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the story of a bad boy-第2章

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difficulty with the tribes when we landed at Boston。

I couldn't get the Indian out of my head。 Only a short time previously the Cherokees…or was it the Camanches?…had been removed from their hunting…grounds in Arkansas; and in the wilds of the Southwest the red men were still a source of terror to the border settlers。 〃Trouble with the Indians〃 was the staple news from Florida published in the New Orleans papers。 We were constantly hearing of travellers being attacked and murdered in the interior of that State。 If these things were done in Florida; why not in Massachusetts?

Yet long before the sailing day arrived I was eager to be off。 My impatience was increased by the fact that my father had purchased for me a fine little Mustang pony; 20and shipped it to Rivermouth a fortnight previous to the date set for our own departure…for both my parents were to accompany me。 The pony (which nearly kicked me out of bed one night in a dream); and my father's promise that he and my mother would come to Rivermouth every other summer; completely resigned me to the situation。 The pony's name was Gitana; which is the Spanish for gypsy; so I always called her…she was a lady pony…Gypsy。

At length the time came to leave the vine…covered mansion among the orange…trees; to say goodby to little black Sam (I am convinced he was heartily glad to get rid of me); and to part with simple Aunt Chloe; who; in the confusion of her grief; kissed an eyelash into my eye; and then buried her face in the bright bandana turban which she had mounted that morning in honor of our departure。

I fancy them standing by the open garden gate; the tears are rolling down Aunt Chloe's cheeks; Sam's six front teeth are glistening like pearls; I wave my hand to him manfully。 then I call out 〃goodby〃 in a muffled voice to Aunt Chloe; they and the old home fade away。 I am never to see them again!

Chapter Three

On Board the Typhoon

I do not remember much about the voyage to Boston; for after the first few hours at sea I was dreadfully unwell。

The name of our ship was the 〃A No。 1; fast…sailing packet Typhoon。〃 I learned afterwards that she sailed fast only in the newspaper advertisements。 My father owned one quarter of the Typhoon; and that is why we happened to go in her。 I tried to guess which quarter of the ship he owned; and finally concluded it must be the hind quarter…the cabin; in which we had the cosiest of state…rooms; with one round window in the roof; and two shelves or boxes nailed up against the wall to sleep in。

There was a good deal of confusion on deck while we were getting under way。 The captain shouted orders (to which nobody seemed to pay any attention) through a battered tin trumpet; and grew so red in the face that he reminded me of a scooped…out pumpkin with a lighted candle inside。 He swore right and left at the sailors without the slightest regard for their feelings。 They didn't mind it a bit; however; but went on singing…

〃Heave ho!

With the rum below;

And hurrah for the Spanish Main O!〃

I will not be positive about 〃the Spanish Main;〃 but it was hurrah for something O。 I considered them very jolly fellows; and so indeed they were。 One weather…beaten tar in particular struck my fancy…a thick…set; jovial man; about fifty years of age; with twinkling blue eyes and a fringe of gray hair circling his head like a crown。 As he took off his tarpaulin I observed that the top of his head was quite smooth and flat; as if somebody had sat down on him when he was very young。

There was something noticeably hearty in this man's bronzed face; a heartiness that seemed to extend to his loosely knotted neckerchief。 But what completely won my good…will was a picture of enviable loveliness painted on his left arm。 It was the head of a woman with the body of a fish。 Her flowing hair was of livid green; and she held a pink comb in one hand。 I never saw anything so beautiful。 I determined to know that man。 I think I would have given my brass pistol to have had such a picture painted on my arm。

While I stood admiring this work of art; a fat wheezy steamtug; with the word AJAX in staring black letters on the paddlebox; came puffing up alongside the Typhoon。 It was ridiculously small and conceited; compared with our stately ship。 I speculated as to what it was going to do。 In a few minutes we were lashed to the little monster; which gave a snort and a shriek; and commenced backing us out from the levee (wharf) with the greatest ease。

