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english stories-london-第4章

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when; by setting off the way he had come; he gave me the opportunity

of going home。

Knowing from the talk of the club what the lower orders are; could I

doubt that this was some discreditable love…affair of William's? His

solicitude for his wife had been mere pretence; so far as it was

genuine; it meant that he feared she might recover。 He probably told

her that he was detained nightly in the club till three。

I was miserable next day; and blamed the deviled kidneys for it。

Whether William was unfaithful to his wife was nothing to me; but I

had two plain reasons for insisting on his going straight home from

his club: the one that; as he had made me lose a bet; I must punish

him; the other that he could wait upon me better if he went to bed


Yet I did not question him。 There was something in his face that

Well; I seemed to see his dying wife in it。

I was so out of sorts that I could eat no dinner。 I left the club。

Happening to stand for some time at the foot of the street; I chanced

to see the girl Jenny coming; and No; let me tell the truth; though

the whole club reads: I was waiting for her。

〃How is William's wife to…day?〃 I asked。

〃She told me to nod three times;〃 the little slattern replied; 〃but

she looked like nothink but a dead one till she got the brandy。

〃Hush; child!〃 I said; shocked。 〃You don't know how the dead look。〃

〃Bless yer;〃 she answered; 〃don't I just! Why; I've helped to lay 'em

out。 I'm going on seven。〃

〃Is William good to his wife?〃

〃Course he is。 Ain't she his missis?〃

〃Why should that make him good to her?〃 I asked; cynically; out of my

knowledge of the poor。 But the girl; precocious in many ways; had

never had any opportunities of studying the lower classes in the

newspapers; fiction; and club talk。 She shut one eye; and; looking up

wonderingly; said:

〃Ain't you greenjust!〃

〃When does William reach home at night?〃

〃 'Tain't night; it's morning。 When I wakes up at half dark and half

light; and hears a door shutting; I know as it's either father going

off to his work or Mr。 Hicking come home from his。〃

〃Who is Mr。 Hicking?〃

〃Him as we've been speaking onWilliam。 We calls him mister; 'cause

he's a toff。 Father's just doing jobs in Covent Gardens; but Mr。

Hicking; he's a waiter; and a clean shirt every day。 The old woman

would like father to be a waiter; but he hain't got the 'ristocratic


〃What old woman?〃

〃Go 'long! that's my mother。 Is it true there's a waiter in the club

just for to open the door?〃

〃Yes; but〃

〃And another just for to lick the stamps? My!〃

〃William leaves the club at one o'clock?〃 I said; interrogatively。

She nodded。 〃My mother;〃 she said; 〃is one to talk; and she says Mr。

Hicking as he should get away at twelve; 'cause his missis needs him

more'n the gentlemen need him。 The old woman do talk。〃

〃And what does William answer to that?〃

〃He says as the gentleman can't be kept waiting for their cheese。〃

〃But William does not go straight home when he leaves the club?〃

〃That's the kid。〃

〃Kid!〃 I echoed; scarcely understanding; for; knowing how little the

poor love their children; I had asked William no questions about the


〃Didn't you know his missis had a kid?〃

〃Yes; but that is no excuse for William's staying away from his sick

wife;〃 I answered; sharply。 A baby in such a home as William's; I

reflected; must be trying; but still Besides; his class can sleep

through any din。

〃The kid ain't in our court;〃 the girl explained。 〃He's in W。; he is;

and I've never been out of W。C。; leastwise; not as I knows on。〃

〃This is W。 I suppose you mean that the child is at West Kensington?

