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the origins of contemporary france-2-第18章

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are coming! They are burning the crops! They are only six leagues

off; and then only two … the refugees who have run away from the

disorder prove it。

On the 28th of July; at Angoulême;'11' the alarm bell is heard about

three o'clock in the afternoon; the drums beat to arms; and cannon

are mounted on the ramparts。  The town has to be put in a state of

defense against 15;000 bandits who are approaching; and from the

walls a cloud of dust on the road is discovered with terror。  It

proves to be the post…wagon on its way to Bordeaux。  After this the

number of brigands is reduced to 1;500; but there is no doubt that

they are ravaging the country。  At nine o'clock in the evening

20;000 men are under arms; and thus they pass the night; always

listening without hearing anything。  Towards three o'clock in the

morning there is another alarm; the church bells ringing and the

people forming a battle array。  They are convinced that the brigands

have burned Ruffec; Vernenil; La Rochefoucauld; and other places。

The next day countrymen flock in to give their aid against bandits

who are still absent。  〃At nine o'clock;〃 says a witness; 〃we had

40;000 men in the town; to whom we showed our gratitude。〃 As the

bandits do not show themselves; it must be because they are

concealed; a hundred horsemen; a large number of men on foot; start

out to search the forest of Bra?onne; and to their great surprise

they find nothing。  But the terror is not allayed; 〃during the

following days a guard is kept mounted; and companies are enrolled

among the townsmen;〃 while Bordeaux; duly informed; dispatches a

courier to offer the support of 20;000 men and even 30;000。  〃What

is surprising;〃 adds the narrator; is that at ten leagues off in the

neighborhood; in each parish; a similar disturbance took place; and

at about the same hour。〃  All that is required is that a girl;

returning to the village at night; should meet two men who do not

belong to the neighborhood。  The case is the same in Auvergne。

Whole parishes; on the strength of this; betake themselves at night

to the woods; abandoning their houses; and carrying away their

furniture; 〃the fugitives trod down and destroyed their own crops;

pregnant women were injured in the forests; and others lost their

wits。〃 Fear lends them wings。  Two years after this; Madame Campan

was shown a rocky peak on which a woman had taken refuge; and from

which she was obliged to be let down with ropes。   The people at

last return to their homes; and resume their usual routines。  But

such large masses are not unsettled with impunity; a tumult like

this is; in itself; a lively source of alarm。  As the country did

rise; it must have been on account of threatened danger and if the

peril was not due to brigands; it must have come from some other

quarter。  Arthur Young; at Dijon and in Alsace;'12' hears at the

public dinner tables that the Queen had formed a plot to undermine

the National Assembly and to massacre all Paris。  Later on he is

arrested in a village near Clermont; and examined because he is

evidently conspiring with the Queen and the Comte d'Entraigues to

blow up the town and send the survivors to the galleys。

No argument; no experience has any effect against the multiplying

phantoms of an over…excited imagination。  Henceforth every commune;

and every man; provide themselves with arms and keep them ready for

use。  The peasant searches his hoard; and 〃finds from ten to twelve

francs for the purchase of a gun。〃 〃A national militia is found in

the poorest village。〃 Burgess guards and companies of volunteers

patrol all the towns。  Military commanders deliver arms; ammunition;

and equipment; on the requisition of municipal bodies; while; in

case of refusal; the arsenals are pillaged; and; voluntarily or by

force; four hundred thousand guns thus pass into the hands of the

people in six months。'13' Not content with this they must have

cannon。  Brest having demanded two; every town in Brittany does the

same thing; their self…esteem is at stake as well as a need of

feeling themselves strong。  …  They lack nothing now to render

themselves masters。  All authority; all force; every means of

constraint and of intimidation is in their hands; and in theirs

alone; and these sovereign hands have nothing to guide them in this

actual interregnum of all legal powers; but the wild or murderous

suggestions of hunger or distrust。


Attacks on public individuals and public property。  … At Strasbourg。

… At Cherbourg。  … At Mauberge。  … At Rouen。  … At Besan?on。  … At


It would take too much space to recount all the violent acts which

were committed; … convoys arrested; grain pillaged; millers and corn

merchants hung; decapitated; slaughtered; farmers called upon under

the threats of death to give up even the seed reserved for sowing;