I once saw an ant running away with a piece of cheese eight or ten times larger than itself。 I could not help thinking of it; when I found the chubby; smoky…nosed tug…boat towing the Typhoon out into the Mississippi River。

In the middle of the stream we swung round; the current caught us; and away we flew like a great winged bird。 Only it didn't seem as if we were moving。 The shore; with the countless steamboats; the tangled rigging of the ships; and the long lines of warehouses; appeared to be gliding away from us。

It was grand sport to stand on the quarter…deck and watch all this。 Before long there was nothing to be seen on other side but stretches of low swampy land; covered with stunted cypress trees; from which drooped delicate streamers of Spanish moss…a fine place for alligators and Congo snakes。 Here and there we passed a yellow sand…bar; and here and there a snag lifted its nose out of the water like a shark。

〃This is your last chance to see the city; To see the city; Tom;〃 said my father; as we swept round a bend of the river。

I turned and looked。 New Orleans was just a colorless mass of something in the distance; and the dome of the St。 Charles Hotel; upon which the sun shimmered for a moment; was no bigger than the top of old Aunt Chloe's thimble。

What do I remember next? The gray sky and the fretful blue waters of the Gulf。 The steam…tug had long since let slip her hawsers and gone panting away with a derisive scream; as much as to say; 〃I've done my duty; now look out for yourself; old Typhoon!〃

The ship seemed quite proud of being left to take care of itself; and; with its huge white sails bulged out; strutted off like a vain turkey。 I had been standing by my father near the wheel…house all this while; observing things with that nicety of perception which belongs only to children; but now the dew began falling; and we went below to have supper。

The fresh fruit and milk; and the slices of cold chicken; looked very nice; yet somehow I had no appetite There was a general smell of tar about everything。 Then the ship gave sudden lurches that made it a matter of uncertainty whether one was going to put his fork to his mouth or into his eye。 The tumblers and wineglasses; stuck in a rack over the table; kept clinking and clinking; and the cabin lamp; suspended by four gilt chains from the ceiling; swayed to and fro crazily。 Now the floor seemed to rise; and now it seemed to sink under one's feet like a feather…bed。

There were not more than a dozen passengers on board; including ourselves; and all of these; excepting a bald…headed old gentleman…a retired sea…captain…disappeared into their staterooms at an early hour of the evening。

After supper was cleared away; my father and the elderly gentleman; whose name was Captain Truck; played at checkers; and I amused myself for a while by watching the trouble they had in keeping the men in the proper places。 just at the most exciting point of the game; the ship would careen; and down would go the white checkers pell…mell among the black。 Then my father laughed; but Captain Truck would grow very angry; and vow that he would have won the game in a move or two more; if the confounded old chicken…coop…that's what he called the ship…hadn't lurched。

〃I…I think I will go to bed now; please;〃 I said; laying my band on my father's knee; and feeling exceedingly queer。

It was high time; for the Typhoon was plunging about in the most alarming fashion。 I was speedily tucked away in the upper berth; where I felt a trifle more easy at first。 My clothes were placed on a narrow shelf at my feet; and it was a great comfort to me to know that my pistol was so handy; for I made no doubt we should fall in with Pirates before many hours。 This is the last thing I remember with any distinctness。 At midnight; as I was afterwards told; we were struck by a gale which never left us until we came in sight of the Massachusetts coast。

For days and days I had no sensible idea of what was going on around me。 That we were being hurled somewhere upside…down; and that I didn't like it; was about all I knew。 I have; indeed; a vague impression that my father used to climb up to the berth and call me his 〃Ancient Mariner;〃 bidding me cheer up。 But the Ancient Mariner was far from cheering up; if I recollect rightly; and I don't believe that venerable navigator would have cared much if it had been announced to him; through a speaking…trumpet; that 〃a low; black; suspicious craft; with raking masts; was rapidly bearing down upon us!〃

In fact; one morning; I thought that such was the case; for bang! went the big cannon I had noticed in the bow of the ship when we came on board; and which had suggested to me the idea of Pirates。 Bang! went the g
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