Well; no doubt it was better for William's wife to get rid of the


〃Better!〃 interposed the girl。 〃 'Tain't better for her not to have

the kid。 Ain't her not having him what she's always thinking on when

she looks like a dead one?〃

〃How could you know that?〃

〃Cause;〃 answered the girl; illustrating her words with a gesture; 〃I

watches her; and I sees her arms going this way; just like as she

wanted to hug her kid。〃

〃Possibly you are right;〃 I said; frowning; 〃but William had put the

child out to nurse because it disturbed his night's rest。 A man who

has his work to do〃

〃You are green!〃

〃Then why have the mother and child been separated?〃

〃Along of that there measles。 Near all the young 'uns in our court has

'em bad。〃

〃Have you had them?〃

〃I said the young 'uns。〃

〃And William sent the baby to West Kensington to escape infection?〃

〃Took him; he did。〃

〃Against his wife's wishes?〃


〃You said she was dying for want of the child?〃

〃Wouldn't she rayther die than have the kid die?〃

〃Don't speak so heartlessly; child。 Why does William not go straight

home from the club? Does he go to West Kensington to see it?〃

〃 'Tain't a hit; it's an 'e。 Course he do。〃

〃Then he should not。 His wife has the first claim on him。〃

〃Ain't you green! It's his missis as wants him to go。 Do you think she

could sleep till she knowed how the kid was?〃

〃But he does not go into the house at West Kensington?〃

〃Is he soft? Course he don't go in; fear of taking the infection to

the kid。 They just holds the kid up at the window to him; so as he can

have a good look。 Then he comes home and tells his missis。 He sits

foot of the bed and tells。〃

〃And that takes place every night? He can't have much to tell。〃

〃He has just。〃

〃He can only say whether the child is well or ill。〃

〃My! He tells what a difference there is in the kid since he seed him


〃There can be no difference!〃

〃Go 'long! Ain't a kid always growing? Haven't Mr。 Hicking to tell how

the hair is getting darker; and heaps of things beside?〃

〃Such as what?〃

〃Like whether he larfed; and if he has her nose; and how as he knowed

him。 He tells her them things more 'n once。〃

〃And all this time he is sitting at the foot of the bed?〃

〃 'Cept when he holds her hand。〃

〃But when does he get to bed himself?〃

〃He don't get much。 He tells her as he has a sleep at the club。〃

〃He cannot say that。〃

〃Hain't I heard him? But he do go to his bed a bit; and then they both

lies quiet; her pretending she is sleeping so as he can sleep; and him

'feard to sleep case he shouldn't wake up to give her the bottle


〃What does the doctor say about her?〃

〃He's a good one; the doctor。 Sometimes he says she would get better

if she could see the kid through the window。〃


〃And if she was took to the country。〃

〃Then why does not William take her?〃

〃My! you are green! And if she drank port wines。〃

〃Doesn't she?〃

〃No; but William; he tells her about the gentlemen drinking them。〃

On the tenth day after my conversation with this unattractive child I

was in my brougham; with the windows up; and I sat back; a paper

before my face lest any one should look in。 Naturally; I was afraid of

being seen in company of William's wife and Jenny; for men about town

are uncharitable; and; despite the explanation I had ready; might have

charged me with pitying William。 As a matter of fact; William was

sending his wife into Surrey to stay with an old nurse of mine; and I

was driving her down because my horses needed an outing。 Besides; I

was going that way at any rate。

I had arranged that the girl Jenny; who was wearing an outrageous

bonnet; should accompany us; because; knowing the greed of her class;

I feared she might blackmail me at the club。

William joined us in the suburbs; bringing the baby with him; as I had

foreseen they would all be occupied with it; and to save me the

trouble of conversing with them。 Mrs。 Hicking I found too pale and

fragile for a workingman's wife; and I formed a mean opinion of her

intelligence from her pride in the baby; which was a very ordinary

one。 She created quite a vulgar scene when it was brought to her;

though she had given me her word not to do so; what irritated me even

more than her tears being her ill…bred apology that she 〃had been

'feared baby wouldn't know her again。〃 I would have told her they

didn't know any one for years had I not been afraid of the girl Jenny;

who dandled the infant on her knees and talked to it as if it

understood。 She kept me on tenter…hooks by asking it offensive

questions; such as; 〃 'Oo know who give me that bonnet?〃 and answering

them herself; 〃It was the pretty gentleman there;〃 and several times I

had to affect sleep because she announced; 〃Kiddy wants to kiss the

pretty gentleman。〃

Irksome as all this necessarily was to a man of taste; I suffered even

more when we reached our destination。 As we drove through the village

the girl Jenny uttered shrieks of delig
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