proprietors ransomed and houses sacked。'14' These outrages;

unpunished; tolerated and even excused or badly suppressed; are

constantly repeated; and are; at first; directed against public men

and public property。  As is commonly the case; the rabble head the

march and stamp the character of the whole insurrection。

On the 19th of July; at Strasbourg; on the news of Necker's return

to office; it interprets after its own fashion the public joy; which

it witnesses。  Five or six hundred beggars;'15' their numbers soon

increased by the petty tradesmen; rush to the town hall; the

magistrates only having time to fly through a back door。  The

soldiers; on their part; with arms in their hands; allow all these

things to go on; while several of them spur the assailants on。  The

windows are dashed to pieces under a hailstorm of stones; the doors

are forced with iron crowbars; and the populace enter amid a burst

of acclamations from the spectators。  Immediately; through every

opening in the building; which has a facade frontage of eighty feet;

〃 there is a shower of shutters; sashes; chairs; tables; sofas;

books and papers; and then another of tiles; boards; balconies and

fragments of wood…work。〃 The public archives are thrown to the wind;

and the surrounding streets are strewed with them; the letters of

enfranchisement; the charters of privileges; all the authentic acts

which; since Louis XIV; have guaranteed the liberties of the town;

perish in the flames。  Some of the rabble in the cellars stave in

casks of precious wine; fifteen thousand measures of it are lost;

making a pool five feet deep in which several are drowned。  Others;

loaded with booty; go away under the eyes of the soldiers without

being arrested。  The havoc continues for three days; a number of

houses belonging to some of the magistrates 〃are sacked from garret

to cellar。〃 When the honest citizens at last obtain arms and restore

order; they are content with the hanging of one of the robbers;

although; in order to please the people; the magistrates are changed

and the price of bread and meat is reduced。  …  It is not surprising

that after such tactics; and with such rewards; the riot should

spread through the neighborhood far and near: in fact; starting from

Strasbourg it overruns Alsace; while in the country as in the city;

there are always drunkards and rascals found to head it。

No matter where; be it in the East; in the West; or in the North;

the instigators are always of this stamp。  At Cherbourg; on the 21st

of July;'16' the two leaders of the riot are 〃 highway robbers;〃 who

place themselves at the head of women of the suburbs; foreign

sailors; the populace of the harbor; and it includes soldiers in

workmen's smocks。  They force the delivery of the keys of the grain

warehouses; and wreck the dwellings of the three richest merchants;

also that of M。 de Garantot; the sub…delegate: 〃All records and

papers are burnt; at M。 de Garantot's alone the loss is estimated at

more than 100;000 crowns at least。〃  The same instinct of

destruction prevails everywhere; a sort of envious fury against all

who possess; command; or enjoy anything。  At Maubeuge; on the 27th

of July; at the very assembly of the representatives of the

commune;'17' the rabble interferes directly in its usual fashion。  A

band of nail and gun…makers takes possession of the town…hall; and

obliges the mayor to reduce the price of bread。  Almost immediately

after this another band follows uttering cries of death; and smashes

the windows; while the garrison; which has been ordered out; quietly

contemplates the damage done。  Death to the mayor; to all rulers;

and to all employees! The rioters force open the prisons; set the

prisoners free; and attack the tax…offices。  The octroi offices are

demolished from top to bottom: they pull down the harbor offices and

throw the scales and weights into the river。  All the custom and

excise stores are carried off; and the officials are compelled to

give acquaintances。  The houses of the registrar and of the sheriff;

that of the revenue comptr
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