital and to drag us
into war; and that what we wanted was arbitration; but when the
President brought out the Arbitration Treaty he attacked that too
in the Senate and destroyed it。  Why?  Not because he had
convictions; but because the President had refused a foreign
appointment to a friend of his in the South。  He has been a
free silver man for the last ten years; he comes from a free
silver state; and the members of the legislature that elected him
were all for silver; but this last election his Wall Street
friends got hold of him and worked on his feelings; and he
repudiated his party; his state; and his constituents and came
out for gold。〃

〃Well; but surely;〃 Arkwright objected; 〃that took courage?  To
own that for ten years you had been wrong; and to come out for
the right at the last。〃

Livingstone stared and shrugged his shoulders。  〃It's all a
question of motives;〃 he said indifferently。  〃I don't want to
shatter your idol; I only want to save you from counting too much
on him。〃

When Arkwright called on the morrow Senator Stanton was not at
home; and the day following he was busy; and could give him only
a brief interview。  There were previous engagements and other
difficulties in the way of his going which he had not foreseen;
he said; and he feared he should have to postpone his visit to
Cuba indefinitely。  He asked if Mr。 Arkwright would be so
kind as to call again within a week; he would then be better able
to give him a definite answer。

Arkwright left the apartment with a sensation of such keen
disappointment that it turned him ill and dizzy。  He felt that
the great purpose of his life was being played with and put
aside。  But he had not selfish resentment on his own account; he
was only the more determined to persevere。  He considered new
arguments and framed new appeals; and one moment blamed himself
bitterly for having foolishly discouraged the statesman by too
vivid pictures of the horrors he might encounter; and the next;
questioned if he had not been too practical and so failed because
he had not made the terrible need of immediate help his sole
argument。  Every hour wasted in delay meant; as he knew; the
sacrifice of many lives; and there were other; more sordid and
more practical; reasons for speedy action。  For his supply of
money was running low and there was now barely enough remaining
to carry him through the month of travel he had planned to take
at Stanton's side。  What would happen to him when that
momentous trip was over was of no consequence。  He would have
done the work as far as his small share in it lay; he would have
set in motion a great power that was to move Congress and the
people of the United States to action。  If he could but do that;
what became of him counted for nothing。

But at the end of the week his fears and misgivings were
scattered gloriously and a single line from the senator set his
heart leaping and brought him to his knees in gratitude and
thanksgiving。  On returning one afternoon to the mean lodging
into which he had moved to save his money; he found a telegram
from Stanton and he tore it open trembling between hope and fear。

〃Have arranged to leave for Tampa with you Monday; at midnight〃
it read。  〃Call for me at ten o'clock same evening。STANTON。〃

Arkwright read the message three times。  There was a heavy;
suffocating pressure at his heart as though it had ceased
beating。  He sank back limply upon the edge of his bed and
clutching the piece of paper in his two hands spoke the words
aloud triumphantly as though to assure himself that they
were true。  Then a flood of unspeakable relief; of happiness and
gratitude; swept over him; and he turned and slipped to the
floor; burying his face in the pillow; and wept out his thanks
upon his knees。

A man so deeply immersed in public affairs as was Stanton and
with such a multiplicity of personal interests; could not prepare
to absent himself for a month without his intention becoming
known; and on the day when he was to start for Tampa the morning
newspapers proclaimed the fact that he was about to visit Cuba。 
They gave to his mission all the importance and display that
Arkwright had foretold。  Some of the newspapers stated that he
was going as a special commissioner of the President to study and
report; others that he was acting in behalf of the Cuban legation
in Washington and had plenipotentiary powers。  Opposition organs
suggested that he was acting in the interests of the sugar trust;
and his own particular organ declared that it was his intention
to free Cuba at the risk of his own freedom; safety; and even

The Spanish minister in Washington sent a cable for
publication to Madrid; stating that a distinguished American
statesman was about to visit Cuba; to investigate; and; later; to
deny the truth of the disgraceful libels published concerning the
Spanish officials on the island by the papers of the United
States。  At the same time he cabled in cipher to the captain…
general in Havana to see that the distinguished statesman was
closely spied upon from the moment of his arrival until his
departure; and to place on the 〃suspect〃 list all Americans and
Cubans who ventured to give him any information。

The afternoon papers enlarged on the importance of the visit and
on the good that would surely come of it。  They told that Senator
Stanton had refused to be interviewed or to disclose the object
of his journey。  But it was enough; they said; that some one in
authority was at last to seek out the truth; and added that no
one would be listened to with greater respect than would the
Southern senator。  On this all the editorial writers were agreed。

The day passed drearily for Arkwright。  Early in the morning he
packed his valise and paid his landlord; and for the
remainder of the day walked the streets or sat in the hotel
corridor waiting impatiently for each fresh edition of the
papers。  In them he read the signs of the great upheaval of
popular feeling that was to restore peace and health and plenty
to the island for which he had given his last three years of
energy and life。

He was trembling with excitement; as well as with the cold; when
at ten o'clock precisely he stood at Senator Stanton's door。  He
had forgotten to eat his dinner; and the warmth of the dimly lit
hall and the odor of rich food which was wafted from an inner
room touched his senses with tantalizing comfort。

〃The senator says you are to come this way; sir;〃 the servant
directed。  He took Arkwright's valise from his hand and parted
the heavy curtains that hid the dining…room; and Arkwright
stepped in between them and then stopped in some embarrassment。 
He found himself in the presence of a number of gentlemen seated
at a long dinner…table; who turned their heads as he entered and
peered at him through the smoke that floated in light layers
above the white cloth。  The dinner had been served; but the
senator's guests still sat with their chairs pushed back from a
table lighted by candles under yellow shades; and covered with
beautiful flowers and with bottles of varied sizes in stands of
quaint and intricate design。  Senator Stanton's tall figure
showed dimly through the smoke; and his deep voice hailed
Arkwright cheerily from the farther end of the room。  〃This way;
Mr。 Arkwright;〃 he said。  〃I have a chair waiting for you here。〃 
He grasped Arkwright's hand warmly and pulled him into the vacant
place at his side。  An elderly gentleman on Arkwright's other
side moved to make more room for him and shoved a liqueur glass
toward him with a friendly nod and pointed at an open box of
cigars。  He was a fine…looking man; and Arkwright noticed that he
was regarding him with a glance of the keenest interest。  All of
those at the table were men of twice Arkwright's age; except
Livingstone; whom he recognized and who nodded to him pleasantly
and at the same time gave an order to a servant; pointing at
Arkwright as he did so。  Some of the gentlemen wore their
business suits; and one opposite Arkwright was still in his
overcoat; and held his hat in his hand。  These latter seemed to
have arrived after the dinner had begun; for they formed a second
line back of those who had places at the table; they all seemed
to know one another and were talking with much vivacity and

Stanton did not attempt to introduce Arkwright to his guests
individually; but said:  〃Gentlemen; this is Mr。 Arkwright; of
whom I have been telling you; the young gentleman who has done
such magnificent work for the cause of Cuba。〃  Those 
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